The call for papers for the annual conferene of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) is still open! Here you can find call for the Permanent Study Group 'Welfare State Governance and Professionalism'.
Klenk, Tanja/ Antonowicz, Dominik/ Geschwind, Lars/ Pinheiro, Rómulo/ Pokorska, Anna: Taking women on boards: a comparative analysis of public policies in higher education, Policy Reviews in Higher Education,
Germany has a comparatively good supply of hospital beds. But the pandemic has shown that this is no guarantee of an adequate crisis response. A contribution by Mirella Cacace and Tanja Klenk. The corona pandemic, this is obvious, works as a magnifying glass on the performance of our healthcare system,…
Reforms of the welfare state, their prerequisites and effects are a frequently discussed topic. Relatively little attention is paid to the question of which and whose interests are heard at all in the socio-political reform discourse and how they can assert themselves This focus issue represents this underexposed aspect in…
Klenk, Tanja (2021): „Digitale Daseinsvorsorge – Voraussetzung für soziale und kulturelle Teilhabe im 21. Jahrhundert“, in: Blank, Florian/Schäfer, Claus/Spannagel, Dorothee (Hg.): Die Grundsicherung weiterdenken, Bielefeld: transcript, 155-170. Further information you can find here.
Klenk, Tanja (2021): Review of ‘Public Administration in Germany, edited by Sabine Kuhlmann, Isabella Proeller, Dieter Schimanke & Jan Ziekow’, dms – der moderne staat 14 (2), 512ff. Further information you can find here.
Berzel, Alex/Klenk, Tanja (2021): „Metagovernance in the Social Investment State – Lessons from the German Case“, in: Pinheiro, Rómulo/Trondal, Jarle (eds.): Organising and Governing Governmental Institutions, Essays in honour of Dag Ingvar Jacobsen, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 177-199. Further information you can find here.
Klenk, Tanja/Ettelt, Stefanie/Cacace, Mirella (2021): “Der öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst in der Corona-Krise: zwischen Hierarchie, loser Koppelung und polyzentrischer Koordination”, dms – der moderne staat 14 (2),
The program of EGPA conference is out! You can download the program for the Permanent Study Group XX Welfare State Governance and Professionalism here.
Bogumil-Uçan, Simon & Klenk, Tanja (2021): Varieties of health care digitalization: Comparing advocacy coalitions in Austria and Germany, Review of Policy Research 38 (4), 478-503. DOI: