Management of Innovation Networks

The merger of specialized SMEs into innovation networks is seen as increasingly important in order to sustain global competition. However, evidence of implementation problems can be seen as challenges of this close cooperation for SMEs and the management of innovation networks. In collaboration with a working group of the VDI, a literature review was executed and practical experiences were collected in order to spotlight both pitfalls and solutions.



Koller, H./ Langmann, C./ Untiedt, H.M. (2006): Das Management von Innovationsnetzwerken in verschiedenen Phasen: Erkenntnisse und offene Forschungsfragen. In: Wojda, F./ Barth, A. (Hrsg.) (2006): Innovative Kooperationsnetzwerke, S. 27-80.
Koller, H./ Langmann, C./ Untiedt, H.M. (2006): Management von Innovationsnetzwerken. In: Industrie Management, 22 (2006), Heft 3, S. 23-28.


Letzte Änderung: 15. April 2018