Doctoral Research Associate at the Chair of Political Science, in particular Political Theory
Gebäude H1,
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Email: pleyers [at]

Since September 2020
Doctoral Research Associate at the Chair of Political Science, in particular Political Theory at Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
2018- 2020
Youth Information Officer Cottbus
2013- 2017
PSYOPS Officer, Analyst for the republic of South Sudan; Intercultural Advisor, German Contingent, EUNAVFOR MED „Sophia“ April- August 2016
2011- 2012
Master Pro, BAC+5 Défense, sécurité et gestion de crise, Thesis : „An EU Strategy for the rare earth supplies for the EU Defence Industries“, Institute des Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS), Paris
2007- 2011
BscEcon Internationale Politics and Strategic Studies, Thesis: „French military African strategy in the 21st century. “, Aberystwyth Universität, Wales, United Kingdom
Research Interests
Strategic Theory
Nuclear Deterrence
Escalation Dominance Theory
Security Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
Publications and media appearances
So mächtig sind die Wagner-Söldner, ZDF Heute Live, 03.05.2023,
“Die Wagner-Gruppe ist der Prellbock”, um die russischen Truppen in Bachmut zu schonen, Ntv, 10. März 2023,
„Optionen erweitern“, LOYAL, Experte zu Atomwaffen: „Wir brauchen Langstreckenraketen in Deutschland“, 27.01.2023,
Pleyer, Severin (2023): Die nukleare Teilhabe und nukleare Bedrohung Deutschlands. In Malte Riemann, Georg Löfflmann (Eds.): DEUTSCHLANDS VERTEIDIGUNGSPOLITIK: Nationale Sicherheit nach der. [S.l.]: KOHLHAMMER VERLAG, pp. 59–70.
Pleyer, Severin (2023): Technological Hype Of New Nuclear Delivery Systems – The Neglect Of The Concept Of Deterrence, Defence Horizon Journal,
Meissner, Burkhardt; Pleyer, Severin (2020): Zur Nuklearstrategie Russlands. Edited by German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies. Available online at
Letzte Änderung: 20. March 2025