Network MMMR – Topics and Objectives

An Interdisciplinary Network on the Methodology and dfg logo
Applications of Integrative Research Methods


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During the past two decades mixed methods and multi method research (MMMR) has become an established approach within a broad spectrum of social science disciplines. The integration of diverse methods traditions, especially quantitative and qualitative methods, is increasingly acknowledged as a powerful research strategy alongside traditional mono-method approaches. However, this development has also produced new methodological questions.

Firstly, the popularization of MMMR has led to a considerable expansion of methodological conceptualizations and terminologies. The resulting multivocality of MMMR methodologies has yet to develop a common language. As is apparent for instance in the areas of validation criteria or data analysis strategies, there is an ongoing need for dialog and integration between different conceptualizations of MMMR.

Such methodological dialog is sometimes hindered by disciplinary boundaries. Many mixed researchers tend to remain grouped into their respective fields, e.g. in educational science, psychology, or political science, while the MMMR approach suggests an interdisciplinary perspective.

In Addition to that, some divisions within MMMR seem to mirror traditional mono-method distinctions, which is probably most obvious in the distinction between ‘qualitative’ vs. ‘quantitative’ MMMR. In some cases, such fractal repetition may hinder the mixed methods movement’s initial intent to overcome the limitations of rigid methodological boundaries.

The proposed scientific network will take on these and other methodological issues by encouraging a problem-centered, interdisciplinary debate between proponents of diverse MMMR orientations. At the same time, it promotes exchange between the German-speaking and international methods-communities. The following topics are at the center of network activities:

  1. How can the multiplicity of current MMMR-conceptualizations and terminologies be integrated more fully without compromising diversity?
  2. What are different approaches towards causal analysis in MMMR and what are possible avenues towards a productive dialog between them?
  3. What are current issues and developments with regard to MMMR sampling and data collection?
  4. What are current problems and potentials for innovation in MMMR data analysis?
  5. What are promising avenues towards practical, comprehensive quality criteria and best-practice-guidelines for MMMR?
  6. What are typical barriers for communicating MMMR-results and teaching MMMR-skills and what are possible ways to reduce them?


These questions will be addressed in six consecutive workshop meetings. During each meeting, network-members will present papers on the respective topics which will be commented on by international expers. Public keynote lectures by the invited experts will complement the program. Documentation and dissemination of workshop-results will be provided through an international conference organized by the network-team. Key results from network meetings as well as selected conference contributions will be made accessible in a joint publication.


Letzte Änderung: 24. February 2018