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Aktuelle Forschungsinteressen
Zurzeit untersuche ich Persuasion und (laterale) Einstellungsänderung, psychologische Distanz, Verschwörungstheorien und Autoritarismus.
- Pauer, S., Linne, R., & Erb, H.-P. (2024). From the Illusion of Choice to Actual Control: Reconsidering the Induced-Compliance Paradigm of Cognitive Dissonance. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459241265002
- Linne, R., Glaser, T. & Bohner, G. (2024). Lateral attitude change: displacement effects as a reaction to blatant social influence. Current Psychology, 43, 20691–20697. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-05906-9
- Linne, R., Hildebrandt, J., Erb, H.-P., & Bohner, G. (2022). Sequential information processing in persuasion. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:902230. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.902230
- Linne, R., Schäfer, M., & Bohner, G. (2022). Ambivalent stereotypes and persuasion: Attitudinal effects of warmth vs. competence ascribed to message sources. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.782480
- Bohner, G., Boege, R., Glaser, T., Elleringmann, L., & Linne, R. (2021). Protecting versus deleting thoughts affects focal and lateral attitude (Guardar vs. eliminar los pensamientos influye en los cambios actitudinales focales y laterals). International Journal of Social Psychology, 36 (2), 300-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/02134748.2021.1882228
- Linne, R., Glaser, T., Pum, K., & Bohner, G. (2020). Lateral attitude change: Stalking the elusive displacement effect. Social Cognition, 38(4), 324-353. https://doi.org/10.1521/soco.2020.38.4.324
- Boege, R., Linne, R., Glaser, T., & Bohner, G. (2020). Creation of stimulus sets for studying lateral attitude change. Research Report, Bielefeld University. https://doi.org/10.4119/unibi/2940775
- Bohner G, Elleringmann L, Boege R, Glaser T, Linne R. (2020). Priming as a moderator of lateral attitude change. Research Report, Bielefeld University. https://doi.org/10.4119/unibi/2940773
- Bohner, G., Elleringmann, L., Linne, R., Boege, R., & Glaser, T. (2020). Lateral attitude change: Does acceptance versus rejection of focal change cause generalization versus displacement? Research Report, Bielefeld University. https://doi.org/10.4119/unibi/2941633
Für: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, European Journal of Social Psychology, International Journal of Communication
Ausgewählte Tagungs- und Konferenzbeiträge
- Linne, R. & Erb, H.-P. (2022, September). Average Thinkers under Tinfoils Hats – Conspiracy Mentality as a Quadratic Function of the Need for Cognition. Poster Präsentation auf der 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hildesheim, Deutschland.
- Linne, R. (2022, August) Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit. Präsentation auf der Politischen Bildung im Feldjägerregiment 1, Kiel, Deutschland.
- Linne, R., Glaser, T., & Bohner, G. (2020, Januar) Lateral Attitude Change…as a mechanism of populist influence. Vortrag auf der 24-hours of Political Psychology Fachtagung, Hagen, Deutschland
- Linne, R., Zawadka, A., & Bohner, G. (2019, September). Lateral attitude change as a reaction to obviously unfair grading. Poster Präsentation auf der 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Köln, Deutschland.
- Linne, R., Boege, R., Glaser, T., & Bohner, G. (2018, August). Lateral Attitude Change – processes and moderators. Vortrag auf dem 2018 Ohio State Symposium on Social Psychology, Columbus, USA.
- Linne, R. (2018, März). Lateral Attitude Change – Hierarchy as a moderator of lateral attitude change: Values and policies. Vortrag auf der Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Marburg, Deutschland.
- Linne, R., Boege, R., Siebler, F., Glaser, T., & Bohner, G. (2017, Juli). Lateral Attitude Change – implicit attitude change generalizes more strongly to primed as well as similar related objects. Poster Präsentation auf dem 18th General Meeting of the EASP, Granada, Spanien.
- Linne, R., Boege, R., Bohner, G., & Glaser, T. (2016, Juli). Lateral Attitude Change. Vortrag auf dem EASP Medium Size Meeting: The Psychology of Attitudes, Köln, Deutschland.
Letzte Änderung: 14. November 2024