M.A. Vito Dabisch

1External doctoral researcher

Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg

Professorship of Sociology, in particular Transformation of Governance in Education and Society

E-Mail: [email protected]


Personal information

Research profile
  • Comparative and international perspectives on the school system
  • New Education Governance: Datafication in Education and School
  • School choice and school allocation
  • Social, political and legal framework of school and education
  • since February 2019: Research assistant at Helmut Schmidt University in the BMBF joint project: “DATAFIED – DATA For and In Education, The Construction of School in the Process of Datafication”, project management: Dr. Sigrid Hartong, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
  • 02/2020-04/2021: Coordination of the early-career researcher network BIEN (Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network)
  • 2019: Program Committee Annual Conference 2019 Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN)
  • 2018-2019: Student assistant at UCL Institute of Education with Dr. Susanne Wiborg
  • 2017-2018: Erasmus study abroad at University College London, Institute of Education. Main focus: Comparative Education, Philosophy of Education, Education Policy
  • 2016-2018: Student assistant at the Department of Educational Research and Social Systems with Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck
  • 2015-2018: Study of Educational Science (M.A.) at the Free University of Berlin and guest student Humboldt University. Main focus: Comparative and International Education; Sociology of Education; Quantitative Research Methods. Master thesis: “Between freedom of choice and equality of opportunity: school choice and catchment areas as methods of primary school allocation in Berlin”
  • 2011-2015: Study of Educational Science (B.A.) at the Free University of Berlin with study abroad in Toulouse (France). Bachelor thesis: “Closed Society or School for All – Who Attends Private Schools and Why?”
Current and completed projects

DATAFIED – DATA For and In Education, The Construction of School in the Process of Datafication” (since 02/2019)

Joint project in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF), the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) and the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Partial research project (duration 36 months) to investigate the effects of datafication on the construction of school through school supervision and external evaluation.
Third-party funded project, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


abisch, Vito; Hartong, Sigrid & Nikolai, Rita (2021) Herausforderungen der international vergleichenden Betrachtung von Dateninfrastrukturen in der Schulsteuerung. In: Bildung unter (digitaler) Beobachtung – Analysen zur wachsenden Bedeutung von Dateninfrastrukturen in der Bildungssteuerung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 67(3): 367-382. Link.

Hartong, Sigrid; Förschler, Annina & Dabisch, Vito (2021) Data infrastructures and the (ambivalent) effects of rising data interoperability: insights from Germany. In: Wyatt-Smith, Claire; Lingard, Bob & Heck, Elizabeth (Eds.) Digital Disruption in Teaching and Testing: Assessments, Big Data, and the Transformation of Schooling, Routledge: 136-151.

Zappauf, Zola; Rieck, Angelika; Kolleck, Nina; de Haan, Gerhard; Schuster, Johannes & Dabisch, Vito (2016) RuhrFutur im Blick der Wissenschaft. Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus der Begleitforschung einer Bildungslandschaft. Berlin (iF-Schriftenreihe 4/16). Link.


Dabisch, Vito (2022) Organisation and Chair of the Symposium Data, standardization and humans – Negotiating the boundaries of education professionalism in Australia, England, France and Germany. Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), online, 13.-16.3.22.

Dabisch, Vito (2022) Data-based governance in practice: dynamics of school governance in four German states. Presentation in the Symposium “Data, standardization and humans – Negotiating the boundaries of education professionalism in Australia, England, France and Germany” at the conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), online, 13.-16.3.22.

Dabisch, Vito; Förschler, Annina & Hartong, Sigrid (2021) Learning platform on the rise – itslearning’s corporate expansion strategy and its ambivalent effects on schooling in Germany. Presentation in the symposium “Seeing through Data: The normalizing Politics of Datafication and its Impact on Teacher and Student Subjectivities”, European Educational Research Association (EERA), Annual Conference 2021 ECER, online, 06.-10.09.2021.

Hartong, Sigrid & Dabisch, Vito (2021) Manifestations of Rising Datafication in German School Supervision and Consultancy: Ambivalent Transformations of a Low-Accountability System. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA), Annual Conference 2021 ECER, online, 06.-10.09.2021.

Dabisch, Vito; Erdmann, Melinda; Kilbury, Maxie; Koebe, Josefine; Sandau, Matthias & Zunker, Nicky (2021) Organization of the 7th Annual Conference of the Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN). Berlin, 25.03.2021. Link.

Dabisch, Vito; Jornitz, Sieglinde & Bock, Annekatrin (2021) Präsentation DATAFIED – Data for and in education. Conference Building Data Literacy with the Teaching Profession at Global Scale. online, 18.03.2021. Link.

Jarke, Juliane; Dabisch, Vito & Hartong, Sigrid (2020) Die (Re-)Konstruktion von Schule durch digitale Datentechnologien: Einblicke in das Mehrebenen-Verbundprojekt DATAFIED. Lecture at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Online, 21.09.2020.

Hartong, Sigrid & Dabisch, Vito (2020) Manifestations of rising datafication in German school supervision and consultancy: ambivalent transformations of a low-accountability system. European Educational Research Association (EERA), Annual Conference 2020, Lecture in the context of the symposium „Enacting Accountability in Education and Its Effects on the Teacher Profession“, Glasgow, 24.-28.08.2020. (Conference cancelled)

Hartong, Sigrid; Dabisch, Vito & Förschler, Annina (2020) Learning platform on the rise – itslearning’s corporate expansion strategy and its ambivalent effects on schooling in Germany. Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums „Seeing through Data: The normalizing Politics of Datafication and its Impact on Teacher and Student Subjectivities“, European Educational Research Association (EERA), Annual Conference 2020, Glasgow, 24.-28.08.2020. (Conference cancelled)

Nikolai, Rita; Hartong, Sigrid & Dabisch, Vito (2020) Schulmonitoring in Deutschland, Frankreich, Neuseeland und den USA: Eine vergleichende Betrachtung. Lecture in the context of the DGfE Congress „Optimierung“, Cologne, 15.-18.03.2020. (Conference cancelled)

Dabisch, Vito; Koebe, Josefine; Sandau, Matthias & Zunker, Nicky (2019) Organization of the 6th Annual Conference of the Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN). Berlin, 30.09.-01.10.2019. Link.

Dabisch, Vito (2019) DATAFIED: DATA For and in Education – The construction of school in a datafied society: School administration, monitoring and leadership. Lecture in the context of the DATA POWER: global in/securities, Bremen, 12.-13.09.2019.

Dabisch, Vito; Bock, Annekatrin; Jarke, Juliane & Tröger, Jasmin (2019) The DATAFIED school – an interdisciplinary study of the enactment of digital tools in school management and classroom practice. Lecture in the context of the workshop „Exploring the Datafication, Digitalization and Automatization of Educational Governance and Practice“, HSU Hamburg, 06.-07.09.2019.

Hartong, Sigrid; Dabisch, Vito; Jornitz, Sieglinde; Mayer, Ben, Macgilchrist, Felicitas & Breiter, Andreas (2019) Datafied – the Construction of Schools in a Datafied Society. Contribution in the context of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, 02.-06.09.2019.

Hartong, Sigrid; Förschler, Annina & Dabisch, Vito (2019) Translating Educational Inequality into Data Infrastructures: The Example of Digital School Monitoring Systems in German and US State Education Agencies. European Educational Research Association (EERA), Lecture in the context of the Annual Conference 2019, Hamburg, 02.-06.09.2019.

Dabisch, Vito (2019) Between Catchment Areas and School Choice – a Study on the “Doing” of School Place Allocation in Berlin. Lecture in the context of the Emerging Researchers’ Conference of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, 02.-03.09.2019.

Dabisch, Vito (2018) Zwischen Wahlfreiheit und Chancengleichheit: Einzugsgebiete und Schulwahl in Berliner Grundschulen. Lecture in the context of the 5th annual conference of the Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN), Berlin, 17.-18.09.2018.


Link to profile on Researchgate


Letzte Änderung: 15. January 2025