
wintertrimester wt25
(01.01. – 31.03.2025)

Menschen und Meere. Mittelalterliche Lebensformen in der Weltchronik Hermann Korners
Montag 11.30−13.00 Uhr, Gebäude H1, HS 2
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer

Proseminar (BA)
Das europäische Mittelalter im Spiegel von Konflikten, Krisen und Konzepten
Mittwoch 11.30−13.00 Uhr, Gebäude H1, SR 206
Christian Ashauer M.A.

Seminar (BA)
Die Könige und Kaiser des Mittelalters und der Norden des Reichs
Dienstag 9.45−11.15 Uhr, Gebäude H1, SR 206
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer

Seminar (BA)
Alltag und Gruppen im Mittelalter
Dienstag 9.45−11.15 Uhr, Gebäude H1, SR 203
Verena Spilcke-Liss M.A.

Hauptseminar (MA)
Ein Klassiker und seine Wirkung: Arno Borst, Lebensformen im Mittelalter (1973)
Montag 09:45−11:15, Gebäude H1, SR 0205
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer


spring trimester 2025 (FT 25)
(07-04-2025 to 28-06-2025)

Pre-modern revision course
Tuesday 9.45 a.m. to 11.15 a.m., building H1, Lecture hall 0006
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer/Prof. Dr. Jutta Nowosadtko/Prof. Dr. Burkhard Meißner

seminar (BA)                                                               
“Small towns” in the Hanseatic League
Monday 9.45 a.m. to 11.15 a.m., building H1, room 202
Christian Ashauer M.A.

practice (BA)  
Consolidation of First Year Module (Medieval History):
About certificates, coats of arms and coins. Introduction to medieval source studies
Monday 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m., building H1, room 202
Christian Ashauer M.A.                                

practice (BA)
Consolidation of First Year Module (Medieval History):                                              
Medieval source studies on site. The medieval town of Nordhausen
including study trip
Monday 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m., building H1, room 207
Paul Becker M.A./Christian Ashauer M.A.

Theory course (MA)
Historians and images. An introduction to visual history
Monday 3.45 p.m. to 5.15 p.m., building H1, room 202
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer

seminar (MA)
„Von offener Verfassung zu gestalteter Verdichtung”.
Through the empire of the later Middle Ages
with Peter Moraw (1935 – 2013)                
Monday 11.30 a.m.to 1 p.m., building H1, room 0202
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer/Verena Spilcke-Liss M.A.

practice (BA)
Courts and residences in Central Germany
Tuesday 9.45 a.m. to 11.15 a.m, building H1, room 205
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer/Verena Spilcke-Liss M.A.
Project work on medieval history (BA)
Date and room by arrangement
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer

Examination colloquium on medieval history (MA)
Tuesday 11.30 a.m.to 1 p.m., building H1, room 205  
Prof. Dr. Stephan Selzer                                                     



Letzte Änderung: 27. February 2025