An Interdisciplinary Network on the Methodology and 
Applications of Integrative Research Methods
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Summaries of past meetings and videos of selected workshop-contributions are available here:
First workshop on Conceptualizations and Applications of MMMR, January 25-27 2018, Hamburg
Second workshop on MMMR and Causal Analysis, July 5-7 2018, Cologne
Third workshop on Sampling, Data Collection and Data Combinations, January 17-19 2019, Berlin
Fourth workshop on Methods of Integrated Data Analysis, May 23-25 2019, Göttingen
Fifth Workshop on Quality Criteria and Best-Practice Standards, February 5-7 2020, Hamburg
Sixth Workshop on Teaching Mixed Methods and Communicating Research Results, June 5 2021, online
Overview of planned network activities
The activities within the research network Mixed Methods und Multimethod empirical social research are structured by biannual workshop-meetings. At these workshops, network-members present original contributions to the field of MMMR methodology and develop joint projects.
At each workshop the network members are joined by two international experts from the field of MMMR. These guest researchers comment on the papers presented. Keynote lectures by guest speakers round out the workshop program.
The topics of individual workshops mirror the core questions of the overall network program:
Letzte Änderung: 15. September 2021