Nina Ißbrücker

Contact information

Mitarbeiter Symbol-Icon
228, H4
Visiting Address
Building H4
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Postal Adress
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg

Personal information


Since March 2025: Research associate at Helmut Schmidt University, Chair of Sociology (Transformation of Governance in Education and Society)

2022–2023: Student assistant at the German Children’s Fund (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk) (Department for Child and Youth Participation)

2019–2021: Educational facilitator in schools (Bildung trifft Entwicklung Berlin, Grenzgänge e.V.)

2018–2024: Master of Arts in interdisciplinary Latin American studies at Freie Universität Berlin (focus areas: societal transformation, especially transformations of masculinities; political ecology; (post-)development theories; and (post-)growth)

2015–2016: Study abroad at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (focus areas: Latin American history and human rights)

2013–2018: Bachelor of Arts in political science at Freie Universität Berlin (focus areas: political ecology; political economy; Latin American politics and theory; and human rights education)

Current projects


UNBLACK THE BOX is a network initiative founded in 2019 by researchers from educational science, sociology, educational informatics, media and health pedagogy as well as teachers in schools, universities or teacher training and further education. It pursues the goal of enabling educational institutions, teachers and lecturers to face the growing computerization and digitalization of education with enlightened, critical and conscious decision-making and design skills, even without extensive informatics knowledge.


Letzte Änderung: 25. March 2025