The research and development project „Digitale Schlüsselkompetenzen für Studium und Beruf (DigiTaKS*) – Entwicklung eines Modells zur transformativen digitalen Kompetenzentwicklung Studierender” (Digital key competences for study and work – development of a model for transformative digital competence advancement for students) started in January 2021 and runs through 2026 in two project phases. It is funded by and part of the research cluster OPAL. More information on the first project phase from 2021-2024 can be found here and on the infopage. Please see our results and publications pages as well (German language).
Based on the previous results in DigiTaKS* and the current state of research, the second project phase from 2025-2026 aims to focus on three key research and development areas across four work packages:
WP1 – Expansion of ComDigiS* for AI. This work package focuses on developing transformative digital competencies for students, with a special emphasis on generative AI for both academic and professional settings. The goal is to create an extension module for the eLearning toolkit ComDigiS* (Lead: HSU/UniBw H).
WP2 – Digital-Didactic Conceptualization of Synchronous-Hybrid Learning. This package aims to design synchronous-hybrid learning and working spaces to efficiently manage internationalization and increasing diversity among students, as well as in adult and continuing education. The objective is to develop a multi-level model and target-specific short training sessions (Lead: JMU Würzburg).
WP3 – Digital Key Competencies: Diversity and Participation as Resources in Crisis Experiences. This work package addresses the development of protective resources for students in cybersecurity and digital safety. The goal is to create a model of progression patterns, determining factors, and resilience factors, along with low-barrier OER materials (Lead: University of Duisburg-Essen).
WP4BW – DigiTaKS* Use Cases and ComDigiS* for Bundeswehr Needs. This package aims to identify Bundeswehr-specific application fields and needs for digital-transformative competencies to be integrated into the eLearning toolkit ComDigiS*. This will extend the existing (civilian) use cases in DigiTaKS* to military areas (Lead: HSU/UniBw H).

Want to know more or get in touch?
Please send all requests to [email protected].
WP1: ComDigiS* for AI and AP4BW: DigiTaKS*-Use Cases and ComDigiS* for Bundeswehr-Needs (Lead: HSU)
Bettina Schasse de Araujo
Jan Schubert
(WeTeK Berlin gGmbH)
Mihail Miller
(InfAI e.v.)
WP2 – Digital-Didactic Conceptualization of Synchronous-Hybrid Learning (Lead: JMU)
Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer
(Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Dr. Lisa Breitschwerdt
(Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Christina Hümmer, M.A.
(Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
WP3 – Digital Key Competencies: Diversity and Participation as Resources in Crisis Experiences (Lead: UDE)
Prof. Dr. Silke Schreiber-Barsch
(Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Linda Siebert, M.A.
(Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Songül Cora, M.A.
(Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Letzte Änderung: 21. February 2025