Distributed safety-critical control for linear homogeneous vehicle platoons subject to actuator and communication delays
63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 16-19 Dezember 2024, Mailand, Italien

Distributed event-triggered constrained control for linear homogeneous vehicle platoons
17th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportations Systems (CTS), Juli 1-3, 2024. Grecian Bay Hotel, Ayia Napa, Zypern

Performance Comparison Between Constrained Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controllers of Homogeneous Vehicle Platoons
32 nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 11-14 Juni 2024. Chania, Crete, Griechenland

Distributed nonlinear control for homogeneous vehicle platoons using Riemannian contraction metrics and control barrier functions
IEEE/IFAC 8th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 15-17 May 2024. Paris, Frankreich

Distributed Predecessor-Follower Constrained Platooning Control of Linear Heterogeneous Vehicles
UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), 10-12 April 2024. Winchester, UK

Unmanned vehicles on the rise: a review on projects of cooperating robot teams.
Zeitschrift at – Automatisierungstechnik, Band 72, Heft 1, 10. Januar 2024, https://doi.org/10.1515/auto-2022-0153

Distributed Leader-Followers Constrained Platooning Control of Linear Homogeneous Vehicles.
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 13-15 Dezember 2023. Marina Bay Sands, Singapur

Constrained distributed consensus control of homogeneous vehicle platoons with bidirectional communication.
Control Engineering Practice, Volume 140, November 2023, 105690.

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons with Bidirectional Communication Using Artificial Potential Fields.
IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 24-28 September 2023. Bilbao, Spanien

Comparison of trajectory tracking flight controllers in position and heading for multicopter.
31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 26-29 Juni 2023. Limassol, Zypern

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons with Bidirectional Communication.
31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 26-29 Juni 2023. Limassol, Zypern

Distributed Consensus Control of Homogeneous Vehicle Platoons With Bidirectional Communication.
31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 26-29 Juni 2023. Limassol, Zypern

Adaptive Optimal Control of Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons With Bidirectional Communication and Uncertain Dynamics.
31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 26-29 Juni 2023. Limassol, Zypern

Multivariate inspection of German steel civil infrastructure using autonomous UAS.
The 8th international symposium on life-cycle civil engineering (IALCCE), 02-06 Juni 2023. Mailand, Italien

Projekt DNeD: UAS-gestützte Sensor-Ablage auf Freileitungen.
Drones-Magazine, Ausgabe 03/2023 (S. 74-77), Wellhausen & Marquart, Hamburg,
basierend auf einem Interview mit M. Bihl und M. Alpen

Practical Validation of Autonomous Source Localization with Ground Robots.
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 05-07 Dezember 2022. Neapel, Italien

Funktions- und Messprinzip des Absetz- und Datenerfassungskonzepts eines Systems zur flugmobilen Netzdatenerfassung.
dtec.bw-Beiträge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr dtec.bw – Band 1 · 2022, S. 134-140,
ISBN (Druck): 978-3-86818-316-0, ISBN (Online): 978-3-86818-315-3, DOI: 10.24405/14522

Drohnengestutzte, multivariate Inspektionssysteme zur Zustandserfassung von Stahlbrücken und Stahlwasserbauten.
dtec.bw-Beiträge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr dtec.bw – Band 1 · 2022, S. 249-253,
ISBN (Druck): 978-3-86818-316-0, ISBN (Online): 978-3-86818-315-3, DOI: 10.24405/14522

Constrained Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons.
26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 22-25 August 2022. Lille, Międzyzdroje, Polen

A Remark on Cascaded Energy Based Trajectory Tracking Control of a Quadrotor.
26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 22-25 August 2022. Lille, Międzyzdroje, Polen

KI-Inspektionsdrohne – Adaption einer Flugplattform und Synthese von Regelstrukturen und Algorithmen im Inspektionsbetrieb.
Abschlussbericht im Rahmen von LuFo V.3, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2022.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1871018781

UAS Based Autonomous Visual Inspection of Airplane Surface Defects.
Predictive Maintenance, and Communication and Energy Systems in a Globally Networked World. SPIE, 2022, Long
Beach, California, United States

Automated Path Planning for UAS in Context of Airliner Inspection.
27th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress (ITS), Hamburg, Deutschland, www.its2021.hamburg, 2021.

Digitalisierte, flugmobile Inspektion und Netzdatenerfassung mit automatisierten Drohnen – DNeD.
Published in „Stand der Technik und Digitalisierung bei integrierten Energiesystemen, Sektorenkopplungs- und Mobilitätstechnologien“, https://doi.org/10.24405/13958, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2021.

Towards Reinforcement Learning Control of an Electromechanical Pinball Machine.
pp 1–11. International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI, 2021. Lulea, Sweden

Finding Stability Bounds for Delayed Systems with Uncertain Parameters.
European Control Conference (ECC), June 2021. Delft, Niederlande

Inherent Effects of Homogenization in Non-Homogeneous Vehicle Platoons.
p. 314-320. 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportations Systems (CTS), June 8-10, 2021. Lille, France

Situation-aware Switching of the Communication Topology in Heterogeneous Platooning Applications.
p. 306-313. 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportations Systems (CTS), June 8-10, 2021. Lille, France

Autonoumous Surface Inspection of Airplanes with Unmanned Aerial Systems
7th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), Prague, Czech Republic, Feb. 2021

Hardware in the Loop Simulation of Aircraft Inspection by an Unmanned Aerial System
7th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), Prague, Czech Republic, Feb. 2021

Mitigation and Evasion of Negative Effects of Nonhomogeneous Vehicle Dynamics in Platooning Applications
European Control Conference (ECC) 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia, 12.-15. Mai 2020.

Control of Heterogeneous Platoons Using a Delay-Based Spacing Policy.
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 11.-17. Juli 2020.

Limited Gradient Criterion for Global Source Seeking with Mobile Robots.
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 11.-17. Juli 2020.

A comparison of three quasi-LPV models of a PEM fuel cell used for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, Romania, Oct. 2020

Studie zum Thema teleoperiertes Fahren im Konvoi (Elektronische Deichsel/Platooning)
Vortrag bei der F&T Community Tagung Unbemannte Systeme Land (Karlsruhe), Februar 2020

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a PEM Fuel Cell With an Integrated Li-ion Battery Using qLPV
IEEE 15th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 2019

Collision Avoidance for Cooperative Formation Control of a Robot Group
10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles IAV 2019: Gdansk, Poland, 3–5 July 2019
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 434-439

Studie zum Thema teleoperiertes Fahren im Konvoi (Elektronische Deichsel/Platooning)
Vortrag beim Workshop InnoGewinne 2019, Planungsamt der Bundeswehr (Berlin), April 2019

Teleoperiertes Fahren im Konvoi im Kontext der Bundeswehr
Vortrag beim Workshop Forschungscluster SiLo mit Ltr Abt A BMVg, HSU (Hamburg), Mai 2019

Automatic Notch Filter Width Tuning for Resonance Peaks in Gearless Servo Drives
European Control Conference (ECC), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018

Regelung zum effizienten Betrieb eines PEM-Brennstoffzellensystems .
Dissertation, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 24. April 2017

Anwendung adaptiver Notch Filter bei Maschinen mit rotativen Direktantrieben .
GMA Gesellschaft für Meß- und Automatisierungstechnik Modellbildung
(Hrsg.): Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik, 2017

On the Way to Purge Volume Control during Purge Processes of a Fuel Cell System by a Predictive Control Strategy .
Preprints of the 20th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017

Damping of resonance peaks using adaptive notch filters in gearless servo drives .
Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2017, S. 164–169

Damping of resonance peaks using adaptive notch filters in gearless servo drives .
Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2017, S. 164–169

Real Time Multiple Resonance Peak Detection in Servo Drive Applications .
– Awarded for best oral presentation –
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, ACM, 2017. ISBN 978–1–4503–5339–7

Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Source Seeking in Multi-Agent Systems .
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, July 2017, S. 11427-11433

Quantifying the Control Performance of Gearless Servo Drives for Real Time Applications .
IEEE Asian Control Conference, 2017 – formally accepted

Quantifying the Control Performance of Gearless Servo Drives for Real Time Applications .
IEEE Asian Control Conference, 2017 – formally accepted

Modeling, state estimation and nonlinear model predictive control of cathode exhaust gas mass flow for PEM fuel cells .
Control Engineering Practice, Volume 49, April 2016, Elsevier, S. 76–86

Iterative Learning Control of a PEM Fuel Cell System during Purge Processes .
IEEE International Energy Conference ENERGYCON, Belgien, April 2016

Application of a Hardware-in-the-loop DC/DC Converter and Microgrid Simulation to a PEMFC .
IEEE International Energy Conference ENERGYCON, Belgien, April 2016

Offset-Free Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Electrical Power of a PEM Fuel Cell System Using an Extended Kalman Filter .
23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED, Griechenland, Juni 2016, S. 106-111

Optimal Iterative Control of a PEM Fuel Cell System during Purge Processes .
21th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Polen, August 2016

Comparison of Consensus Loop Designs with a Mission Error Signal .
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2016

Distributed Formation Control for Autonomous Robots Following Desired Shapes in Noisy Environment .
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Germany, September 2016.

Iterativ Lernende Regelung des Anodendrucks während der Spülvorgänge eines Brennstoffzellensystems .
at – Automatisierungstechnik, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016, Vol. 64, Nr. 8, S. 671-680

Knie-Exoskelett für bewegungseingeschränkte und gehandicapte Personen mit flexiblem Gelenk zur Realisierung menschlicher Bewegungsmuster .
Zweite Transdisziplinäre Konferenz Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen, Dezember 2016, ISBN: 978-3-86818-089-3, S. 549-556

Book Title: Small Machine Tools for Small Workpieces, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering
Chapter Title: Multifunctional and Intelligent Mechanical Interface for a Fast, Easy and Precise (Re-) Configuration of Small Modular Machine Tools
Book ISBN: 978-3-319-49267-4, Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Modellierung und Nichtlineare Modellprädiktive Regelung des Abluftmassenstroms von Brennstoffzellen
at – Automatisierungstechnik 2015; 63(4): 312–321.

Formation Control of Leader-Following UAVs to Track a Moving Target in a Dynamic Environment
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 3, No. 1; February 2015

Formation adaptation control of autonomous robots in a dynamic environment
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, pages 3190-3195, March 17-19, 2015.

Collinear formation control of autonomous robots to move towards a target using artificial force fields
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, Boston, USA, pages 1-6, May 11-12, 2015.

A mobile sensor network tracking moving targets in a dynamic environment
Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle systems MVS 2015, Genova, Italy, pages 1-6, May 18, 2015.

Error Handling Approach of a PEM Fuel Cell System by Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
23th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Torremolinos, Spanien, 16.-19. Juni 2015.

Power Control for Efficient Operation of a PEM Fuel Cell System by Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
1st Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems, Sankt Petersburg, Russland, 24.-26. Juni 2015.

Formation control of autonomous robots following desired formation during tracking a moving target
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, Gdynia, Poland, pages 160-165, June 24-26, 2015.

Power Efficient Operation of a PEM Fuel Cell System Using Cathode Pressure and Excess Ratio by Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
European Control Conference 2015, Linz, Österreich, 15.-17. Juli 2015.

Feedback Tracking Control Based on a Trajectory-Specific Finite-Time Causal Inverse
AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference,Vail, Colorado, USA, 9.-13. August 2015.

Online Identification of an Electric PEMFC Model for Power Control by NMPC
20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Polen, 24.-27. August 2015.

Stability of V-formation while tracking a moving target
Proceedings of the Automatics- 2015 XXII International Conference on Automatic Control, Odessa, Ukraine, pages 154-156, September 10-11, 2015.

Modellprädiktive Leistungsregelung eines Brennstoffzellensystems mit Wechselrichter in einem Microgrid
Nachhaltige Energieversorgung und Integration von Speichern, Hamburg, 10.-11. September 2015.

Iterativ Lernende Regelung eines PEM-Brennstoffzellensystems während anodenseitiger Spülvorgänge
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30, Anif, Österreich, 23.-25. September 2015

State Estimation of Exhaust Valve Position by Kalman Filter in PEM Fuel Cell Systems
4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Palermo, Italien, 22.-25. November 2015.

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a PEM Fuel Cell System for Cathode Exhaust Gas Generation
Preprints of the 19th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control
Cape Town, South Africa, August 24-29, 2014

Intelligent Swarm-Finding in Formation Control of Multi-Robots to Track a Moving Target
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer, Information Science an Engineering Vol:8 No:4, 2014

Begrenzung des Differenzdrucks zwischen Anode und Kathode eines PEM-Brennstoffzellensystems mittels Nichtlinearer Modellprädiktiver Regelung
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“
Anif/Salzburg, 24.-26. September 2014

Formation Control of Autonomous Robots to Track a Moving Target in an Unknown Environment
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Sinaia, Romania, October 17-19, 2014

Path Planning for a Formation of Autonomous Robots in an Unknown Environment Using Artificial Force Fields
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
Bali, Indonesia, December 5-10, 2014

In: Wilfried Plaßmann, Detlef Schulz (Hrsg.):
Handbuch Elektrotechnik .
Auflage. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2013.

State Estimation for PEM Fuel Cell Systems with Time Delay by an Unscented Kalman Filter and Predictor Strategy .
20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Platanias-Chania, Crete, Greece,
25.-28. Juni 2013.

An Autonomous Indoor UAV with a Real-Time On-Board Orthogonal SLAM
20thIntelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Volume 8 | Part 1 , Sofitel Gold Coast, Gold Coast, Australia,
26.-28. Juni 2013.

A function integrated and intelligent mechanical interface for small modular machine tools .
In: Precision Engineering (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2013.08.001

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Generation of Exhaust Gas with Low Oxygen Content .
Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Würzburg, Germany. Copyright by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
2.-6. September 2013.

Autonome Erkundung und Kartographierung unbekannter Innenräume durch einen Flugroboter.
Dissertation. Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg,
September 2013

PEM Fuel Cell System Power Control Based on a Feedback-Linearization Approach .
20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spanien,
3.-6. Juli 2012.

Modeling and Simulation of a Coupled Double-Loop-Cooling System for PEM-Fuel Cell Stack Cooling .
2012 UKACC International Conference on Control, Cardiff, UK,
3.-5. September 2012.

Optimization Approach for Cathode Exhaust Gas Conditioning of a Multifunctional PEM Fuel Cell System for the Application in Aircraft .
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2012, Berlin, Deutschland, DocumentID: 281322,
10.-12. September 2012.

Regelungsstrategie für Massenstrom und Sauerstoffkonzentration für sauerstoffarmes Abgas von PEM-Brennstoffzellensystemen .
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik“, Anif/Salzburg,
19.-21. September 2012.

A Real-Time On-Board Orthogonal SLAM for an Indoor UAV
5th International Conference, ICIRA 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, Proceedings, Part III, pp542-551,
3.-5. Oktober 2012

Current Control of a PEMFC System connected to an Electrical Load through a DC/DC Converter .
19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Korfu, Griechenland,
20.-23. Juni 2011.

A Simulation Algorithm for Natural Gas Networks Based on Node Potential Analysis with Modelling of Real Gas Behaviour.
18th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Mailand, Italien,
August – 2. September 2011.

A Control Oriented Simulation Model of an Evaporation Cooled Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell System.
18th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Mailand, Italien,
August – 2. September 2011.

Analysis of different Methods to Improve the Fuel Cell Dynamics for Modern Aircraft Applications .
46th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, Soest, Deutschland,
5.-8. September 2011.

On the Way to a Real-Time On-Board Orthogonal SLAM for an Indoor UAV .
4th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Aachen,
Deutschland, 6.-8. Dezember 2011.

Distance and Velocity Estimation of Projectiles Based on Doppler Radar Signals Using a Nonlinear Discrete-Time Observer .
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA, 5.-9. April 2010.

On-Board SLAM Map Optimization for Indoor UAV Using a Laser Range Finder.
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA, 5.-9. April 2010.

State Estimation of Projectiles Based on Doppler Radar Signals Using EKF and UKF .
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakesch, Marokko,
23.-25. Juni 2010.

Nonlinear Position and Velocity Estimation of Projectiles Based on Doppler Radar Signals.
16th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, Wuppertal, Deutschland,
26.-30. Juli 2010.

Time Efficient Strategy to Explore Unknown Indoor Environments by Mobile Ground Robots .
3th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Shanghai, China,
10.-12. November 2010.

The Extension of the Node Potential Analysis Algorithm for Simulation of Real Gas Behavior .
30th IASTED Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (AsiaMIC 2010),
Phuket, Thailand, 24.-28. November 2010.

Simultaneous Probabilistic Localisation and Learning: Online Learning of Feature Maps .
European Control Conference 2009 (ECC 09), Budapest, Ungarn, 23.-26. August 2009.

Nonlinear Modeling and Position Control of an Industrial Quadrotor with On-Board Attitude Control .
7th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Christchurch, Neuseeland, 9.-11. Dezember 2009.

Indoor Online Learning of Feature Maps using SPLL .
7th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Christchurch, Neuseeland, 9.-11. Dezember 2009.

Obradovic, Joachim Horn, Uwe Hanebeck:
Adaptive Localization in Wireless Networks.
Danilo Mandic, Martin Golz, Anthony Kuh, Dragan Obradovic, Toshihisa Tanaka, Eds.,
Signal Processing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion,
Springer-Verlag, 2008.

Simultaneous Probabilistic Localization and Learning: A New Algorithm for Online Learning.
IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2008, Monterey, Kalifornien, USA,
5.-8. Mai 2008.

SLL: Relations to Kohonen SOMs.
IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2008, Monterey, Kalifornien, USA,
5.-8. Mai 2008.

SPLL: Simultaneous Probabilistic Localization and Learning.
17th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, 6.-11. Juli 2008.

SLL: Statistical Conditions and Algebraic Properties.
IEEE 4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation, and Communication 2007, Hannover,
Deutschland, 22. März 2007, S. 113-120.

Algebraic and Statistical Condition for Use of SLL.
European Control Conference 2007 (ECC 07), Kos, Griechenland, 2.-5. Juli 2007.

Eliminiation of Hopf Bifurcations within a Power System using Washout Filter
5th MATHMOD International IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Wien,
Österreich, 8.-10. Februar 2006.

Generation of Hopf Bifurcations within a Power System Model through Washout
Proceedings of the 25th IASTED International Conference MODELLING,
IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL, Lanzarote, Kanarische Inseln, Spanien, 6.-8.
Februar 2006.

A New Algorithm for Gas Network Simulation.
Proceedings of the 25th IASTED International Conference MODELLING,
IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL, Lanzarote, Kanarische Inseln, Spanien, 6.-8.
Februar 2006.

Bamberger, Dragan Obradovic:
Initialization and Online-Learning of RSS Maps for Indoor/Campus Localization.
Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2006
San Diego, Kalifornien, USA, 24.-27. April 2006.

Bifurcation Analysis of Power System Load Characteristics with Continuation
Journal Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Taylor &
Francis, Band 11, Heft 4, Dezember 2005, S. 425-445.

A New Algorithm for Gas Network Simulation.
Kolloquium der Automatisierungstechnik, Salzhausen, 11.-12. November 2005.

Nichtlineare Modellierung mit Gauß-Prozessen.
Workshop der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und 1.40, Bosen, 25.-30. September 2005.

Ein innovatives Verfahren zur Gasnetzsimulation.
GMA-Kongress 2005, Baden-Baden, 7.-8. Juni 2005.

Identification of Critical Load Parameters in Power Systems Using Bifurcation Analysis.
5th International Conference on Control and Automation, Budapest, Ungarn, 26.-29. Juni 2005.

Modelling of Peroxide-Bleaching of Pulp Using Gaussian Processes.
16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prag, Tschechien, 4.-8. Juli 2005.

Control of Power Systems with FACTS Devices Considering Different Load Characteristics.
16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prag, Tschechien, 4.-8. Juli 2005.

Lastdynamiken und ihre Auswirkungen auf FACTS-Regelungen und das Bifurkationsverhalten von Elektroenergiesystemen,
VDE-Kongress 2004, Berlin 2004, Fachtagungsberichte der ITG/ETG, Band 1, S. 629-634.

Bifurkationsanalysen und Anwendungen für Elektroenergiesysteme.
26. Kolloquium der Automatisierungstechnik, Salzhausen, Deutschland, 5.-6. November 2004, S. 19.
2003 und älter
Horn, J.; Hanebeck, U. D.; Riegel, K.; Heesche, K.; Hauptmann, W.:
Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones.
Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5084, AeroSense Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA,
21.-25. April 2003.
Horn, J.; Bamberger, J.; Michau, P.; Pindl, S.:
Flachheitsbasierte Kupplungsregelung für automatisierte Schaltgetriebe.
GMA-Kongress 2003, Baden-Baden, 3.-4. Juni 2003.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
Data Validation in the Presence of Imprecisely Known Correlations.
European Control Conference 2003 (ECC 03), Cambridge, Vereinigtes Königreich,
1.-4. September 2003.
Horn, J.; Hanebeck, U. D.; Riegel, K.; Heesche, K.; Hauptmann, W.:
Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones.
European Control Conference 2003 (ECC 03), Cambridge, Vereinigtes Königreich,
1.-4. September 2003.
Horn, J.; Bamberger, J.; Michau, P.; Pindl, S.:
Flatness-Based Clutch Control for Automated Manual Transmissions.
Control Engineering Practice, Band 11, Heft 12, 2003, S. 1353-1359.
M. Fette, I. Winzenick :
Analysis of Power System Dynamics in Consideration of Load Characteristics with Continuation Methods, Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD International IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Wien 2003, ARGESIM Report 24, S. 721 – 728
M. Fette, I. Winzenick :
Konzepte zur FACTS-Regelung von Elektroenergiesystemen, Publikation des GMA-Ausschuss 1.4, Interlaken 2003, Abteilung für Regelungstechnik und Prozessautomatisierung, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 2003, S. 192-206
Horn, J.; Hanebeck, U. D.; Riegel, K.; Heesche, K.; Hauptmann, W.:
Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones.
International Symposium on Location Based Services for Cellular Users
(LOCELLUS 2002), München, 10.-11. April 2002.
Horn, J.; Hanebeck, U. D.; Riegel, K.; Heesche, K.; Hauptmann, W.:
Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones.
Ortung und Navigation, Heft 1, 2002, S. 93-99.
Horn, J.; Bamberger, J.; Michau, P.; Pindl, S.:
Flatness-Based Clutch Control for Automated Manual Transmissions.
15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spanien, 21.-26. Juli 2002.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
An Efficient Method for Simultaneous Map Building and Localization.
SPIE Vol. 4385, AeroSense Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, 16.-20. April 2001,
S. 233-243.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
Neue Ergebnisse zur Zustandsschätzung bei simultan auftretenden
mengenbasierten und stochastischen Unsicherheiten.
GMA-Kongress 2001, 22.-23. Mai 2001, Baden-Baden, VDI-Berichte 1608, S. 837-844.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
New Estimators for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models:
The General Case.
2001 American Control Conference (ACC 2001), Arlington, Virginia, USA,
25.-27. Juni 2001.
Horn, J.; Birkhölzer, T.; Hogl, O.; Pellegrino, M.; Scheiterer, R.; Schmidt, K.; Tresp, V.:
Medical Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Generation of Bayesian Networks.
Workshop „Bayesian Models in Medicine“, European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 01), Cascais, Portugal, 1. Juli 2001, S. 35-39.
Horn, J.; Birkhölzer, T.; Hogl, O.; Pellegrino, M.; Scheiterer, R.; Schmidt, K.; Tresp, V.:
Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Generation of Bayesian Networks for a
Medical Dialogue and Advisory System.
S. Quaglini, P. Barahona, S. Andreassen, Eds., Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Springer-Verlag, 2001, S. 199-202.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Briechle, K.; Horn, J.:
A Tight Bound for the Joint Covariance of Two Random Vectors with Unknown but Constrained Cross-Correlation.
IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems
(MFI 2001), Baden-Baden, 20.-22. August 2001, S. 85-90.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
New Estimators for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models:
The General Case.
6th European Control Conference (ECC 2001), Porto, Portugal, 4.-7. September 2001,
S. 2398-2403.
Horn, J.:
Trajectory Tracking of a Batch Polymerization Reactor Based on Input-Output-Linearization of a Neural Process Model.
Computers and Chemical Engineering, Band 25, Heft 11-12, 2001, S. 1561-1567.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
Zustandsschätzung im Fall simultan auftretender mengenbasierter und
stochastischer Unsicherheiten.
Automatisierungstechnik, Band 48, Heft 6, Juni 2000, S. 265-272.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
Fusing Information Simultaneously Corrupted by Uncertainties with Known
Bounds and Random Noise with Known Distribution.
Information Fusion, Band 1, Heft 1, Juli 2000, S. 55-63.
Franke, D.:
Modelling nondeterministic discrete-event behaviour by descriptor systems.
In I. Troch et al. (Eds.): Proc. 3rd IMACS Symposium MATHMOD, Vienna, Austria 2000, Vol. 1, pp. 243-246.
Franke, D.:
2D versus Lyapunov type approach to hybrid systems.
Proc. 14th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2000 (invited session), Perpignan, France, June 19-23, 2000, CD-ROM.
Franke, D., Frick, K., Holm, H. und Moor, T.:
Kooperierende Schweißroboter im Schiffbau – eine Laborstudie.
UNIFORSCHUNG, Forschungsmagazin der UniBw Hamburg (10) 2000, S. 3-8.
Moor, T.:
Approximationsbasierter Entwurf diskreter Steuerungen für gemischtwertige Regelstrecken (Dissertation).
Reihe: Forschungsberichte aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Band 2, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2000.
Neira, J.; Tardós, J. D.; Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
Fusing Range and Intensity Images for Mobile Robot Localization.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Band 15, Heft 1, Februar 1999, S. 76-84.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
A New State Estimator for a Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Model.
SPIE Vol. 3720, AeroSense Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, 5.-9. April 1999,
S. 336-344.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
A New Estimator for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models
Applied to Mobile Robot Localization.
1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 99),
Detroit, Michigan, USA, 12.-14. Mai 1999, S. 1335-1340.
Horn, J.:
Trajectory Tracking of a Batch Polymerization Reactor Based on
Input-Output-Linearization of a Neural Process Model.
F. Keil, W. Mackens, H. Voß, J. Werther, Eds.,
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II,
2. Simulation, Image Processing, Optimization, and Control,
Springer-Verlag, 1999, S. 372-379.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
On Combining Statistical and Set Theoretic Estimation.
Automatica, Band 35, Heft 6, Juni 1999, S. 1101-1109.
Birkhölzer, T.; Haft, M.; Hofmann, R.; Horn, J.; Pellegrino, M.; Tresp, V.:
Intelligent Communication in Medical Care.
Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical
Decision Making (AIMDM 99), Aalborg, Dänemark, 20.-24. Juni 1999, S. 4.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
New Estimators for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models:
The Vector Case.
5th European Control Conference (ECC 99), Karlsruhe, 31. August – 3. September 1999.
Horn, J.:
A Comparative Case Study of Direct Inverse Control and Input-Output-Linearization
Using a Neural Plant Model.
5th European Control Conference (ECC 99), Karlsruhe, 31. August – 3. September 1999.
Horn, J.:
Feedback-Linearization Using Neural Process Models.
Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 99),
Edinburgh, Vereinigtes Königreich, 7.-10. September 1999, S. 37-42.
Schmidt, K.; Haft, M.; Hofmann, R.; Horn, J.; Pellegrino, M.; Tresp, V.:
Intelligent Dialogues in Home Health Care.
20th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics und
44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik,
Biometrie und Epidemiologie (ISCB-GMDS-99), Heidelberg, 14.-17. September 1999.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
New Results for State Estimation in the Presence of Mixed Stochastic and
Set Theoretic Uncertainties.
1999 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference (SMC 99), Tokyo, Japan,
12.-15. Oktober 1999, Band 5, S. 86-91.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
State Estimation Based on Observations Simultaneously Corrupted by
Random Noise with Known Distribution and Uncertainties with Known Bounds.
1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS 99), Kyongju, Korea, 17.–21. Oktober 1999, S. 665-670.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.:
New Estimators for Mixed Stochastic and Set Theoretic Uncertainty Models:
The Scalar Measurement Case.
1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 99), Phoenix, Arizona, USA,
7.-10. Dezember 1999, S. 1934-1939.
Franke, D., Frick, K., Moor, T. and Holm, H.:
Hybrid resource allocation problems – a laboratory case study.
Proc. Int. Symp. “Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Technologies” (AMPST ’99), Univ. of Bradford, UK, 1999, pp. 103-111.
Franke, D.:
2D Approach to hybrid systems. In J. Zaytoon (Ed.): Automation of Mixed Processes -Hybrid Dynamical Systems, special issue of Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA), Vol. 32, no. 9-10, 1999, pp. 1285-1300.
Franke, D., Frick, K., Holm, H., and Moor, T.:
Kooperierende Roboter- eine Fallstudie zu hybriden Ressourcenzuweisungsproblemen.
In E. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Entwicklung und Betrieb komplexer Automatisierungssysteme. Tagungsband EKA’99, TU Braunschweig, Band I, S. 205-217.
Franke, D.:
Rule-based design and 2D-analysis of a hybrid system.
In M. P. Polis et al. (Eds.): Systems modelling and optimization, Proc. 18th IFIP TC7 Conference, Chapman & Hall / CRC, London, New York 1999, pp. 384-390.
Franke, D.:
2D-Analysis of Hybrid Systems.
In P. M. Frank (Ed.): Advances in Control – Highlights of ECC’99, Springer Verlag, London 1999, pp. 293-299.
Marschall, G.:
Zum modellbasierten Entwurf dezentraler Automatisierungssysteme (Dissertation). VDI_Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999.
Moor, T. and Raisch, J.:
Discrete Control of Switched Linear Systems (Invited paper).
Proc. European Control Conference, ECC’99, Karlsruhe 1999, paper No.
F 1014-5.
Kazakova-Frehse, N. and Moor, T.:
Piecewise constant Lyapunov functions for the construction of robust regions of attraction.
Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 9 (1999), pp. 451-460.
Moor, T., Raisch, J.:
Supervisory control of hybrid systems within a behavioural framework.
Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 38, Issue 3, 1999, pp. 157-166.
Wagenhuber, J.; Horn, J.; Zander, H.-J.:
Datengetriebene und hybride Modellierung und deren Anwendung zur Regelung chemischer Prozesse.
DECHEMA Jahrestagung, Wiesbaden, 26.-28. Mai 1998, Band II, S. 355-356.
Horn, J.:
Feedback-Linearisierung auf der Grundlage neuronaler Prozeßmodelle.
GMA-Kongress ’98, Ludwigsburg, 18.-19. Juni 1998, VDI-Berichte 1397, S. 877-884.
Horn, J.; Jankowska, E.:
Feedback-Linearization Using Data-Based Dynamic Modeling.
International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw, Polen ,
15.-18. September 1998, Band I, S. 104-114.
Horn, J.:
Input-Output-Linearization Using Neural Process Models.
1998 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 98), Tampa, Florida, USA,
16.-18. Dezember 1998, S. 1070-1075.
Franke, D.:
2D-Approach to Stability of Hybrid Systems.
In J. Zaytoon (Ed.): Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Automation of Mixed Processes, Reims, France 1998, pp. 159-163.
Franke, D. and Moor, T.:
Combined Rule- and Model-Based Design of a Hybrid Thermal Process.
In P. Borne et al. (Eds.): Proc IMACS Multiconference „Computational Engineering in Systems Applications“, Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia 1998, Vol. 3, pp. 630-634.
Franke, D.:
On Stability of Resource to Task Allocation Problems.
In M. Jamshidi et al. (Eds.): Proc. 3rd World Automation Congress, WAC’98, Anchorage, Alaska, USA 1998, pp. ISOMA-020.1-020.6.
Franke, D.:
New Results in the Arithmetic Approach to Discrete-Event Systems.
In M. H. Hamza (Ed.): Proc. IASTED International Conference „Intelligent Systems and Control“, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1998, pp. 78-81.
Franke, D.:
Arithmetische Logik – ein Brückenschlag zwischen diskreten Steuerungen und klassischen Regelungen.
In D. Abel und K. Lemmer (Hrsg.): Theorie ereignisdiskreter Systeme, Kapitel 6,
S. 135-159, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München, Wien, 1998
Kazakova-Frehse, N. – Frick, K.:
The estimation of a robust domain of attraction using Gershgorin theorem.
International journal of robust and nonlinear control, Vol. 8, pp. 295-303 (1998).
Marschall, G.:
Mikroskopische Simulation von Profibus-Netzwerken zur Performance-Analyse.
In: Michaelis, B., Holub, H. (Hrsg.): Tagungsband Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik 1998, Magdeburg 1998.
Moor, T.:
Event Driven Control of Switched-Integrator-Systems.
In J. Zaytoon (Ed.): Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Automation of Mixed Processes, Reims, France 1998, pp. 271-277.
Moor, T., Raisch, J., O’Young, S. D.:
Supervisory control of hybrid systems via l-complete approximations.
Proc. WODES’98, pp. 426-431, Cagliari, Italien, 1998.
Moor, T., Kazakova-Frehse, N.:
Nonlinear robustness analysis via piecewise constant Lyapunov functions.
Proc. MMAR’98, pp. 251-256, Miedzyzdroje, Polen, 1998.
Moor, T., Raisch, J.:
Estimating reachable states of hybrid systems via l-complete approximations.
Proc. SSCC’98, Durban, Südafrika, 1998.
Marschall, G. und Jotter, M.:
Modellierung und Simulation von Feldbusanwendungen mit Hilfe von Petri-Netzen am Beispiel des Profibus.
Automatisierungstechnik 46 (1998), S. 565-574.
Horn, J.:
Bahnführung eines mobilen Roboters mittels absoluter Lagebestimmung durch Fusion von Entfernungsbild- und Koppelnavigationsdaten.
Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 8, Nr. 617, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1997.
Prange, S. J.; Jansen, M; Horn, J.:
Adaptive Comb-Filtering Using Neural Networks.
International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Chicago, USA, 11.-13. Juni 1997,
S. 406-407.
Horn, J.; Jansen, M; Prange, S. J.:
Adaptive Comb-Filtering Using Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Band 43, Heft 3, August 1997,
S. 833-836.
Franke, D.:
2D-Analyse eines ereignisdiskret gesteuerten Dreitanksystems.
Fachtagung „Moderne Methoden des Regelungs- und Steuerungsentwurfes“, Magdeburg, 1997. Tagungsband Seite 212-218.
Franke, D.:
Output Shaping in Certain Nonlinear Control Systems.
In J. Stefan (Ed.): Proc. Conf. Modelling and Simulation, MOSIS’97, Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic, ACTA MOSIS No. 66 (1997), Vol. 3, pp. 9-14.
Franke, D.:
Fault Management in Discrete Manufacturing Processes via an Arithmetic Approach.
In P.P. Borne et al. (Eds.): Preprints of IFAC Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France 1997, Vol. 3, pp. 343-346.
Franke, D.:
Ein arithmetischer Zugang zu diskreten Steuerungen.
In E. Schnieder u. D. Abel (Hrsg.): Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme,
5. Fachtagung mit Tutorium, Braunschweig 1997, Band I, S. 66-78.
Franke, D.:
Switched Flow Systems Redesign.
In M. H. Hamza (Ed.): Proc. IASTED Conference CONTROL’97, Cancun, Mexico 1997, pp. 23-26.
Franke, D.:
Galerkin-Type Modelling and Design of Control Systems.
In M. H. Hamza (Ed.): Proc. IASTED Conference APPLIED MODELLING AND SIMULATION, Banff, Canada 1997, pp. 237-240.
Kazakova-Frehse, N. – Frick, K.:
An Estimation of robust domain of attraction via enclosure of eigenvalues.
Proc. of the IASTED International Conference CONTROL ’97,
Cancun, Mexico, ACTA PRESS, Anaheim, Calgary, Zürich, 1997, pp. 219-222.
Marschall, G.:
Petri Net Simulation of a Distributed Automation System Based on Profibus. In I. Troch and F. Breitenecker (Eds.): Proc. IMACS Symp. on MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vienna, Austria, ARGESIM Report No. 11, 1997, pp. 241-246.
Neira, J.; Horn, J.; Tardós, J. D.; Schmidt, G.:
Multisensor Mobile Robot Localization.
1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22.-28. April 1996, S. 673-679.
Hanebeck, U. D.; Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
On Combining Set Theoretic and Bayesian Estimation.
1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22.-28. April 1996, S. 3081-3086.
Neira, J.; Tardós, J. D.; Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
Mobile Robot Localization Using Range and Vision.
C. Bonivento, C. Melchiorri, H. Tolle, Eds., Advances in Robotics, The ERNET
Perspective, Research Workshop of ERNET – European Robotics Network,
Darmstadt, 9.-10. September 1996, S. 183-190.
Franke, D.:
2 – D Modelling of Hybrid Continuous – Boolean Dynamical Systems.
In M. H. Hamza (Ed.): Proc. IASTED/ISMM Internat. Conference „Modelling and Simulation“, Pittsburgh Pa., USA, ACTA Press, Calgary 1996, pp. 297-300.
Franke, D.:
Observer Design for Multilinear Discrete Systems with Boolean States.
Proc. 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control & Automation, Maleme/Chania, Krete, Greece 1996, pp. 207-211.
Franke, D.:
Observer – Based Fault Detection and Supervision in Discrete Process Logistics.
In: J.J. Gertler et al. (Eds.): Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, San Francisco, USA, 1996, Vol. N, pp. 31-35.
Franke, D.:
Arithmetische Logik – Ein Brückenschlag zwischen diskreten Steuerungen und klassischen Regelungen.
Automatisierungstechnik 44 (1996), Seite 553-563.
Franke, D.:
2-D Modelling of Automated Manufacturing Systems.
In M. Jamshidi et al. (Eds.): Proc. World Automation Congress WAC’96, Intelligent Automation and Control, Montpellier, France; TSI Press Albuquerque 1996, Vol. 4, pp. 237-242.
Frick, K.:
Zum Reglerentwurf für gesteuerte Petri-Netze. Automatisierungstechnik 44 (1996) 12, S. 564-570.
Marschall, G.:
Petri Net Simulation of a Fieldbus Communication Application. Proc. IEEE Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’96, Kauai, Hawaii 1996,Vol. 1, pp. 63-69.
Hochhaus, H., Hanelt, C., Jotter, M. und Marschall, G.:
Online-Optimierung des Übertragungsverhaltens eines SPS-Verbundes unter PROFIBUS mit Hilfe von Fuzzy-Logik. Forschungsbericht Nr. 96-1, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Forschungsvereinigung für Meß-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik e.V., 1996, ISSN 0944-694 X.
Kazakova – Frehse, N.: The Estimation of the Robust Stability Region of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems. Proc. 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Maleme, Krete, Greece 1996, pp. 41-46
Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
Continuous Localization for Long-Range Indoor Navigation Navigation of Mobile
1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nagoya, Japan,
21.-27. Mai 1995, S. 387-394.
Neira, J.; Horn, J; Tardós, J. D.; Schmidt, G.:
Fusing Laser Range and Intensity Images for Mobile Robot Localization.
TELEMAN Telerobotics Research Conference & ERNET Workshop, Noordwijkerhout, Niederlande, 2.-5. Juli 1995, S. 511-518.
Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.:
Continuous Localization of a Mobile Robot Based on 3D-Laser-Range-Data, Predicted Sensor Images, and Dead-Reckoning.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Band 14, Heft 2-3, 1995, S. 99-118.
Franke, D.:
Modelling and simulation in production logistics based on arithmetic notations in discrete-event systems.
Proc. Colloquium-Workshop „Advanced Simulation of Systems“, ACTA MOSIS No. 57, Univ. of Ostrava 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 55-60
Franke, D.:
Boolean Controller Design for Discrete Systems via Eigenvalue Assignment.
In E. Kacki (Ed.): Proc. of 8th International Symposium on System, Modelling, Control; Zakopane, Poland 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 264-267
Franke, D.:
State reconstruction and eigenvalue assignment for a class of discrete-event systems.
In: A. Sydow (Ed.): Systems Analysis, Modelling, Simulation; Proc. IMACS Symposium, Berlin 1995, pp. 443-446
Franke, D.:
Arithmetic Modelling – A Link between Discrete-Time Systems and Binary Process Control
App. Math. and Comp. Sci., 1995, vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 511-521
Franke, D.:
Model-Based Boolean Control of a Class of Discrete-Event Systems.
In: S. Banka et al. (Eds.): Proc. 2nd Intern. Symp. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR ´95, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Vol. 2, pp. 799-802
Franke, D.:
Fault Detection in Boolean Processes via Arithmetic Modelling.
In: I. Vondrak and J. Stefan (Eds.): Proc. Conf. Computer Science, Technical Univ. Ostrava, Czech Republic 1995, pp. 91-98
Franke, D.:
On the Inclusion of Models in Generating Control Action for Discrete-Event Systems.
In: F. Breitenecker and I. Husinsky (Eds.): Proc. 1995 EUROSIM Conference, Vienna, Austria, Elsevier 1995, pp. 427-432
Franke, D.:
Observer-based control of discrete material flow processes.
Proc. INRIA/IEEE Symp. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, EFTA ´95, Paris, France 1995, Vol. 2, pp. 535-541
Franke, D.:
A linear state space approach to a class of discrete-event systems.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 39 (1995), pp. 499-503
Franke, D.:
Observer-based feedback control of a class of discrete-event systems.
Trans. Inst. Measurement and Control, Vol. 17 No. 4, 1995, pp. 169-174
Frick, K.:
Steuerungsentwurf für Petri-Netze. In E. Schnieder (Hrsg.): Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme. Tagungsband der 4. Fachtagung, Braunschweig 1995, S. 357-369.
Moreno Pérez, J.A.:
Betriebsanpassungsregler für nichtlineare Systeme (Dissertation). Fortschr. Ber. VDI Reihe 8 Nr. 474. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995
Schumacher, A.:
Reglerentwurf durch Kollokation für zeitvariante Systeme (Dissertation). Fortschr. Ber. VDI Reihe 8 Nr. 494. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995
Marschall, G.:
Offene Bussysteme in Hochleistungsfertigungszellen. Tagungsband Feldbustechnologie 1995 (D. Dietrich, P. Neumann, Ed.), ÖVE-Schriftenreihe, Band Nr. 9, Wien, 1995, S. 267-273.
Kazakova-Frehse, N.: Analytic Methods for the Construction of Asymptotic Stability Regions. Proc. 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995.
Azarm K.; Bott, W.; Freyberger, F.; Glüer, D., Horn, J.; Schmidt, G:
Autonomiebausteine eines mobilen Roboterfahrzeugs für Innenraumumgebungen.
Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, Band 36, Heft 1, 1994, S. 7-15.
Horn, J.; Ruß, J.:
Localization of a Mobile Robot by Matching 3D-Laser-Range-Images and Predicted
Sensor Images.
Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, Paris, Frankreich, 24.-26. Oktober 1994, S. 345-350.
Horn, J.:
Cartesian Motion Control of a Mobile Robot.
Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, Paris, Frankreich, 24.-26. Oktober 1994, S. 443-448.
Horn, J.; Schmidt, G.; Ruß, J.; Färber, G.:
Localization System for a Mobile Robot Based on a 3D-Laser-Range-Camera and an
Environmental Model.
27th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dedicated
Conference on Robotics, Motion , and Machine Vision, Aachen,
31. Oktober – 4. November 1994, S. 321-328.
Horn, J.:
Cartesian Motion Control System of the Autonomous Mobile Robot MACROBE.
27th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dedicated
Conference on Robotics, Motion , and Machine Vision, Aachen,
31. Oktober – 4. November 1994, S. 369-376.
Franke, D.:
A Linear State Space Approach to a Class of Discrete-Event Systems.
In: I. Troch and F. Breitenecker (Eds.): Proc. of IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Technical Univ. Vienna, Austria 1994, Vol. 3, pp. 492-496
Franke, D.:
On the use of reduced observers in discrete systems with a finite number of states – an arithmetic approach.
In R. Whalley (Ed.): Application of Multivariable System Techniques (AMST 94), Mechanical Eng. Publ. Ltd., London 1994, pp. 133-138
Franke, D.:
Modelling discrete-event systems by imbedding in Euklidean space.
In J. Stefan (Ed.): Proc. of 28th Spring International Conf. MOSIS ´94, ACTA MOSIS No. 54, pp. 3-7
Franke, D.:
Neue Wege in der diskreten Steuerungstechnik.
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 111 (1994), S. 254-257
Franke, D.:
Feedback Control of Arithmetically Linear Discrete-Event Systems.
Proc. of the First Asian Control Conference, Tokyo 1994, Vol. 2, pp. 885-887
Franke, D.:
Arithmetic modelling – a link between discrete-time systems and binary process control.
Proc. of the First International Symposium on Mathematical Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 1994, pp. 83-86
Franke, D.:
Rule-based Boolean control of discrete-event systems – an arithmetic approach.
Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, Techn. Univ. of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany 1994, IEE-Conf. Publ. No. 395, pp. 218-221
Franke, D.:
Robust Cyclic Process Control Based on Qualitative Boolean Models.
In J.C. Geromel and P.M.G. Ferreira (Eds.): Proc. of IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 1994, pp. 353-357
Franke, D.:
Arithmetical Logic – A Bridge Between Various Fields of Systems Engineering.
In: G. Johannsen (Ed.): Preprints of IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, Baden-Baden, 1994, pp. 437-440
Franke, D., Knoop, M. und Krüger, K.:
Entwurf linearer Mehrgrößenausgangsregler durch Kollokation im Laplace-Bildbereich (Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr.–Ing. E.h. Otto Föllinger zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet).
Automatisierungstechnik 42 (1994), S. 442-448
Franke, D.:
Sequentielle Systeme – Binäre und Fuzzy Automatisierung mit arithmetischen Polynomen.
Vieweg-Verlag Wiesbaden, Braunschweig, 1994
Frick, K.:
Zur Beschreibung von Petri-Netzen als Abtastsystem. Automatisierungstechnik 42 (1994) 9, S. 385-390.
Azarm K.; Bott, W.; Freyberger, F.; Glüer, D., Horn, J.; Schmidt, G:
Autonomiebausteine des mobilen Roboters MACROBE.
G. Schmidt, Hrsg., Autonome Mobile Systeme 1993, 9. Fachgespräch, München,
28.-29. Oktober 1993, S. 81-94.
Franke, D.:
Fuzzy Modelling and Control via Modified Shegalkin Polynomials.
Proc. 5th Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems, Olomouc, Czech Republik; ACTA MOSIS No. 51, House of Technology Ostrava 1993, pp. 1-8
Franke, D.:
Fuzzy Control with Lyapunov Stability.
In: J.W. Nieuwenhuis et al. (Eds.): Proc. of the Second European Control Conference ECC ´93, Groningen, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, pp. 493-496
Franke, D.:
Observability and Observer Design for Arithmetically Linear Finite Automata.
Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Victoria Univ. of Technology, Melbourne, Australia 1993, Vol. 1, pp. 171-178
Franke, D.:
Global Linearization of Finite State Machines via Feedback Control.
Preprints of 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia 1993, Vol. 4, pp. 157-160
Franke, D.:
Neue Wege in der diskreten Steuerungstechnik.
Tagungsband des 4. Internationalen DAAAM-Symposiums „Automation und Metrologie: Mensch, Technik, Umwelt“, Technische Universität Brno, Tschechien 1993, S. 83-84
Franke, D.:
Design of Rule Basis for Fuzzy Control via Boolean Switching Table.
Proc. of AMSE International Conference „Information Processing – Methodologies and Applications“, Orlando, Fl (USA) 1993, Vol. 1, pp. 105-112
Franke, D., Krüger, K. und Knoop, M.:
Systemdynamik und Reglerentwurf – Ein Zugang über verallgemeinerte Fourier-Reihen.
Oldenbourg Verlag, München, Wien 1993
Horn, J.; Bott, W.; Freyberger, F.; Schmidt, G.:
Kartesische Bewegungssteuerung des autonomen mobilen Roboters MACROBE.
Robotersysteme, Band 8, Heft 1, 1992, S. 33-43.
Franke, D.:
A New Representation of Boolean Functions with Applications to Binary Process Control.
Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control for Quality and Productivity, ACQP ´92, Istanbul, Türkiye, 1992, Vol. 1, pp. 225-233
Franke, D.:
A Novel Approach to Finite Automata with Control Application to Transport Systems.
Proc. of the First International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, Edinburgh, UK, 1992: IEE Conference Publication No. 360, pp. 71-76
Franke, D.:
Binary Information Processing in a New Arithmetic View.
Proc. Intern. AMSE Conference on Signals, Data, Systems, Chicago, USA 1992, AMSE Press, Vol. 1, pp. 167-175
Franke, D. und Frick, K.:
Magnetregelung im HERA Protonenring – Eine Studie für das Deutsche Elektronensynchrotron (DESY) Hamburg.
Uniforschung, Forschungsmagazin der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg 1/1992,
S. 24-32
Knoop, M.:
A novel approach to PID controller design for linear time delay systems. Proc. 11th IASTED Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, 1992, S. 19-22.
Knoop, M.:
Entwurf linearer Abtastregler durch Kollokation (Dissertation). VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1992.
Misangumukini, L.-K.:
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Horn, J.:
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Letzte Änderung: 6. März 2025