Please use #SekEB2021 for Twitter!
Join us on a virtual guided tour around campus from a student officer perspective at Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg! (German language)
On Wednesday and Thursday following the keynotes, you can meet the students in ask-me-anything sessions.
Conference Programme
Pelase find the conference programme for all days linked below (Padlet). There, you will also find all the Zoom links to the virtual conference rooms for all events.
If asked for a password, please use the one provided by email or printed on the flyer in your conference welcome package.
Wednesday, September 15th 2021
Thursday, September 16th 2021
Link to programme
Friday, September 17th 2021
Link to programme
Barcamp (German)
The barcamp is a virtual meeting room without any fixed agenda that lives from the interaction and discussion from all conference participants. Everyone is invited!
Moderation: Prof. Bernd Käpplinger and Prof.`in Gabriele Molzberger
The Barcamp will take place on Friday (September 17th) from 11.30 Uhr to 12.30.
Please find the link to the Zoom room in the programme above.

Poster presentations (German)

Please have a look at this years poster presentation by clicking on the link below. Feel free to comment (using the “add comment” function)!
Link to Padlet
The presentations take place on Thursday (September 16th) from 11.00 Uhr to 13.00 Uhr statt.
Digitale Büchertische (German)
Discover interesting new publications at our virtual Publishers’ corner!
wbv Media
Verlag Barbara Budrich
Waxmann Verlag

Evening get-togethers “Ein Stück Hamburg erleben”

If you signed up for an evening get-together activity, you will find the Zoom links in the following Padlet:
Link to Evening get-togethers
You can join the following activities without registration:
Digital Live Tour: The Language of Fashion
Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (Museum of Art and Business)
Wednesday, 15.09.2021: 19:00 – 20:00
Digital tour: The big questions are always the same. topic “Home”
Hamburger Kunsthalle (Hamburg Art Gallery)
Thursday, 16.09.2021: 18:30 – 19:30
Please find the Zoom links in the Padlet linked above as well.
Virtual Café
Enjoy your tea and coffee breaks together with other participants in our virtual café! Take the chance for informal exchange and networking.
Link to virtual Café
Click the link and press the “Continue without an account” button, Enter your name and hit “Join”.


Your conference contact:
Jessica Kleinschmidt
(technical assistance and organisation)
Phone (landline): +49 3421/9189672 (during the conference)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Prof. Sabine Schmidt-Lauff
(programme/content inquiries)
Mobile: +49 173 8763646 (during the conference)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Letzte Änderung: 12. September 2023