Interdisciplinary research project: Design of breakwaters

- Development of a new reinforcing concept for the geometrically optimized breakwaters
- Idealization of wave action by simulated equivalent loads
- Design of steel/textile reinforced concrete structure with the help of nonlinear FE simulation
- Development of production technology including 3D formwork
- Production and execution of tests to verify the load-bearing capacity
Responsible: Yasar Hanifi Gedik
Reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer

- Numerical investigation of the influence of pre-loading on the confinement effectiveness of columns confined by CFRP
- Modelling the lateral expansion of concrete passively confined by CFRP
- Planning and execution of tests on columns with different preloads and with different numbers of CFRP-layers
- Mechanical modelling the confinement effect based on the deformation compatibility between concrete and confining material
Responsible: Nima Kian
Minumum shear reinforcement of reinforced concrete members with various M/V-combinations

- Numerical investigation of the load-bearing behavior of shear-force-reinforced structural members with various M/V-combinations
- Planning and execution of shear force tests on beams with low shear force reinforcement
- Performing parameter studies using the validated numerical simulations to quantify the required shear reinforcement at different moments/shear force combinations
- Derivation of formula for minimum shear force reinforcement for practical design
Responsible: Mostafa Yakubi
Shear and torsion behaviour of thin-walled, open sections made of reinforced and prestressed concrete

- Analytical investigation of the force flow and load-bearing behavior of thin-walled, open sections under shear and torsional loads
- Investigation of the force transmission at partially opened joints in precast construction
- Conducting tests on thin-walled, open sections made of prestressed concrete
- Development of design models
Responsible: Duy Hung Nguyen
Betschoga, C.; Tung, N.D.; Tue, N.V.: Influence of shear reinforcement on the shear cracking and shear resistance of simply supported beams subjected to concentrated loads and cantilevers subjected to uniformly distributed loads. Engineering Structures 2024; 304, 117613.
Oshtolagh, M.R.; Farzam, M.; Kian, N.; Sadaghian, H.: Behavior of recycled steel fiber reinforced concrete beams in torsion experimental and numerical approaches. Computers and Concrete 2023; 32(2): 000–000.
Nguyen, D.H., Diem, N.D., Pham, T.K.: An Improved Correction Technique for the Prediction of the Dynamic Response of a Beam under a Moving Vehicle. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 2023; 13(5), 11540–11546.
Tue, N.V.; Betschoga, C.; Tung, N.D.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des statischen Systems und der Belastungsart auf die Querkrafttragfähigkeit von Balken mit geringer Querkraftbewehrung. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 2023; 118(7): 467–777.
Gedik, Y.H.; Betschoga, C.; Tung, N.D.; Tue, N.V.: Numerical investigation on the shear behavior of slender reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement differed by various boundary and loading conditions. Structures 2023, 50, 870-883.
Betschoga, C.; Sever, Y.; Tung, N.D.; Lutz, M.; Tue, N.V.: Biegeschubtragfähigkeit zentrisch vorgespannter Stahlbetonbalken unter Gleichstreckenlast. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 2022, 117(6), 433-444.
Betschoga, C.; Tung, N.D.; Tue, N.V.: Investigations on the influence of boundary and loading conditions on the shear resistance of FRP concrete beams without shear reinforcement. Composite Structures 2021, 262, 113335.
Tung, N.D.; Betschoga, C.; Tue, N.V.: Analysis of the crack development and shear transfer mechanisms of reinforced concrete beams with low amounts of shear reinforcement. Engineering Structures 2020, 222, 111114.
Letzte Änderung: 5. March 2024