Business Administration (BSc/MSc)

Faculty: Economics and Social Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Science / Master of Science
Standard period of study: 7 trimesters for Bachelor + 5 trimester Master
Admission requirements:

  • The general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur),
  • The passed exam,
  • The obligation to serve as a temporary soldier for 13 years in the career of the officer of the troop service.

Study language: German
Start of studies: Beginning of October


The subject Business Administration should impart to the students a wide range of technical skills and knowledge of business administration and provide selective opportunities for further study.
The students should develop personal skills that are required for qualified and responsible professional practice and that make it possible to record economic and social contexts, to analyze them with scientific methods and to actively manage them.
To this end, building on a sound theoretical basis of business management disciplines, economics and relevant legal subjects implementation skills. These are intended to enable graduates to apply business management methods, techniques and instruments in a goal-oriented and responsible manner.

Program structure

The bachelor’s degree in business administration usually takes seven trimesters and has a modular structure. The first part of the course (basic phase) extends from the 1st to the 4th trimester, the second part of the study (specialization phase) already starts in the 4th trimester and can be completed by the 7th trimester.
At the center of the first part of the degree program, which is offered identically for the study programs Business Administration and Economics, are the economic, economic, mathematical, statistical and legal foundations that form the basis of every economics study. In the fourth trimester, the in-depth phase of the Bachelor’s degree program begins seamlessly. This consists essentially of a business and an economic “pillar” and a selectable complementary subject. In addition, there is the obligatory Bachelor thesis.

The master’s program builds on a bachelor’s degree in economics. It serves to deepen and widen the knowledge gained in the Bachelor’s degree program with reference to clearly defined major fields of study. In addition to practicing special specialized methods, the Master’s program also aims to impart the ability for independent scientific work. The students should be enabled to reflect on the importance of scientific knowledge and methods for the solution of complex scientific and societal problems. The Master’s examination leads to a second professional and scientific degree of study. The master program lasts five terms (eighth to twelfth trimester of study) and concludes with the master’s thesis.


Application documents can be obtained from the Career Office responsible for your place of residence. You will find the names and contact details of the career adviser
in the phone book under “Bundeswehr” or on the Internet under Telephone hotline: 0800 9800880.

Student Advisory / Contact

Academic guidance is provided under the responsibility of faculties by members of the academic community.

Dean of Studies Business Administration
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Josef Geiger
Phone: +49 (0)40 6541-3345
E-Mail: [email protected]

Students who wish to study at HSU within the framework of a cooperation with a company, foundation, authority or other institutional partner, as well as soldiers who wish to study at HSU within the framework of the BFD, should contact university marketing :

Astrid Strüßmann
Phone: +49 (0)40 6541-3855
E-Mail: [email protected]

Susanne Killus
Phone: +49 (0)40 6541-3652
E-Mail: [email protected]


Letzte Änderung: 29. April 2024