Head of Department
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Erb (Retired)
- PD Dr. Klimecki is currently interim chair of Social Psychology. If you have any personal questions for Prof. Erb, please contact him directly at the email address erb[at]hsu-hh.de.
- Dr. Alina Tilner
- Dr. Roman Linne
- Dr. Scarlett Friedrich
- Julia Alexandra Krüger, M.Sc.
- Dr. Shiva Pauer
External Doctoral Student
Laboratory Head
Assistant Lecturer
Student Assistants
- Kathleen Döscher (doeschek[at]hsu-hh.de)
- Felix Lennart Kollmann (felix.kollmann[at]hsu-hh.de)
- Pia Kurlvink (pia.kurlvink[at]hsu-hh.de)
- Kristin Wagner (Wagnerkristin[at]hsu-hh.de)
Would you like to gain insights into social psychological research? Then please contact us, we are always looking for new assistants.
- Dr. Vivica v. Weichs
- Dr. Fabian Klauke
- Dr. Ali Teymoori
- Dipl.-Psych. M.Sc. Christina Botros
- Lisan Bumann, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Jan Eichstaedt
- Dr. Christine Flaßbeck
- Prof. Dr. Deborah F. Hellmann (geb. Thoben)
- Dr. Rolf Mraz
- Dr. Antje Riekhof (geb. Köhler)
- Dr. Birga Schumpe
- Dr. Nils-Torge Telle
Letzte Änderung: 11. March 2025