Sarah Laura Pischel

Visiting Address
Building H1
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Postal Adress
Department of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg
Research focus
- Mental health of leaders and employees
- Early warning signals of mental stress at the work context
- Early detection of mentally stressed or ill employees
- Dealing with employees who are mentally stressed or ill
- Willingness to open up in mental ill employees in the work context
- Mindfulness
- Pischel, S., Felfe, J., & Klug, K. (in prep). WIBO (Warning Indicators for Burnout and Mental Overload) – Instrument zur Erkennung von Frühwarnsignalen psychischer Erkrankungen und Burnout im Arbeitskontext. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Boß, L., Ross, J., Reis, D., Pischel, S., Mallwitz, T., Brückner, H., …, & Lehr, D. (preprint). Effectiveness of an Integrated Platform-Based Intervention for Promoting Mental Health in Nurses—a Pragmatic Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.Effectiveness of an Integrated Platform-Based Intervention for Promoting Mental Health in Nurses — a Pragmatic Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies.
- Pischel, S., Felfe, J., Krick, A., & Pundt, F. (2023). Gesundheitsförderliche Führung diagnostizieren und umsetzen. In J. Felfe & R. van Dick (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung: Wirtschaftspsychologisches Praxiswissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte (S. 231-248). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
- Klebe, L., Felfe, J., Krick, A., & Pischel, S. (2023). The shadows of digitisation: On the losses of health-oriented leadership in the face of ICT hassles. Behaviour & Information Technology. Advance online publication.
- Pischel, S., Felfe, J., & Klebe, L. (2023). “Should I Further Engage in Staff Care?”: Employees’ Disclosure, Leaders’ Skills, and Goal Conflict as Antecedents of Health-Oriented Leadership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 162.
- Pischel, S., & Felfe, J. (2022). „Should I Tell my Leader or Not?“ – Health-oriented Leadership and Stigma as Antecedents of Employees‘ Mental Health Information Disclosure Intentions at Work. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65, 74-85.
- Pischel, S., Felfe, J., & Krick, A. (2022). Health-Oriented Leadership: Antecedents of Leaders’ Awareness Regarding Warning Signals of Emerging Depression and Burnout. German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 239700222211307.
- Krick, A., Felfe, J., & Pischel, S. (2022). Health-oriented leadership as a job resource: StaffCare buffers the effects of job demands on employee health and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(2), 139-152.
- Pischel, S., & Felfe, J. (2020). Wenn Wandel krank macht. Als Führungskraft psychische Beanspruchung aktiv angehen. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 3, 31-38.
- German Psychological Society (DGPs)
Letzte Änderung: 4. November 2024