Stephanie Neidlinger

4940 6541-3151
Visiting Address
Building H1
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Postal Adress
Department of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg
Professional activties
- 2021 – today: Research Assistant / phd candidate at the Chair of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology, Helmut Schmidt University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
- 2021 – today: Research Assistant / phd candidate in the DTEC-Project: Digital Leadership and Health
- 2020: Internship Global Strategic Organizational Development at Beiersdorf
- 2020: Internship Psychological Aptitude Assessment and Competency Diagnostics in the Department of Aerospace Psychology at the German Aerospace Center
- 2017 – 2020: Tutor for personnel psychology & research assistant in the research group for organizational and business psychology at Darmstadt University of Technology
- 2017: Internship management diagnostics and development at Kienbaum
- 2015 – 2017: Team and project tutor for interdisciplinary study projects at Darmstadt University of Technology
- 2015 – 2017: Student Assistant in human resources development and training at Darmstadt University of Technology
Academic Training
- 10.2017 – 10.2020: Master of Science Psychology at the Darmstadt University of Technology
Master thesis: “The effectiveness of a Positive Psychology intervention for increasing informal learning and personal initiative in the workplace”. - 01.2019 – 07.2019: Semester abroad at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia
- 10.2014 – 10.2017: Bachelor of Science Psychology at Darmstadt University of Technology
Bachelor’s thesis: “The influence of supervisors’ daily use of signature strengths on their subordinates’ job satisfaction and perceived leadership effectiveness”
Research focus
- Digital Leadership and Health
- Remote work
- Positive Organizational Behavior
- Resources and positive interventions
- Character strengths in leaders and employees
- Psychological capital
- Felfe, J., Krick, A., Hauff, S., Renner, K.-H., Klebe, L., Schübbe, K., Tautz, D., Frontzkowski, Y., Gubernator, P., & Neidlinger, S.M. (in press). Working from home: Opportunities and risks for working conditions, leadership and health. In Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.
- Krick, A., Felfe, J., Neidlinger, S.M., Tautz, D., & Renner, K.-H. (2022). Chancen und Risiken des digitalen Arbeitens: Wie man Probleme vermeiden kann. Betriebliche Prävention: Arbeit / Gesundheit / Unfallversicherung, 6(134), 269-274.
- Krick, A., Felfe, J., Neidlinger, S.M., Klebe, L., Tautz, D., Schübbe, K., Frontzkowski, Y., & Gubernator, P., Hauff, S., & Renner, K.-H. (2022). Effects of remote work: results of a nationwide study with managers and employees.
- Leadership I
- Judgement & Decision Making / Behavioural Economics II
- Health Management & Intervention II
- Leadership & Psychology in Organizations
Reviewer for:
Journal of Happiness Studies
Letzte Änderung: 22. September 2022