Anja Loft-Akhoondi


Research Profile:

  • Discourse focused institutional analysis
  • Teacher education policy
  • Inclusion in the context of educational inequalities and participation
  • Digitalization and school
  • Qualitative research methods

Contact Information:

201, H4
Visiting address
Gebäude H1
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Postal address
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg


  • since July 2022: Research associate at Helmut-Schmidt-University in the dtec-project “Smart Schools – SMASCH”, project lead: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Hartong (Professorship for Transformation of Governance in Education and Society)
  • 07-12/2019: Berlin Startup Fellow at Tatort Zukunft e.V. – an NGO for a justice, humane and effective approach to crime
  • 2018-2020: external associate in the research project “Human rights education as a quality factor in the training of kindergarten teachers” for the German Institute for Human Rights
  • 2014-2016: Research associate at pollytix strategic research GmbH
  • Since October 2015: PhD student in the graduate program “Inclusion-Education-School”, Humboldt University Berlin, doctoral fellowship from the Hans Böckler Foundation until 2019. Title of the nearly completed dissertation: “Transforming Teacher Education. A discursive-institutionalism analysis of the policy process for the unification of Berlin’s secondary teaching profession”. Status: final phase. Doctoral supervision, Prof. Dr. Rita Nikolai, University of Augsburg
  • 2004-2014: Studies in social and economic communication at the Berlin University of the Arts. Diploma thesis: “The code of green as a political statement? A Weblog Analysis of the ‘Sea of Green’ Movement during the Iranian Presidential Election 2009”.

Memberships / Scientific networks

Reckahner Reflexionen zur Ethik Pädagogischer Beziehungen in Forschung, Lehre, Fortbildung, “AG Menschenrechtsbildung”, initiated by Prof. Annedore Prengel.

Current projects

Project Smart Schools (SMASCH).” (since January 2021)

OPAL research project (duration 48 months) to accompany and support schools in the development of sustainable, pedagogically meaningful and demand-oriented digitalization concepts that have an appropriate and target-adequate effect in the medium and long term.
Funded by the Center for Digitalization and Technology Research of the German Armed Forces (


Moser, Vera; Akhoondi, Anja; Bengel, Angelika; Gasterstädt, Julia; Görtler, Sophie; Nesyba, Thea; Piezunka, Anne; Schrumpf, Florian; Tegge, Danja; Wawzyniak, Annika & Wiebigke, Julia (2016) Graduiertenkolleg „Inklusion-Bildung-Schule: Analysen von Schulstrukturentwicklungen“ an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In: Hinz, Andreas; Kinne, Tanja; Kruschel, Robert & Winter, Stephanie (Eds.) Von der Zukunft her denken. Inklusive Pädagogik im Diskurs, Klinkhardt: 140-152.

Conference contributions/ Presentations

Akhoondi, Anja (2019) moderator of the panels Teilhabe und Partizipation as well as Inklusionsorientierte Schulentwicklung. 33. Annual Conference for Inclusion Research “Inklusion-Partizipation-Menschrechte: 10 Jahre UN-BRK – Eine interdisziplinäre Zwischenbilanz“, Humboldt University Berlin, 20.-22.02.2019.


Letzte Änderung: 15. January 2025