Earthquake engineering

The goal of every civil engineer is to design structures that contribute to the growth and development of our communities. One of the most important aspects is to ensure that the structures offer a sufficient level of safety even in the event of extreme natural hazards such as earthquakes. Our team carries out state-of-the-art reliability studies of structures subjected to seismic loads, with a particular focus on steel structures. Currently, our research focuses on developing simplified reliability-oriented seismic design methods that help improve the performance of buildings and the safety of their occupants. Are you interested in our research on earthquake engineering? Then visit the links below to learn more and access all available data.

475-year return period peak ground acceleration according to the German earthquake hazard model by Grünthal et al. (2018).

Reliability-based earthquake map for Germany for an annual collapse probability of 5×10-5

Contact person:

Nicholas Clemett, M.Sc.


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Clemett N., Gündel M., (2023): Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchungen zum Bedeutungsfaktor und zur Erdbebendkarte in der DIN EN 1998-1/NA In: 18. DACH-Tagung, Kiel
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Clemett N., Rapps C., Gündel M., (2023): Evaluation of typology-specific fragility curves used for risk-targeted seismic design maps in regions of low seismicity: A German case-study

Additional files and data can be downloaded from our Github-Page

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Clemett N., Gündel M., (2022): Hazard-, risk-, and loss-based seismic design: Review and proposal for a new methodology In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (3ECEES)

Letzte Änderung: 2. December 2024