Short Biography
1966 born in Ankara, Turkey.
Single Mother of a Son, BD-13.03.2006
Language Skills: Turkish (Mother Language, Academic-Excellent), English (Academic-Excellent), German (B1)
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Lancaster, UK. Ph.D. Thesis: ‚Politics and Popular Culture: A Case Study on the Relationship Between the Rise of the New Right, Football and Arabesk in the 1980s in Turkey‘, supervised by Prof. Bob Jessop, University of Lancaster, UK.
Master, Sociology, University of Essex, UK. M.A. Thesis: ‚A Theoretical Analysis of the Relationship Between the Concepts of Ideology, Culture, and Popular Culture‘, supervised by Prof. Catherine Hall, The University of Essex.
Undergraduate, Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Academic
Since 1.7.2022
Affiliated Researcher, Helmut Schmidt University
Senior Researcher, Helmut Schmidt University, IFF-project “The entry of refugee academics into academic labour markets – support networks and biographical experiences in a three-country comparison”
Researcher, University of Bremen, Faculty of Pedagogy and Education Sciences, Unit of Intercultural Education.
PSI Fellow University of Bremen, Faculty of Education, Intercultural Education Branch.
Sep-Oct 2016
Visiting Scholar University Paris 8, CRESSPA, France.
Visiting Scholar EHESS, Paris, France.
Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Communication, Gazi University.
Assoc. Prof. Public Relations, Faculty of Communication, Gazi University Ankara Turkey
Visiting Scholar Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Women Studies Graduate Programme, Ankara, Turkey.
Visiting Scholar Middle East Technical, Sociology, Social Anthropology Graduate Program, Ankara Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Sociology, Faculty of Art and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal University.
Visiting Scholar Sociology, Faculty of Art and Science, Marmara University, İstanbul Turkey
Asst. Prof. Sociology, Faculty of Art and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal University
Research Assistant Sociology, Faculty of Art and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal
Research Assistant Sociology, Faculty of Art and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal
Research Projects
01.02. 2019-31.08.2021, Principle Investigator, funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, ‚Informal Opportunities and Restrictions of German Universities Reflected in Experiences of Exiled Scholars‘, the University of Bremen, Unit of Intercultural Education.
2017–2019, Scientific Advisor, Institutionalisation and Transformation of Women’s and Gender Studies at Universities in Turkey, Project Management: Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu, Researchers: Doç. Dr. Sevgi Uçan Çubukçu, Dr. Charlotte Binder, Deniz Dağ. Funding: Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies (A Programme by Stiftung Mercator), the University of Bremen, Branch of Intercultural Education.
2011–2014, Principal Principle Investigator, ‚Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler, Medya ve Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri‘ [New Social Movement, Media and New Communication Technologies], Turkey-Slovenia International Partnership Project, Gazi University, funded by the TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey.
2006–2010, Project Principal Investigator, ‚Türkiye’de Modernleşme Süreci İçinde ve Spor Alanında Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayanan Yeni Beden Ekonomisinin ve Kadının Toplumsal Kimliğinin Kuruluşu ve Dönüşümü‘ [Constitution and Transformation of Women’s Social Identity and New Gendered Body Economy in the Field of Sport and in the Process of Modernisation in Turkey], Abant İzzet Baysal University, funded by TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey.
2004–2007, Researcher, Depremlerden 5 Yıl Sonra Düzce İlinde Değişen Toplumsal, Ekonomik ve Kişisel Yaşam, Akademik Araştırma Projesi [Changing Social, Economic and Private Lives in Düzce 5 Years After the Earthquakes], Marmara University, Department of Sociology, granted by Istanbul Marmara BAP and TÜBİTAK.
1991–1992, Supervisor and Trainer, If History were Recreated for and by the Youngsters, A Social Project organized by the British Council, İstanbul, Ankara.
Publications (Selected)
Books and Edited Books (in English and Turkish)
2021, Hilal Alkan, Ayşe Dayı, Sezin Topçu and Betül Yarar (Eds.) Reproduction, Maternity, Sexuality: The Politics of the Female Body in Contemporary Turkey. Middle East Studies & Islamic Studies I.B.TAURIS, an imprint of Bloomsbury (Accepted and Forthcoming) (in English)
2018, Betül Yarar (ed.) (2018), Yeni Türkiye, Soylu Yalan, Hakikatsiz Siyaset (New Turkey, Novel Lie, Untruthful Politics), Pheonix Press: Ankara (in Turkish)
2015, Betül Yarar (ed.) Şiddetin Cinsiyetli Yüzleri [Gendered Faces of Violence]. İstanbul: Bilgi University Press. (in Turkish)
2009, Betül Yarar, Politics of/and Popular Culture: Football and Arabesk in the Times of the New Right in Turkey, VDM Verlag Publication Dr. Müller K. (In English)
2005, Betül Yarar and Alev Özkazanç (eds.) (2005). Hegemonya, Post-Fordizm ve Kürselleşme Ekseninde Kapitalist Devlet [Capitalist State in Respect to Hegemony, Post-Fordism and Globalisation: a Bob Jessop Anthology]. İstanbul: İletişim. (in Turkish)
Book Chapters
2021, Betül Yarar, „Contested Bodies/Subjectivities of Pious Women: Public Discourses on ‚Süslümans‘ in Turkey in Authoritarian Times'“, in Reproduction, Maternity, Sexuality: The Politics of the Female Body in Contemporary Turkey. (Eds.) Hilal Alkan, Ayse Dayi, Sezin Topçu, Betül Yarar, Middle East Studies & Islamic Studies
I.B.TAURIS, an imprint of Bloomsbury (in English)
2020, Betül Yarar, ‚Gender Dimension of Authoritarian Populism In Turkey: Impacts of the AKP’s Authoritarianism on its Gender Politics‘ Antidemokratische Konservative. Feinde einer offenen, solidarischen und gleichberechtigten Gesellschaft (Anti-democratic conservatives. Enemies of an open, solidary and emancipated society), (Eds.) Carina Book, Nikolai Huke, Olaf Tietje, Norma Tiedemann, Westfälisches Dampfboot. (In English)
2018 ‚Reflecting on The Oppositional Discourses against the AKP’s Neoliberalism and Searching for a New Vision for Feminist Counter Politics‘, in Transformation of Gender Regime in Turkey edited by Azadeh Kian and Buket Türkmen, Université Paris7-Diderot, UFR de Sciences Sociales website. (in English)
2018 ‚Arabesk: Looking at the History of Popular Meanings and Feelings in Turkey‘, in Made in Turkey: Studies in Popular Music, ed. By Ali C. Gedik, Routledge. (In English)
2017 ‚On the Relationship Between Women’s Movement(s) and the Authoritarian Neoliberal Regime in Turkey‘, Research Project Report ‚Comparing Women’s Movements in Different Cities in Turkey‘ by Bremen University, conducted by Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu. (See Forschungsergebnisse(deutsch)
As the V part of the projeckt Report -Projektinformation (deutsch) http://www.fb12.unibremen. de/de/interkulturelle bildung/forschung/frauenbewegungen-iminnertuerkischen-vergleich.html)
2016 Cevahir Özgüler and Betül Yarar, ‚Neoliberal Body Politics: Feminist Resistance and the Abortion Law in Turkey‘, in Bodies in Resistance: Gender and Sexual Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism (Eds.) Wendy Harcourt, Silke Heumann and Marjan Radjavi, Palgrave Press. (In English)
2009 ‚Disasters and a Gender-Sensitive Analysis of the Role of NGOs: Experience of the Earthquake in Düzce‘, Gender and Disaster: Global Voices, Samir Dasgupta (ed.). Frontpage publication. ( In English)
2015 Betül Yarar, ‚Yakın İlişki İçinde Şiddet’i Feminist Bakışla Yeniden Düşünmek‘ [Rethinking Violence in Intimate Relations from a Feminist Perspective], Şiddetin Cinsiyetli Yüzleri [Gendered Faces of Violence] (Ed.) Betül Yarar, Istanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, pp. 13–51. (In Turkish)
2012 Betül Yarar, ‚İletişimde Yapısalcılık: Dil ve ideoloji‘, [Structuralism in Communication: Language and Ideology], İletişim Kuramları, Çiler Dursun (ed.), Atatürk Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayınları. (In Turkish)
2009 Betül Yarar, Petra Holzer Özgüven and Funda Cantek, ‚Türkiye Modernleşme Tarihine Sporcu Kadınların Gözünden Bakmak Cumhuriyet Tarihi Boyunca Kadınların Spor Yoluyla Kimliklerini Kurma Serüvenleri‘ [Looking at History of Modernisation in Turkey from the Perspective of Sporting Women], KaraElmas 2009 Medya ve Kültür, Nurçay Türkoğlu, Sevilen Toprak Ağaoğlu (eds.), Istanbul: Urban Yayınları, pp. 479–495. (In Turkish)
2005 Betül Yarar and Alev Özkazanç, ‚Foreword‘, in Capitalist State in Respect to Hegemony, Post-Fordism and Globalisation: a Bob Jessop Anthology, Betül Yarar ve Alev Özkazanç (eds.), Istanbul: İletişim. (In Turkish)
2005 Betül Yarar, ‚Türkiye’de Ataerkil Kültür ile Spor Arasındaki İlişkiler: 1920’ler ve 1930’larda Kadın ve Spor‘ [Relations Between Patriarchal Culture and Sport in Turkey: Women and Sport in the 1920s and 1930s], Türkiye Kültürler, Gönül Pultar ve Tahire Erman (eds), Istanbul: Tetragon Yayınları. (In Turkish)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2021 Betül Yarar and Yasemin Karakaşoğlu, „Scholars Fleeing from „Risk(s)“: Forced Migration as a Complex, Performative, and Transformative Process“, Journal of Refugee Studies, In Review.
2020 Betül Yarar. Yarar, B. (2020). Neoliberal-neoconservative feminism(s) in Turkey: Politics of female bodies/subjectivities and the Justice and Development Party’s turn to authoritarianism. New Perspectives on Turkey, 1-25. doi:10.1017/npt.2020.18
2019 Betül Yarar and Tuncay Şur. ‚New Wars and Visual Representation: Dead Bodies without Graves/Mourne‘, The International Visual Culture Review.
2008 Betül Yarar. “Civilised Women‘ and ‚Light sports‘: Modernisation, Women, and Sport in the Early Republican Period of Turkey, KADIN/WOMAN 2000 1(2): 1-35.
2008 Betül Yarar. ‚Politics of/and Popular Music: An Analysis of the History of Arabesk Music from the 1960s to the 1990s in Turkey‘, Cultural Studies, 22 (1): 35-79.
2005 Betül Yarar. (2005) ‚Hegemonic Struggle, the State and Football: The New Right and the New Economy of Football in Turkey‘, European Journal of Cultural Studies 8(2):
2015 Betül Yarar. ‚Küresel yoksulluk içinde kadın yoksulluğu, küresel kadın hareketi içinde yoksulluk odaklı STK’lar‘ [Women’s poverty within global poverty, poverty cantered NGO’s in global women’s movement], Fe Dergi 7 (1): 32-49.
2014 Betül Yarar. ‚Osmanlı’dan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne Geçiş Sürecinde ve Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Modern Sporun Kuruluşu‘ [Constitution of Modern Sports in the Periods of Transition from the Ottoman to Turkish Republic and of the Early Republic], Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiye Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, N. 21, Autumn.
2009 Funda Şenol Cantek and Betül Yarar. ‚Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Dergi ve Gazetelerinde Spor ve Kadın (1928-1960)‘ [Sports and Women in Journals and Presses of the Early Republican Period], İletişim: Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi (Communication: Theory and Research Journal, Gazi University) (29): 190-201.
2007 Betül Yarar. ‚Bir Moral Düzenleme Biçimi Olarak Medeni Kanunun Aile Hukukunun Arkeolojisi‘ [Civil Code and Family Law As a Form of Moral Regulation), Öneri Journal, Marmara University, İstanbul.
2007 Saadet Aydın and Betül Yarar. ‚Kentleşme ve Konut Politikaları Açısından Neoliberalizmin Eleştirel Bir değerlendirilmesi ve Sosyal Adalet Fikrinin Yeniden İnşaası‘ [A Critical Appraisal of Neoliberalism with Respect to Urban and Housing Policies and The Reconstruction of the Idea of Social Justice], Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Sociological Research) 10 (1): 28-57.
2006 Betül Yarar. ‚Depremlerden Sonra Ortaya Çıkan Konut Sorunu ve Bu Sorunla Baş Etmenin Yeni Yöntemleri‘ [Housing Problem Emerged After the Earthquakes and New Ways of Dealing With This Problem], ToplumBilim, Deprem Özel Sayısı, 2006.
2006 Betül Yarar, ‚Depremlerden Sonra Düzce İlinde Sivil Toplumsal Hayatın ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Dönüşümü‘ [Transformation of Civil Society and NGO’s After the Earthquake in Düzce], ToplumBilim, Deprem Özel Sayısı.
2006 Kümbetoğlu, Belkıs; User, İnci and Yarar, Betül. ‚Afet Sonrası Konut Edindirme Çözümleri: Bir Örnek Olgu Olarak Düzce Kalıcı Konutları‘ [Housing Accusation Aid After the Earthquake: A Case Study on ‚Permanent Houses‘], ToplumBilim, Deprem Özel Sayısı.
2004 Betül Yarar ‚Değişen Arabesk Kültürü ve Yeni Toplumsal Anlam(lar)ı‘ [Changing Arabesk Culture and Its New Social Meanings], Folklor ve Edebiyat, 38(2): 137-155.
Conference Papers
2021, Yarar, Betül „The AKP’s Changing Gender Politics in Turkey: Is This an Anti- Genderist/Anti-Feminist Position or a Shift from Neoliberal-Consensual to Neoconservative-Destructive Feminism?“ 17th Meeting of the Committee for Women- and Gender-Studies of the German Association for European Ethnology (dgv). Troubling Gender: New Upheavals in the Politics of Gender in Europe, 09-11 April 2021, University of Goettingen.
Yarar, Betül; Kararkasoglu, Yasemin and Vathsala, Aital, „Exiled Scholars in the Higher Education System in Germany: Experiences and Prospects“, Conference called the Protracted Displacement Conference 2020 at the sub-conference entitled: „Higher Education and Academic Displacements: A Continued Debate“, November 3rd,
Yarar, Betül and Karakasoglu, Yasemin, „“Scholars Under Risk“ in Germany: Avoided „Risks“ and Expected „Successes“, Academics in Solidarity Policy Workshop by Academics in Solidarity and Frei Universität Yasemin Karakaşoğlu and Betül Yarar ‚Case Study: The Impact of Neoliberalism/Authoritarianism on HE in Turkey‘, Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education 2019: Revisiting Doctoral Education Worldwide, Hannover, Germany. 5–6 September.
2019 Yasemin Karakaşoğlu and Betül Yarar, ‚A Report on Turkey: Doctorate Programs in Turkey‘, for the Workshop of Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education, Working Group 5: Interplay of societal/political change and the role of researchers. 1–4 September.
2018 Betül Yarar, ‚Reflecting on The Oppositional Discourses against the AKP’s Neoliberalism and Searching for a New Vision for Feminist Counter Politics‘, Directrice du CEDREF, Université Paris7, Diderot, UFR de Sciences Sociales website, 12–15 September.
2018 Betül Yarar, ‚Different Uses of Social Media and Internet by Diverse Women’s Movements in Turkey‘, Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions, Göttingen, Germany. 12th–15th September.
2018 Betül Yarar, ‚A Brief Historical Review of AKP’s Neoliberal Mode of Governing Gendered Bodies‘, Rights and Equality in Contemporary Turkey: Institutions, Interactions, Discourses, Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies 2018 Conference Humboldt Graduate School, Berlin, 24 – 25 May.
2018 Betül Yarar, ‚Impacts of the AKP’s Authoritarian Turn on Gender Politics: Gendered Transformation from ‚Conservative Democracy‘ to ‚One Flag-One Nation“ presented at the conference called, Antidemokratiche Konservative. Feinde einer offenen, solidarischen und gleichberechtigten Geselschaft, by Assoziation Kritische Gesellschaftsforschung, Uni Hamburg. 30.11-02.12.
2017 Betül Yarar, ‚Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism and Transformation of Academia in Turkey‘, Presented at the conference ‚Transformation of Academy in Turkey and Its Impacts on German Higher Education‘, Bremen, 6 December
2017 Betül Yarar, ‚Reflecting on The Oppositional Discourses against the AKP’s Neoliberalism and Searching for a New Vision for Feminist Counter Politics‘, The Conference held in Paris Diderot University, Paris, France. 24 March.
2017 Betül Yarar, ‚Body-bio Politics of AKP’s Neoliberalism and Counter Feminist Strategies‘, presented at the University of Rouen, France. 9 October
2017 Betül Yarar, ‚New Gender Regime of AKP in Turkey‘, presented at the panel called ‚Gender Equality under Attack. Women’s Struggle against the Emergency State in Turkey‘ by the Göttingen Centre for Gender Studies and the Network for Global Migration Studies. Göttingen University.
22 June 2017 Betül Yarar, ‚Transformations of Gender Regimes in Turkey‘, paper presented at the Conference Titled ‚Current Transformations of Gender Regimes and The struggle of Gender Scholars in Turkey‘, Oldenburg University, Germany.
21.06. 2013 Betül Yarar, Nagehan Tokdoğan Kartal, Ayşe Mirza, Çağrı Kaderoğlu Bulut, ‚New Media and the Women’s Movement in Turkey‘, England, Leicester, ‚Console-ing Passions: 21th International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media and Feminism‘, 24–26 June.
2013 Betül Yarar, Nagehan Tokdoğan Kartal, Ayşe Mirza, Çağrı Kaderoğlu Bulut ‚Women’s Movement and New Communication Technologies in Turkey‘, 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender, Barcelona, Spain. April.
2008 Betül Yarar, ‚Modernisation, women, and sport in the 1950s and the 1960s in Turkey: the Construction of female identities in the field of sport‘, Gender and Generations: Women and Life Cycles, 17th Annual Conference of the Women’s History Network, University of Glasgow. 5–7 September.
2007 Betül Yarar, ‚Changing Patterns of Hegemony and New Strategies of Defining the Parameters of the Field of Cultural Studies, International Conference: Cultural Studies Now, London: UK. 19–22 July.
2007 Betül Yarar, Petra Holzer, Gülay Kayacan, ‚Women and Sport in the History of Modernisation in Turkey‘, International Conference: Cultural Studies Now, London: UK. 19–22 July.
2006 Betül Yarar, ‚A Critical Understanding of New Trends in Civil Society and Social Relations: An Analysis of Civil Associations in Their Fight Against the Impacts of the 1999 Earthquake in Turkey‘, Crossroads, İstanbul.
Other Tasks at the Conferences and Panels
2019, Commentator/Discussant: Rights and Equality in Contemporary Turkey, Blickwechsel Final Conference, Panel: ‚What Moves Women’s and Gender Studies at Universities in Turkey? Dynamics of Institutionalisation‘ Organized by Mercator Foundation, at the Humboldt University of Berlin, 13–15 November.
2018 Moderator and Chair: Panel 15, at the International Conference, Failing Identities, Schools and Migrations, Universität Bremen, 26–28.10.2018
2017 Discussant: International Conference on ‚Politics and Society in Contemporary Turkey: State, Constitution and Media‘ Panel Section on Media and Politics in Turkey, Humboldt University, Berlin, 4–5 May.
2017 Participant-speaker in the Podiumdiskussion‚ Die Manipulation der Eigentumsverhältnisse der Türkischen Medien durch die AKP‘, Bremen, Wallsaal Stadtbibliothek, 24. Oktober.
2017 Participant-speaker in the Podiumsdiskussion ‚Deutsch-türkische Beziehungen im Ausnahezustand‘ by the University of Bremen, 22 March 18–20 Uhr, im Haus der Wissenschaft (Olbers Saal), Bremen.
Conference, Symposium, Panels, Workshops Organized by Yarar
2018, Stream: ‚Networking/Solidarizing/Bridging‘, Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions, Göttingen, Germany. An International Conference by Göttingen University and ATGENDER Association. 12th–15th September. Stream organizers/coordinators: Betül Yarar and others.
2018 International Symposium: Health, Reproduction and Sexuality: Neoliberal-Authoritarian Modes of Governing the Woman’s Body in Turkey, University of Bremen, Germany. 5–6 April. Organisers: Betül Yarar (Organizing Committee Chair) the University of Bremen, Germany; Ayşe Dayı (Organiser), University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Sezin Topçu (Organiser) CNRS-Ehess, France; Financed by the University of Bremen, Faculty of Pedagogy and Education Sciences, the Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the French National Research Agency (ANR ‚Hypmedpro‘ Project-Ehess-Paris).
2017 International Conference: Transformation of Academy in Turkey and Its Impacts on German Higher Education, Bremen, One Day International Conference organized by Betül Yarar, financed by the PSI and University of Bremen, 6 December
Letzte Änderung: 17. Januar 2024