CoREx (Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe)
The COST Action CoREx (CA22150) creates a network of researchers studying the relationships of executive politicians, top civil servants, and ministerial advisers (‘the executive triangle’) in Europe and beyond. CoREx develops a common conceptual and methodological framework revolving around different dimensions of politicization to collect internationally comparative data on the executive triangle.
Thereby, the COST Action bridges currently disconnected research on the top civil service and ministerial advisers, as well as disparities in geographical coverage and research capacities. The project will generate comparative datasets and analyses on the institutional set-up (Working Group 1), career backgrounds (Working Group 2), roles and interactions in policymaking (Working Group 3), and accountability and transparency (Working Group 4) of the executive triangle across regions and over time. CoREx will provide systematic comparative knowledge about trends, causes, and consequences of different configurations of the executive triangle. CoREx thus contributes to a better understanding of democratic governance in times of increasing political polarization and populist politics.
The COST Action is coordinated at the Hertie School (Berlin, Germany) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Thurid Hustedt and involves over 130 researchers from across Europe. Prof. Dr. Sylvia Veit co-leads Working Group 2, which collects comparative career data on members of the executive triangle. Together with Liesa Erlewein, she is responsible for the collection and analysis of data on the institutional set-up and careers of the executive triangle in Germany. Anna Simstich is a member of Working Group 3, where she collects data on the roles and interactions in the German executive triangle together with Thurid Hustedt. In Working Group 4, Anna Simstich and Nina Felgendreher examine the rules of accountability and transparency related to the executive triangle in Germany. The data collected in individual countries will be combined in comparative datasets for internationally comparative analyses on the functioning of the executive triangle.
More information is available on the CoREx website and LinkedIn profile.
Letzte Änderung: 17. Dezember 2024