David Fischer, M.Sc.

David Fischer

phone: +49 40 6541 3538
mail: [email protected]
building H1, room 2221

Short vita:

David Fischer studied computer science at the University of Würzburg from 2014 to 2021, where he completed his master’s degree in 2021 with a specialization in algorithmics and theory. In the years 2021 – 2023 he worked as a research assistant at the Technical University of Hamburg, 2023 – 2024 at the University of Kiel. Since June 2024, he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Management Science and Operations Research at HSU. His research interests are in particular in topics of scheduling, especially approximation algorithms for scheduling problems, and discrete optimization.


David Fischer, Péter Györgyi: Approximation algorithms for coupled task scheduling minimizing the sum of completion times. Ann. Oper. Res. 328(2): 1387-1408 (2023)


Letzte Änderung: 28. June 2024