Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Yves Breitmoser (Uni Bielefeld)

Gebäude H1, Raum 1503

An axiomatic foundation of conditional logit This paper considers a decision maker choosing from a set of options when options have multiple real-valued attributes. Assuming DM chooses all options with positive probability, four invariance assumptions are necessary and sufficient for choice probabilities to take McFadden’s conditional logit form: independence of irrelevant alternatives, translation invariance, presentation […]

Annette Möller (TU Clausthal)

Gebäude H1, Raum 1503

Vine copula based post-processing of ensemble forecasts for temperature To account for forecast uncertainty in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models it has become common practice to employ ensemble prediction systems generating probabilistic forecast ensembles by multiple runs of the NWP model, each time with variations in the details of the numerical model and/or initial and […]

Houssem Brairi (USTHB Algerien)

Gebäude H1, Raum 1503

Testing discrete-valued time series for whiteness We consider the problem of testing a univariate discrete-valued time series for whiteness in the sequency domain, using Walsh–Fourier analysis. We show that the distribution of the lag window estimator of the Walsh spectral density is a scaled chi-square distribution, where the scale and degrees of freedom, both depend […]