The Go-FüKo Training
- …is an executive training to increase health-oriented leadership competence.
- …is a one-day training that combines concepts proven in practice with new scientific findings and new training content.
- …was developed at the Chair of Industrial, Organizational and Business Psychology, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg.
Managers often underestimate their role model effect and their scope of influence on the health of their employees. In most cases, there is little time in the daily work routine to reflect on the topics of employee health and health-oriented self-management. A professional framework for exchange with other managers and helpful suggestions for one’s own day-to-day management is hardly offered so far, so that a lot of potential remains unused. In particular, the opportunities that managers have to make it easier for their employees to participate in workplace health promotion (WHP) programs have hardly been addressed in management training to date.
The Go-FüKo training offers an answer to this need. The participants are informed and sensitized with regard to scientific findings on the topic of “health-oriented leadership”. In addition to this information, which is valuable for everyday work, and the practical exercises for self-awareness, there is also room for reflection and exchange of ideas with other managers.
Benefits for the participants
The participating managers learn…
- … how they can improve their health-oriented leadership skills.
- … what possibilities they have to act in a health-oriented manner in everyday life.
- … what significance and scope their role model effect has.
- … how they can further improve their health-oriented self-management.
Methodological-didactic conception
In designing the training course, great care was taken to ensure that the topic is examined from different perspectives using a variety of methods, making it interesting and entertaining. The alternation of scientifically based information units and practical exercises makes Go-FüKo a varied personnel development measure for managers.
Using real case studies of employees, the participants work out concrete, health-oriented options for action during the training.
Feel free to approach us for further information:
Letzte Änderung: 7. January 2025