Dr. Ina Sander

Ina Sander

Contact Information

218, H4
Visiting address
Building H4
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Postal address
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg

Personal information

Research profile
  • Fostering education, awareness and literacy on topics around digital technologies and datafication; especially: critical datafication literacy
  • Critical Data Studies: transformation of society in the context of datafication
  • Knowledge transfer / mobilisation, development of open educational resources
  • since August 2020: Research fellow at Helmut Schmidt University, Professorship for Transformation of Governance in Education and Society
  • since February 2020: Co-coordinator of the research network “Critical Big Data and Algorithmic Literacy Network”
  • 02-09/2020: Research assistant in the externally funded project “Automating Public Services: Learning from Cancelled Programs” at the Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, under the supervision of Dr. Joanna Redden
  • 09/2019-11/2023: PhD candidate at the Data Justice Lab, School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University, supervised by Dr. Joanna Redden / Dr. Arne Hintz. Title: “Toward Critical Datafication Literacy: The Role of Online Resources in Fostering Critical Education about Datafication”
  • 01-06/2019: Research fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) in Bochum, Germany, research project: “Maturity in dealing with Big Data – Analyses of tools for critical reflection on data collection in the internet.”
  • 06-11/2018: Research assistant in the third party funded project “Data Scores: Investigating Uses of Citizen Scoring” at the Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, led by Dr. Lina Dencik, Dr. Arne Hintz and Dr. Joanna Redden
  • 2017-2018: Study of Digital Media & Society (M.A.) at Cardiff University, Wales. Areas of focus: Big Data and datafication, data literacy. Master thesis: “Critical Big Data Literacy and Attitudes Towards Privacy.”
  • 2016-2017: Student assistant in the DFG research project “Medial Disruptions. Structures and Functions of Television Special Broadcasts in German Political Media Culture” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreas Dörner, Institute for Media Studies, Philipps University of Marburg
  • 2013-2017: Study of Media Science (B.A.) at the Philipps University of Marburg. Focus: digital media. Bachelor thesis: “Reading Media in Transition. Effects of digitalization on reading.”
Current projects

UNBLACK THE BOX”(since August 2020)

UNBLACK THE BOX is a network initiative founded in 2019 by researchers from educational science, sociology, educational informatics, media and health pedagogy as well as teachers in schools, universities or teacher training and further education. It pursues the goal of enabling educational institutions, teachers and lecturers to face the growing computerization and digitalization of education with enlightened, critical and conscious decision-making and design skills, even without extensive informatics knowledge.

ETH-TECH – Anchoring Ethical Technology (AI and data) Usage in the Education Practice(since 10/2024)

Erasmus + project together with Babes Bolyai University (Cluj Napoca) in Romania, the University of Barcelona and the University of Padua. The project aims to promote an ethical approach to the use of technologies in higher education. The main motivation is to spread a more complex and critical vision of technologies, as well as to develop OERs that practicioners can use to support their everyday decision-making. The team at HSU (Prof. Dr. Sigrid Hartong and Dr. Ina Sander) are leading the work package OER development.



Sander, I. (2024). Critical Datafication Literacy. A Framework and Practical Approaches. transcript: Bielefeld. Link.


Dander, V.; Hug, T.; Sander, I. & Shanks, R. (2021) Digital Capitalism, Datafication, and Media Education: Critical Perspectives. Seminar.net, 17(2). Link.


Sander, I. (2024). Critical datafication literacy – a framework for educating about datafication. Information and Learning Sciences, 125(3/4), pp.270-292. Link.

Sander, I. (2023). Material: kritische Datenbildung. Grundschule 4/2023. Link.

Dander, V.; Hug, T.; Sander, I. & Shanks, R. (2021) Digital Capitalism, Datafication, and Media Education: Critical Perspectives. Seminar.net, 17(2). Link.

Sander, I. (2020) Critical big data literacy tools – Engaging citizens and promoting empowered internet usage. In: Data & Policy. Cambridge University Press, 2(5). Link.

Sander, I. (2020) What is critical big data literacy and how can it be implemented? In: Internet Policy Review, 9(2). Link.

Contributions to anthologies

Redden, J.; Brand J.; Sander, I. & Warne, H. (2022). Datafied Child Welfare Services as Sites of Struggle. In: Currie, M, Knox, J & Mcgregor, C (eds.) Data Justice and the Right to the City. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.: 69-86.

Hartong, S.; Allert, H.; Amos, K.; Bleckmann, P.; Czarnojan, I.; Förschler, A.; Jornitz, S.; Reinhard, M. & Sander, I. (2021) Unblack the Box. Anregungen für eine (selbst)bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit digitaler Bildung. In: Lankau, R. (Eds.) Autonom und mündig am Touchscreen. Für eine konstruktive Medienarbeit in der Schule. Beltz Verlag: Weinheim/Basel: 201-212.

Research reports

Redden, J.; Brand J.; Sander, I. & Warne, H. (2022). Automating Public Services: Learning from Cancelled Systems. Link.

Brand, J. & Sander, I. (2022). Chapter: Data Literacy. In: Hintz, A.; Dencik, L.; Redden, J.; Treré, E.; Brand, J.; Warne, H.: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society: Towards Democratic Auditing?: 144-160. Link.

Further essays and contributions

Sander, I. & Hosein, G. (Privacy International) (2023). Online-Leitfaden: Kritische Datenbildung fördern. Link.

Sander, I. & Hosein, G. (Privacy International) (2022). Teaching about Data: A resource for educators. Link.

Sander, I. (2021) Critical Big Data Literacy (Medienbildung). Glossar Digitale Souveränität. Link.

Hartong, S. & Sander, I. (2021) Critical Data(fication) Literacy in und durch Bildung. In: Renz, A.; Etsiwah, B.; Burgueño Hopf, A. T. (Eds.) Whitepaper Datenkompetenz: 19-20. Link.

Sander, I. (2020) Warum unsere Daten wertvoll sind. Link.

Brand, J. & Sander, I. (2020) Critical data literacy tools for advancing data justice: A guidebook. In: Data Justice Lab. Link.

Sander et al. (2020) (How much) is education being surveilled? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Sander et al. (2020) To what extent is artificial intelligence involved? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Sander et al. (2020) Where does the data go? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Allert et al. (2020) How transparent is the modelling? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Amos et al. (2020) What are education policy backgrounds? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Bleckmann et al. (2020) What are the possible health effects (psychosocial)? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Bleckmann et al. (2020) What are the possible health effects (physical)? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Czarnojan et al. (2020) To what extend does the software provide opportunities for (pedagogical) design adaptability? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Förschler et al. (2020) Who consults / trains – and with what rationale? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Förschler et al. (2020) Who is behind the tool? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Hartong et al. (2020) Which types of nudging, such as gamification or visualisation, are used? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Jornitz et al (2020) Which types of learning / education does the software (not) enable? UNBLACK THE BOX. Link.

Sander, I. (2019) A Critically Commented Guide to Data Literacy Tools. Link.


Sander, I. (2025) Education about Datafication: Conceptualising ‘Critical Datafication Literacy’. Presentation at the Online Colloquium of the Project Data Science und Big Data in der Schule (ProDaBi), online, 15.01.2025.

Sander, I. (2024) “Make it colourful and fun!” – Strategies and challenges for fostering critical datafication literacy in practice. Presentation at the Data Power Conference 2024, Graz, 04.-06.09.24.

Sander, I. (2024). Bildung über Datafizierung – Die Perspektive der kritischen Datenbildung und Ideen für die Praxis. Presentation at the online event by the Union for Education and Science (GEW): „Bildungsdaten zwischen Big Data und Datenschutz. Was ist sinnvoll, was ist zuviel, was gehört verboten?“, online, 22.05.2024.

Sander, I. (2024) Wie lässt sich kritische Datenbildung fördern und was hat das mit Nachhaltigkeit zu tun? Presentation as part of the colloquium “Bildung & Digitalität: Nachhaltigkeit”, TU Darmstadt, 15.05.24.

Sander, I. (2024) Wie kann ich Critical Data Literacy im (Fremdsprachen-)Unterricht fördern? Guest lecture as part of the seminar “{if (learn) English Lanuage.increase} – Embedding Data & the Net in Language Learning”, University of Greifswald, 29.04.24.

Sander, I. (2024) Critical Datafication Literacy. Was kann kritische Datenbildung von etablierten (Medien)Bildungsbegriffen lernen? Presentation at the 29th congress of the German Educational Research Association, Halle (Saale), 10.-13.03.24.

Sander, I. (2023) Wie kann ich Critical Data Literacy im Unterricht oder in der Lehre fördern? Workshop as part of the conference „Dialogkonferenz: Digitalität in der Lehrkräftebildung nachhaltig gestalten“, Ruhr-University Bochum, 03.11.2023.

Sander, I. (2023) Interconnecting Theory and Practice? A Collaborative Approach to Developing a Critical Datafication Literacy Framework. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference 2023 ECER, Glasgow, 22-25.08.23.

Sander, I. (2023) Bildung über Datafizierung. Talk for the steering group of the DDLitLab project, University of Hamburg, 28.06.2023.

Sander, I. (2023) Online-Bildungsressourcen zur Förderung einer kritischen Bildung über Datafizierung. Ziele, Strategien & Wünsche der Praktiker*innen. Presentation as part of the workshop „Gesellschaft als ‘algorithmische Sozialmaschine’?“, organised by Harald Gapski, Center for Advanced Internet Studies, 17.03.2023.

Jornitz, S. & Sander, I. (2022) “Bildung” IN digitalen Lerntools und warum wir Bildung ÜBER digitale Lerntools brauchen. Webinar as a part of the Teaching Tuesday event series of the Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung, Universität zu Köln, 25.10.2022.

Sander, I. & Dabisch, V. (2022) Was ist Datafizierung und wie sieht kritische Datenbildung im Unterricht aus? Workshop for teachers as part of the advanced training event “Thementag Digitalisierung: ‚digital – kompetent – gemeinsam’”. University College of Teacher Education Vienna, 06.07.2022.

Sander, I. (2022) Discussant in the Panel “Data Literacy als Aufgabe in Schule und Lehrer:innenbildung: Auslotungen für eine zeitgemäße Medienbildung”. University of Vienna / University College of Teacher Education Vienna, 05.07.2022.

Sander, I. & Brand, J. (2022) Educating about data: Fostering critical data literacy for citizens and the public sector. Talk for the National Association of Data Protection Officers, UK. Online, 28.06.2022.

Sander, I. (2022) Fun & games, dystopian stories or practical advice? Experts’ best practice strategies for fostering critical data literacy. Debate Series by the Critical Big Data and Algorithmic Literacy Network. Online, 12.05.2022.

Sander, I. (2021) Keynote: Bildung und Datafizierung. Ein wechselseitiges Verhältnis. DiAL:OGe Conference “Vermessene Bildung”. Online, 05.11.2021.

Sander, I. (2021) Critical Data Literacies – Education about Datafication (in Education and Society), as part of: Rummler, K; Sander, I., Dander, V.: Workshop “Ecologies of Datafication”. Conference “Medien – Wissen – Bildung: Ökologische Krisen und Ökologien der Kritik”. Innsbruck / Online, 21.-22.09.2021.

Sander, I. & Gapski, H. (2021) Being Critical about Big Data. Educational Concepts, Resources and a Research Network. Center for Advanced Internet Studies. Bochum, Germany (Online). 30.06.2021

Sander, I.; Allert, H.; Bleckmann, P.; Förschler, A. & Hartong, S. (2021) UNBLACK THE BOX – Ansätze für einen (selbst)bewussten Umgang mit digitalen Datentechnologien in der Schule. Blockseminar. Universität Regensburg, Online, 11.-13.06.2021.

Sander, I. (2021) Critical Big Data Literacy – A Way of Fostering Citizen Participation in Datafied Societies. Data Justice Conference 2020: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society. Online, 20.-21.5.2021.

Sander, I. (2021). Critical Data Literacy. Education about Datafication. Guest Lecture. School of Journalism, Media and Culture. Cardiff University. Online, 17.05.2021.

Sander, I. (2021) Critical Data Literacy Tools – Understanding and Challenging Datafication. Challenging Tech Conference. Online, 06.05.2021.

Sander, I. (2021) What is critical big data literacy and how can it be implemented? International Media Education Summit (MES). Special Panel Internet Policy Review. Online, 01.04.2021.

Sander, I.; Bleckmann, P.; Förschler, A.; Hartong, S. & Allert, H. (2021) Unblack the Box – Ansätze für einen (selbst)bewussten Umgang mit digitalen Datentechnologien in der Schule. Blockseminar. Universität Regensburg, Online, 11.-13.06.2021.

Sander, I. (2020) Critical Big Data Literacy – Understanding the Challenges of Datafication. Lecture in the context of the International Working Group on Critical Big Data Literacy at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, 19.-21.02.2020.

Sander, I. (2019) Critical Big Data Literacy – Tools and Suggestions for Fostering Debate and Promoting Responsible Internet Usage. Lecture in the context of the Data Power Conference, Bremen, 12.09.2019.

Sander, I. (2019) Data Literacy Tools. Überblick und Ergebnisse zur Vermittlung einer Mündigkeit im Umgang mit Big Data. Lecture at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, 26.06.2019.

Sander, I. (2019) Mündigkeit im Umgang mit Big Data. Ein Überblick zu ‚Data Literacy Tools‘. Lecture in the context of the Round Table Continuing Education Bochum. Bochum, 25.06.2019

Sander, I. (2019) Critical Big Data Literacy Tools – Engaging Citizens and Promoting Responsible Internet Usage. Lecture in the context of the Data for Policy Conference, London, 11.06.2019.

Sander, I. (2019) Mündigkeit im Umgang mit Big Data. Analysen von Tools zur kritischen Reflexion von Datensammlung im Internet. Lecture in the context of the IX Interdisciplinary Workshop „Privacy, Datenschutz & Surveillance (Bochum Edition)“. Bochum, 09.04.2019.

Sander, I. (2019) Critical Big Data Literacy. Analysing Tools for a Critical Reflection of Data Collection Online. Lecture at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, 09.01.2019.


Link to profile on Researchgate

Courses at Helmut Schmidt University

Winter Trimester 2022: Seminar Individuum, Gesellschaft und Staat im Kontext von Erziehung, Bildung, Sozialisation: Wie Big Data & Datafizierung unsere Gesellschaft verändern

Fall trimester 2024: Seminar “Der Computer sagt Nein” – Leben mit algorithmischen Entscheidungssystemen

Fall trimester 2022: Seminar Diskriminierende Maschinen? Soziale Ungleichheit in der datafizierten Gesellschaft

Winter trimester 2022: Seminar Individuum, Gesellschaft und Staat im Kontext von Erziehung, Bildung, Sozialisation: Wie Big Data & Datafizierung unsere Gesellschaft verändern

Winter trimester 2021: Seminar Individuum, Gesellschaft und Staat im Kontext von Erziehung, Bildung, Sozialisation: Wie Big Data & Datafizierung unsere Gesellschaft verändern


Letzte Änderung: 25. March 2025