Postal address:
Helmut-Schmidt-University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Institute of Technology and Innovation Management
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Room: 2223
Phone: +49 40 / 6541-3635
Fax: +49 40 / 6541-3767
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: by appointment
Rresearch interests:
– Military Design Thinking (Research Grant from the MoD)
– Innovation Management and Artificial Intelligence (focus on Design Thinking and AI)
– Self-organisation within Corporations
– Organizational Behavior and Theory
– Communities of Practice within Civil and Military contexts
– Dynamic Capabilities and Ambidexterity
– Open Innovation and Mass Customization
Short vita:
since 08/2012 Research Assistant at the Institute for Technology- and Innovation-Management
Responsible for the MoD-Project “Communities within the German Federal Armed Forces: ComBw”
07/2012 – 12/2012 Planning and realization of the 1st Summer School “Foreign Area Specialists – Operational Level” in Cooperation with Center for Operative Communication, Joint Operations Command and the Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg
01/2011 – 08/2012 Foreign Area Specialist at the Center for Operative Communication of the German Federal Armed Forces, Mayen
06/2010 – 10/2010 Editor and Managing Editor of the “Sada-e Azadi” Newspaper at the Center for Operative Communication of the German Federal Armed Forces, Mayen
10/2006 – 06/2010 Studies of Economics (Diploma) at the Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the German Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg
In Peer-Reviewed Journals
Schulte, B., Andresen, F., Koller, H. (2020). Exploring the Embeddedness of an Informal Community of Practice Within a Formal Organizational Context: A Case Study in the German Military. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 27(2), 153-179.
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., Koller, H. (2020). Foresight-as-Emergence: An Integrative Framework of Strategic Foresight Based on Complexity and Practice Theory. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (online first).
Book Chapter
Koller H., Schulte B., Andresen F., Kreuzmann A. (2020). Communities of practice as collective lead users. In: Tiwari R., Buse S. (eds) Managing Innovation in a Global and Digital World. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
Conferences and Proceedings
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., Koller, H. (2020). The Conceptual Future of Foresight: Rethinking Foresight as an Emergent Process. Proceedings of the 80th Academy of Management Annual Concerence, Virtual Conference, 07.-11. August 2020. ISSN (print): 0065-0668.
Schulte, B., Andresen, F., Koller, H. Not lost in cultural translation: Exploring the translocal dynamics of communities of practice. Accepted at the European Group for Organizational Studies Colloqium, Hamburg, Germany, July 2020. (Subtheme was canceled due to COVID-19).
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., & Koller, H. Capability Evolution in the Armed Forces: Agents, Practices, and Processes of Dynamic Capabilities. Proceedings of the 79th Academy of Management Annual Concerence, Boston, USA, 09.-113. August 2019. ISSN (print): 0065-0668.
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., & Koller, H. Overcoming the Capability Rigidity Paradox: The Case of Dynamic Capabilities within the German Armed Forces. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Frankfurt, 2019.
Schulte, B., Andresen, F., & Koller, H. (2017). Culture in the Making: The Cultural Conjunction between Communities and a hierarchical Organization. Proceedings of the 77th Academy of Management Annual Concerence, Atlanta, USA, 04.-09. August 2017. ISSN (print): 0065-0668.
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., Fischer, T., Koller, H. (2017). Localizing Dynamic Capabilities Within Self-organized Communities of Practice: A Meta-Synthesis. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Banff, Canada, June 2017.
Andresen, F., Koller, H., Kreutzmann, A., & Schulte, B. (2016). Making Sense of the Informal: Conceptualization of a Model of Self-organizing Structure and Culture Creation within Communities of Practice. Proceedings of the 16th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Paris, France, 01.-04. June 2016. ISSN 2466-7498.
Andresen, F., Schulte, B, Koller, H., & Kreutzmann, A. (2016). The Informal Machine oft he Company: Communities of Practice as a Self-organized Source of Flexible Adaptation. Presented at the 32nd European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Naples, Italy, 07.-09. July 2016.
Andresen, F., Koller, H., Kreutzmann, A., & Schulte, B. (2016). Understanding Core Principles of Communities: Shared Mental Models and Transactive Memory Systems as Preconditions for Self-organized Coordination. Presented at 14th Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, USA, 01.-03. August 2016.
Andresen, F., Koller, H., Kreutzmann, A., & Schulte, B. (2016). Modeling of Self-organized Structure and Culture Creation within Communities of Practice. Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA, 05.-09. August 2016. ISSN (print): 0065-0668.
Andresen, F., Koller, H., Kreutzmann, A., & Schulte, B. (2016). Self-Organized Knowledge Creation: Communities of Practice as Manifestations of Dynamic Capabilities. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Belfast, UK, 01.-02. September 2016. ISBN 978-1-911218-02-9
Andresen, F., Schulte, B., Koller, H., Kreutzmann, A. (2016). Dynamic Organizational Capabilities: Communities of Practice as a Self-organized Source of Flexible Adaptation. Presented at the Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, DE, 17.-20. September 2016.
Schulte, B., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Kreutzmann, A. (2016). Guided by the Light: The Conjunction between Communities of Practice and their host Organization – A cultural Perspective. Proceedings of the 16th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Paris, France, 1.-4. June 2016. ISSN 2466-7498.
Schulte, B., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Kreutzmann, A. (2016). The Conjunction between Communities of Practice and their host Organization – A cultural Perspective. Presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA, 5.-9. August 2016.
Schulte, B., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Kreutzmann, A. (2016). How to Manage the Unmanageable? Leadership in Coping with Communities of Practice. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Belfast, UK, 01.-02. September 2016. ISBN 978-1-911218-02-9.
Schulte, B., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Kreutzmann, A. (2016). How to manage the unmanageable? Leadership in Coping with Communities of Practice. Presented at the 14th Open User Innovation Conference (OUI), Boston, MA, USA, 1.- 3. August 2016.
Kreutzmann, A., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Schulte, B. (2016). Communities of Practice – Vibrant Sources of Innovative Knowledge? Proceedings of the 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Glasgow, UK June 12.-14., 2016. ISSN 1998-7374.
Kreutzmann, A., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Schulte, B. (2016). Communities of Practice: Enabler of Organizational Knowledge Creation? Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Belfast, UK, 01.-02. September 2016. ISBN 978-1-911218-02-9.
Kreutzmann, A., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Schulte, B. (2016). Communities of Practice as an Enhancement of Dynamic Capabilities. Proceedings of the 16th European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Paris, France, 01.-04. June 2016. ISSN 2466-7498.
Kreutzmann, A., Koller, H., Andresen, F., & Schulte, B. (2016). Communities of Practice as Loci of Unrecognized Lead Users. Presented at 14th Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, USA, 01.-03. August 2016.
Letzte Änderung: 26. June 2024