(4 ECTS)
- Voraussetzung: SLP 3332 oder GER B2
- 3 Trimester, 90 Minuten Unterricht pro Woche
- Prüfungen: Mündlicher Gebrauch + Schriftlicher Gebrauch

Business English
The Business English course is a module which will explore contemporary themes and skills related to the world of work and business in the 21st century. We will look at themes such as digital business, human resources, money, ethical business and future business trends.
For more information: Sylke Schulte
Military English
The course covers land, sea and air military operations at the tactical and operational levels. Specifically we look at military organization and assets, drone warfare, private military firms, piracy, future, hybrid and asymmetric warfare, terrorism and counter-terrorism, media and nuclear war as well as command and control and military traditions and etiquette. The course uses exclusively authentic audio, text and video material.
Link to Waterloo Uncovered Project
For more information: Maj Cant-Salkowsky retd

Politics & Society
In this course we will be looking at some basic theories, political ideas, political forms and structures, current political and social issues. There will be a strong emphasis on how political ideas are reflected in everyday life rather than in political theory.
For more information: Dave Duke
Technical English
In this module we cover topics from the fields of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering (e.g. systems, processes, safety, reports, design, desasters, materials). The module is aimed at people with an interest in technical matters and the tasks involved are geared towards the technically-minded.
For more information: Petra Harder

Engineering Matters Online
This four-week intermediate English course is conducted online and consists of synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are to be completed individually, in small groups or as a whole class. The technical course content is based on the interests of the participants.
For more information: Petra Harder
War in Words
In this course we focus on how war is depicted in fictional and non-fictional media and therefore involves the use of a lot of visual, audio and print media input. We start by developing which themes are explored in the media and then analyze how that depiction varies from war to war and how our „consumption“ of such media affects how we then approach war.
For more information: Maj Cant-Salkowsky retd or Dave Duke

English for Law Students
The modules English for Law I (ELS-I) and English for Law II (ELS-II) are only open to RöV students in their Bachelor´s phase. The courses are designed as an overview to the main aspects of English for legal purposes. These modules are mandatory for RöV students. Placement in ELS I or ELS II takes place after assessment test.
For more information: Maribel Novo
General English Topics
This is a general English module that covers topics relevant to daily life today. The course deals with a diverse set of topics including modern global communication, health and fitness, ethical consumerism, work/life balance and the future of work. While extensive use will be made of audio material to prepare the topics and provide vocabulary, the focus will be on presentation and writing skills.
For more information: Dagmara Dowbor

Future War
The course is aimed at students who already have a fairly good command of English (SLP 4 or C1).
Bismarck said „fools learn by experience. I prefer to learn from others´ experience“. He was making the point that regular soldiers cannot regularly practice their profession since wars are, fortunately, infrequent. As a result, professional soldiers need to study war, to study why and how war is fought, and most importantly, to study how wars are started. That is what we are doing on the Future War course. We study the work of some of the world’s greatest military theorists and also examine earlier wars, using text, audio and film to identify causes of war – and extrapolate that forward to the future. There is lots of hard work – lots of reading, writing and above all, thinking! But, as Suvorov said, „hard in training, easy in battle.“
For more information: Peter Cant-Salkowsky
English for Education
The course will focus on psychological, sociological and philosophical challenges in education in the 21th century. We will look at themes such as communication processes, concepts of identity, bias, diversity and social movements. The course is aimed at students of education and psychology.
Link to module description
For more information: Sylke Schulte

SLP Refresher Course
Für Studierende des abgehenden Jahrgangs, die ihre 4 ECTS in Französisch- , Spanisch- oder Russisch-Modulen erworben haben und SLP- Prüfungen in Englisch ablegen müssen.
Die SLP Refresher-Kurse dauern 1 Trimester, und werden im HT und im WT angeboten. Anschließend besteht die Möglichkeit, die SLP- Prüfungen in den Fertigkeiten Hörverstehen (H), Leseverstehen (L) und Schriftlicher Gebrauch (S) abzulegen. Die mündliche (M) Prüfung findet im Laufe des HT und WT statt. Die nächsten Prüfungstermine für H, L und S sind der 12.12.2024 und der 23.01.2025. Die Anmeldung dafür wird in einem Bulletin angekündigt. Insgesamt werden 3 zentrale Prüfungstermine angeboten (Dezember, Januar und März). Auskunft zum Kursinhalt erhalten Sie von Frau Harder.
Die Kursanmeldung erfolgt über Dr. Novo ([email protected]).

Zielkurse 3332
Kurse für neuimmatrikulierte Studierende, die ihr Studium ohne ein vollständiges Sprachleistungsprofil 3332 beginnen. Diese Kurse dienen dazu, die fehlenden Fertigkeiten und die noch ausstehenden 8 Leistungspunkte (ECTS) innerhalb des ersten Studienjahres zu erwerben.
Keine Anmeldung via CMS erforderlich. Die Studierenden werden für die Zielkurse direkt angemeldet.
Mehr Informationen oder Fragen: Maribel Novo
Kurse für HSU Beschäftigte: Sylke Schulte freut sich auch weiterhin den Kurs „Englisch für Beschäftigte der HSU“ anbieten zu können. Der Unterricht findet mittwochs auf zwei verschiedenen Niveaustufen statt: um 10:00 Uhr auf dem Niveau A2 nach dem GERS und um 13:00 Uhr auf dem Niveau B2 nach dem GERS. Die Anmeldung erfolgt direkt über [email protected] oder [email protected]. Sie erhalten dann den Link zum Unterricht auf MS Teams. Stand 15.01.2025

Letzte Änderung: 15. Januar 2025