Hannah Grün is a research assistant at the Department of Sociology/Microsociology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg and a PhD candidate in the Hamburg research group “care transformations.” She holds an MA degree in Global Political Economy from the University of Kassel and previously studied Social Sciences and Gender Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin. Hannah Grün is a member of the editorial collective of the independent journal “ephemera: theory and politics in organization.”
Her research interests lie at the intersection of aging, technology and care, with a particular focus on practices and infrastructures of care and its experimental organization in a digital and aging society. In her ethnographic endeavours, she draws on perspectives and methodologies from Science and Technology Studies as well as feminist studies of care and social reproduction.
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Feminist theories of care and social reproduction
- Collective care and co-housing in later life
- Aging and technology
- Ambient Assisted and Smart Living
- Co-design and situated interventions
- EASST – European Association for the Study of Sciences and Technology
- stsing e.V. – Association for Science and Technology Studies in and through Germany
Wiedemann, Lisa/Grün, Hannah (2021): Care as a “high-tension zone”: Investigating frictions and temporalities in technologized care arrangements, Working Paper für die Transforming Care Conference, TCC 2021.
Grün, Hannah (2021): Caring with: Für eine Politik der _Mit_Sorge in Zeiten der Covid-19 Pandemie. In: Fischer, Jörg/ Tuider, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Sozialer Zusammenhalt. 4. Sonderband Sozialmagazin. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa, S. 97-119.
Conferences, talks & workshops
“Care as a high-tension zone: Investigating the ambivalences of care in the midst of the pandemic”, open-panel co-hosted with Lisa Wiedemann, EASST 2022, Madrid, Juli 2022.
“Aging-with many: Conceptualizing ecologies of care in the field of Ambient Assisted Living”, talk, 4S 2021, Toronto/online, Oktober 2021.
“format /C: Digitalisierung und utopische Zukünfte? Eine Kurzwerkstatt”, Workshop with Felix Nickel, Herr*Krit 2021, Uni Kassel/online, Juli 2021.
“Care as a ‘high-tension zone’: Investigating frictions and temporalities in technologized care arrangements”, talk with Lisa Wiedemann, TCC21 Venedig/online, Juni 2021.
„Critters, Chaos, Capital: Thinking-with care in times of digital transformation“, talk, TU Berlin, Juni 2019.
Letzte Änderung: 18. October 2022