External doctoral researcher
Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Professorship of Sociology, in particular Transformation of Governance in Education and Society
E-Mail: [email protected]
Personal information
Research profile
- Activities of private actors in the German school system
- EdTech-Consulting for schools and administrations
- Consulting in the context of digital learning
- Public-Private-Partnerships
- (New) Educational Governance
- Intermediary actors / “boundary brokers”
- EdTech-Discourses
- since July 2022: External doctoral researcher at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Professorship for Transformation of Governance in Education and Society. Funded through a research stipend by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation
- 2020: Visiting student at the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), USA; Main focus: Critical Ed-Tech Studies and Urban Education Policy
- 2018-2021: Master of Education (Political Science and English Philology) at Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis: “The Activities of EdTech-Businesses in the German School System: Discursive Strategies of SMART Technologies”
- 2019-2021: Student assistant for Political Affairs and Communications at the German Children’s Fund (DKHW)
- 2017-2019: Student assistant for the scientific board (Prof. Petra Stanat and Dr. Sofie Henschel) at the Institute for Educational Quality (IQB), Berlin
- 2015: Erasmus exchange semester at the University of Edinburgh, UK; Main focus: International Relations und Linguistics
- 2014-2018: Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and English Philology) at Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis: “Crisis of Representative Democracy? A Systems-Theoretical Approach to Democratic Threats and Political Support”
Dissertation project
Working title of the dissertation:
“EdTech-Consulting” as a New Form of Educational Governance in Germany: An Explorative Study of a Field between Schools, Politics and Corporations.
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Hartong
Journal articles
- Decuypere, M., Hartong, S., Brandau, N., Joecks, L., Loft-Akhoondi, A., Ortegón, C., Tierens, T. & Vanermen, L. (2024). Maneuvering constellations of valuation: a critical investigation of the edtech startup sector. Critical Studies in Education, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/17508487.2024.2362196
- Joecks, L. (2024). Exploring the intermediary role of ed-tech consulting in Germany: In-between policy, pedagogy, and economics. Research in Education (Special Issue: Intermediaries). https://doi.org/10.1177/00345237241242993
- Joecks, Lucas (2023): Navigating Ed-Tech Integration: The Role of Consultants in the Digital Transformation of German Schools. Presentation in the context of the symposium “Platforms and Pedagogies: Digital Technologies and New Perspectives for Youth and Education”, Utrecht, 14.-15.12.2023.
- Joecks, Lucas (2023): In-Between Policy, Pedagogy, and Economics: Exploring the Intermediary Role of Ed-Tech Consultancy in Germany. Poster presentation in the context of the Emerging Researchers‘ Conference (ERC) of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), Glasgow, 21.-25.08.2023.
- Joecks, Lucas & Ortégon, Carlos (2023): Hybrid Team Ethnography – A Framework for Ethnographic Social Research of/through Digitality. Presentation in the context of the workshop “Education & the Digital Transformation of Social Research”, PH Zürich, 21-23.6.2023.
- Joecks, Lucas (2022): Das wachsende Feld der EdTech-Akteure in der Steuerung des deutschen Bildungssystems. Guest presentation in the context of the seminar „Bildung steuern – Einführung in bildungspolitische Kontexte“ by Benedict Kurz, Bielefeld, 12.12.2022.
- Joecks, Lucas (2022): EdTech-Consulting: Vermittlung zwischen Pädagogik, Politik und Wirtschaft. Guest presentation in the context of the seminar „Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung – M.A. Bildungswissenschaften“ by Nick Oelrichs, Berlin, 08.12.2022.
Associate member of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)
Network member of KriDiFoSch – Netzwerk Kritische Digitalitätsforschung im Kontext Schule
Letzte Änderung: 26. March 2025