Prof. Dr. Florian Jaehn


Florian Jaehn

Institut für Management Science und Operations Research
Postfach 700822
22008 Hamburg


Florian Jaehn erhielt von der Universität Dortmund (jetzt TU Dortmund) den Abschluss als Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematiker (2005) und von der FernUniversität in Hagen den Abschluss als Diplom-Kaufmann (2007). Seine von Prof. Dr. Erwin Pesch betreute Promotion schloss er 2007 an der Universität Siegen ab. An der gleichen Universität habilitierte er sich im Jahr 2011. Im Mai 2012 wurde er zum Universitätsprofessor an der Universität Augsburg ernannt, und er führte fortan den Lehrstuhl für Sustainable Operations and Logistics. Einen parallelen Ruf an die FernUniversität in Hagen lehnte er ab. Der Wechsel auf seine jetzige Position an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität erfolgte im Oktober 2017.


Aufsätze in begutachteten Zeitschriften und Proceedings

Bachmat, E., Erland, S., Jaehn, F., & Neumann, S. (2023). Air passenger preferences: An international comparison affects boarding theory. Operations Research, 71(3), 798-820.

Caballero, W. N., Jaehn, F., and Lunday, B. J. (2022). Transportation labor cost reduction via vehicle platooning: Alternative models and solution methods. Transportation Science, 56(6), 1549-1572.

Gertheiss, J., and Jaehn, F. (2022). Route Planning Under Uncertainty: A Case Study on Objectives Apart from Mean Travel Time. In: International Conference on Operations Research (pp. 261–267). Springer, Cham.

Jaehn, F., and Meissner, F. (2022). The rebound effect in transportation. Omega, 108, 102563.

Fauvé, N., Jaehn, F., Azizpour, M., Hein, B., Kirchheim, A., and Neumann, S. (2022). Technische und methodische Analyse von automatisierten Kompaktlagern. Forschungsaktivitäten im Zentrum für Digitalisierungs- und Technologieforschung der Bundeswehr

Wiehl, A., Jaehn, F. (2020). Approximation algorithms for the twin robots scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling, Volume 23, S. 117-133.

Billing, C., Wensing, T., Jaehn, F. (2020). Fair task allocation problem. Annals of Operations Research, Volume 284, S. 131-146.

Hutter, L., Neumann, S., Jaehn, F. (2019). Influencing Factors on Airplane Boarding Times. Omega, Volume 87, S. 177-190.

Dornseifer, J., Kreß, D., Jaehn, F. (2019). An exact solution approach for scheduling cooperative gantry cranes. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 273, S. 82-101.

Briskorn, D., Wiehl, A., Jaehn, F. (2019). A generator for test instances of scheduling problems concerning cranes in transshipment terminals. OR Spectrum, Volume 41, S. 45-69.

Juopperi, R., Jaehn, F. (2019). A description of supply chain planning problems in the paper industry with literature review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Volume 36, S. 1-39.

Kreß, D., Jaehn, F. (2018). Scheduling cooperative gantry cranes with seaside and landside jobs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 242, S. 53-68.

Otto, A., Seifried, K., Jaehn, F. (2018). Shunting operations at flat yards: retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. OR Spectrum, Volume 40, S. 367-393.

Ehleiter, A., Jaehn, F. (2018). Scheduling crossover cranes at container terminals during seaside peak times. Journal of Heuristics, Volume 24, S. 899-932.

Billing, C., Wensing, T., Jaehn, F. (2018). A multiperiod auto-carrier transportation problem with probabilistic future demands. Journal of Business Economics, Volume 88, S. 1009-1028.

Drozdowski, M., Paszkowski, R., Jaehn, F. (2017). Scheduling position-dependent maintenance operations. Operations Research, Volume 65, S. 1657-1677.

Cichenski, M., Pawlak, G., Pesch, E., Singh, G., Blazewicz, J., Jaehn, F. (2017). An integrated model for the transshipment yard scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling, Volume 20, S. 57-65.

Dorndorf, U., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2017). Flight gate assignment and recovery strategies with stochastic arrival and departure times. OR Spectrum, Volume 39, S. 65-93.

Calinescu, G., Li, M., Wang, K., Jaehn, F. (2017). An FPTAS of minimizing total weighted completion time on single Machine with Position Constraint. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), The 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), 19:1 – 19:13.

Jaehn, F. (2016). Sustainable Operations. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 253, S. 243-264.

Sedding, H. A., Jaehn, F. (2016). Scheduling with time dependent discrepancy times. Journal of Scheduling, Volume 19, S. 737-757.

Ehleiter, A., Jaehn, F. (2016). Housekeeping: Foresightful container repositioning. International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 179, S. 203-211.

Michaelis, S., Jaehn, F. (2016). Shunting of trains in succeeding yards. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Volume 102, S. 1-9.

Neumann, S., Jaehn, F. (2015). Airplane boarding. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 244, S. 339-359.

Rieder, J., Wiehl, A., Jaehn, F. (2015). Minimizing delays in a shunting yard. OR Spectrum, Volume 37, S. 407-429.

Rieder, J., Wiehl, A., Jaehn, F. (2015). Single-stage shunting minimizing weighted departure times. Omega, Volume 52, S. 133-141.

Kovalev, S., Kovalyov, M. Y., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2014). Multi-product batching and scheduling with buffered rework: The case of a car paint shop. Naval Research Logistics, Volume 61, S. 458–471.

Sedding, H. A., Jaehn, F. (2014). Single machine scheduling with nonmonotonic piecewise linear time dependent processing times. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, S. 222-225.

Boysen, N., Fliedner, M., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2013). A survey on container processing in railway yards. Transportation Science, Volume 47, S. 312-329.

Briskorn, D., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2013). Exact algorithms for inventory constrained scheduling on a single machine. Journal of Scheduling, Volume 16, S. 105-115.

Jaehn, F. (2013). Positioning of loading units in a transshipment yard storage area. OR Spectrum, Volume 35, S. 399-416.

Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2013). New bounds and constraint propagation techniques for the clique partitioning problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 161, S. 2025–2037.

Briskorn, D., Jaehn, F. (2013). A note on “Multistage Methods for Freight Train Classification”. Networks, Volume 62, S. 80–81.

Boysen, N., Fliedner, M., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2012). Shunting yard operations: Theoretical aspects and applications. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume, S. 1-14.

Boysen, N., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2012). New bounds and algorithms for the transshipment yard scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling, Volume 15, S. 499-511.

Dorndorf, U., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2012). Flight gate scheduling with respect to a reference schedule. Annals of Operations Research, Volume 194, S. 177-187.

Boysen, N., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2011). Scheduling freight trains in rail-rail transshipment yards. Transportation Science, Volume 45, S. 199-211.

Junker, A., Scholz, D., Jaehn, F. (2010). Extensions to STaTS for practical applications of the facility layout problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 204, S. 463-472.

Letmathe, P., Jaehn, F. (2010). The emissions trading paradox. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 202, S. 248-254.

Jaehn, F. (2010). Solving the flight gate assignment problem using dynamic programming. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Volume 80, S. 1027-1039.

Dorndorf, U., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2008). Modelling robust flight gate scheduling as a clique partitioning problem. Transportation Science, Volume 42, S. 292-301.

Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2008). A new branch and bound algorithm for the clique partitioning problem. Operations Research Proceedings 2008, S. 457-462.

Dorndorf, U., Lin, C., Ma, H., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2007). Disruption management in flight gate scheduling. Statistica Neerlandica, Volume 61, S. 92-114.

Dorndorf, U., Pesch, E., Jaehn, F. (2006). Modeling robust flight gate scheduling as a clique partitioning problem. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, S. 175-179.


Letzte Änderung: 11. März 2025