A warm welcome to you.
Since March 2021 the Hydraulic Engineering Professorship’s vacancy is filled. During the following weeks you can find further information on scheduled research plans in the area of non-linear weirs, fish steps, nature-orientated river engineering, hydraulic structures and more. Additionally, continuously information will be provided concerning the new hydraulics laboratory in the city of Glinde.
Kind regards,
Univ.-Prof. Dr.–Ing. habil. Mario Oertel

Mario Oertel studied Civil Engineering with focus on environmental engineering at Bergische University Wuppertal, Germany. Between 2003 and 2012 he was working at University of Wuppertal’s Hydraulic Engineering Section as a Research Assistant and Senior Researcher. After finishing the doctoral thesis and habilitation he became a full professor at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences where Oertel focuses on fish steps, non-linear weirs and block ramps. Next to lectures and research Oertel was involved in university politics – e.g. as the dean of the Civil Engineering Department. Since March 2021 Prof. Dr.–Ing. habil. Mario Oertel moves to Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg and became a full professor for hydraulic engineering for the new installed civil engineering study program with bachelor and master degrees. The professorship focuses on hydraulic structure design, nature-orientated hydraulic engineering, and numerical flow simulations. Especially, hydraulic laboratory techniques will be in the focus since a new laboratory with a discharge capacity of 1,500 l/s will be established in 2021.