Regelungstechnik I

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. J. Horn and Dr. M. Alpen
Realization in winter term
This lecture covers the fundamentals of control engineering. The various representations and classes of dynamic systems with one input and one output are covered, as well as tools for their analysis. Different methods for controller synthesis are also presented. The teaching material can be found in the download area
Regelungstechnik II

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. J. Horn and Dr. M. Alpen
Realization in spring term
The lecture continues the contents of the basic lecture Regelungstechnik I. In addition to controller design using the root locus method, systems with multiple inputs and outputs (MIMO systems) are discussed. Stability criteria as well as analysis and design methods are presented for this type of systems. The teaching material can be found in the download area
Nichtlineare Regelungen

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. J. Horn and M.Sc. M. Dorau
Realization in spring term
The lecture deals with nonlinear dynamical systems. Different methods for the analysis and synthesis of controllers are presented. The teaching material can be found in the download area
Stochastische Filter

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. Horn, M.Sc. A. Schulzke and M.Sc. A. Wickers
Realization in the fall term
The lecture covers the basics of stochastic processes as well as different filters like the Wiener filter or the Kalman filter. The teaching material can be found in the download area
Continuous Control

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. J. Horn, M.Sc. A. Schweim and M.Sc. M. Schweim
Realization in the fall term
This lecture in English covers the fundamentals of control engineering. The different forms of representation and classes of dynamic systems with one input and one output are covered as well as methods for their analysis. Also different methods for controller synthesis are presented. The teaching material can be found in the download area
Estimation and Sensor Data Fusion

Extent of 2+1 TWS
Supervision by Prof. Horn and others
This lecture in English covers the basics of stochastic processes as well as different filters like the Wiener filter or the Kalman filter. The lecture notes can be found in the download area
Letzte Änderung: 14. April 2022