Unmanned or partially manned material transport is a promising topic for armed forces worldwide. The task is to determine and evaluate how vehicles with different characteristics can cooperate in a convoy. The aim is to develop both architectural structures and control approaches. The central challenge here is the robustness of the solution, which has a direct impact on the safety, effectiveness and string stability of the convoy.
The goal of our research is to develop a robust control system for teleoperated driving in convoys with different types of vehicles.
The overall solution of the problem consists of two parts: The system architecture part and the control engineering part. For the system architecture it has to be determined how a teleoperated convoy can be set up, how extensive the corresponding information requirements are and with which communication structure such a set-up should be realized. For the control within the convoy, decentralized and centralized approaches have to be compared. Here, string stability and collision avoidance deserve special attention. The solution approaches are to be tested with a simulation environment as close to reality as possible. Finally, a comparative evaluation will be made.
The project is supported by special funds of the university and is worked on together with the professorship for automation technology. If you would like to be part of this exciting development process or learn more about this project, feel free to contact Felix Seeland.
Letzte Änderung: 15. April 2021