Workshop „PREGOV III – Towards Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithmic Prediction & Decision-Making“


15. August 2022

Am 15. und 16. September 2022 findet mit dem Workshop „PREGOV III (PREdictive GOVernance) – Towards Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithmic Prediction & Decision-Making” zum dritten Mal unsere internationale Workshopreihe zum Thema Predictive Governance statt. Fokus des diesjährigen Workshops sind:
1.) organisationstheoretische Forschungsperspektiven zur Nutzung von prädiktiv-algorithmischen Datentechnologien,
2.) unterschiedliche organisationale Nutzungsformen dieser Technologien und
3.) mit ihnen einhergehende methodische Herausforderungen für die qualitative Sozialforschung.
Die einzelnen Panels des Workshops nehmen dabei Organisationen aus dem Bereich des öffentlichen Sektors (Panel 1), der Privatwirtschaft (Panel 2) und des Bildungssektors (Panel 3) in den Blick.

Veranstaltungsort des Workshops ist der Pop-up-Horst Hamburg (Winterhuder Weg 112, 22085 Hamburg). Es stehen weiterhin Plätze für die Teilnahme an dem Workshop zur Verfügung. Anmeldungen sind bei Dr. Manuel Reinhard (Mitglied des Organisationsteams) unter der E-Mail-Adresse [email protected] möglich.

Abstract Workshop

The datafication of the future has significant consequences for contemporary and upcoming policies in different sectors of society as well as for their analysis. The latter implies the need for theoretical reflection and methodological innovations, especially for new types of data that
become accessible to empirical research. This development should be understood as both a challenge and an opportunity for further analytical developments. How does the datafication of the future change future policies – collective practices of imagining, planning, and controlling
future(s) – in different sectors of a society? What influence does it have on the rationalities and normativities in specific organizations? What demands do research methods have to meet in order to be able to answer these questions?

Against this backdrop, this year’s PREGOV-workshop focuses on organizational and methodological questions in practices of predictive governance. Building on our previous meetings, our aim is to explore what insights organizational-theoretical perspectives promise, what
uses of algorithmic prediction need to be distinguished in different organizational settings, and which research methods allow us to learn about them.

The workshop will bring together established and young scholars from Germany and abroad from diverse fields such as philosophy, sociology, and economics, organization and educational science to find preliminary answers to these questions. Thematically, we will focus on the following topics: (1) Organizational-theoretical perspectives on the topic of predictive governance, (2) different types of use of algorithmic prediction and decision-making in organizations and, hence, (3) possibilities, limits, and challenges of specific research methods. Our aim is to foster a discussion on fundamental organizational-theoretical, methodological, and empirical questions of research on predictive governance in the different fields of public administration, education and business, thereby creating transdisciplinary learning opportunities for the future research of all workshop participants.

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Programm PreGov Workshop 2022