Translations: A Comparative Study of Online News at the BBC World Service

Translations: A Comparative Study of Online News at the BBC World Service

A Study  within the „Tuning In: Diasporic Contact Zones at BBC World Service“-project ( AHRC Diasporas, Migration and Identities Research Programme)


• To understand translation processes at BBC World Service.
• To compare and contrast BBCWS on line news in English and Arabic,
Persian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese and Urdu looking at translation and editorial Choices
• To assess the extent to which the BBCWS seeks and/or achieves editorial consistence across its diverse output

Key questions

1. Does the BBCWS speak with one voice or many?

2. How does the BBCWS manage the task of ensuring a degree of editorial consistency across news output and, at the same time, translating and creating news (in this case about US elections) for very diverse audiences around the world with different kinds of investment in US elections?

3. How are core concepts related to the US elections treated/translated (leadership, citizenship, participation, legitimacy, authority, charisma, democracy


1. Translation and Discourse Analysis

Analysis of on line news outputs in English and 6 other languages

We will analyse the online output comparing and contrasting news in English (Source Language or SL) and in the target language (target language) using a combination of techniques drawing on intercultural communication, narrative and discourse analysis

2. Interviews with online news producers

We will conduct interviews with online editors and journalists in order to get a better understanding of the context of news production and translation

3. Observations

Where and when possible observations of editorial meetings/ foreign language desks

4. Audience reception/user participation

We will examine audience and user participation in “global conversation” about US analysis via BBC in house research when and where possible via on line fora

Further Information

Cheesman, Tom/Nohl, Arnd-Michael et al. (2011): Many Voices, One BBC World Service? The US Elections (2008), Gate-keeping and Trans-editing. In: Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism 12(2), S. 217-233


Letzte Änderung: 28. Juni 2019