24. June 2024

CLEO 2021

The coming CLEO/Europe-EQEC conferences are scheduled to take place in Munich, Germany, from 26 to 30 June 2023.

Our team of LTS is proud to announce some contributions.

Yasmin Kopp

Carrier-Envelope Offset Frequency Characterization of a 100 MW-Level Thin-Disk Oscillator

The detection and characterization of the carrier-envelope offset frequency of
a 100 MW-level Kerr-lens mode-locked thin-disk oscillator is presented. The
carrier-envelope phase stabilization of this oscillator is on the way.

CF-5.4 17:00 Room 1 Hall B1 (B11)

Johann Meyer

Mid-infrared generation in GaSe and LGS with few-cycle pulses compressed by cascaded multipass cells

We generated 7 fs pulses at 1 µm wavelength from two cascaded multipass cells after a Pharos laser. By driving IDFG in GaSe and LGS, we covered a spectral
range between 3 and 18 µm.

CD-P.12 13:00 Hall B0

Semyon Goncharov

Few Cycle Pulse Compression and White Light Generation in Cascaded Multipass Cells

We report supercontinuum generation and pulse compression in two cascaded
multipass cells based on dielectric mirrors. The 230 fs long-, 12 µJ pulses were compressed to 7 fs, corresponding to 1.0 GW peak power and throughput of 84%

CF-P.17 13:00 Hall B0

Dr. Nazar Kovalenko

Free-Space Quasi-Phase Matching

The first proof-of-concept experimental demonstration of x(2)-based multipass nonlinear conversion is presented. The free space true phase-matching and quasi-phase matching can be realized with nearly all types of nonlinear materials

CD-2.1 10:30 Room 14a ICM

Kevin Schwarz
Kevin Schwarz

Spectral broadening in concave-convex multipass cells in gas and solid medias

Convex-concave multipass cell operating with 0.2 mJ, 260 fs input pulses is demonstrated with solid-state and gas media. The pulses are broadened and compressed to sub-60 fs paving the way to high energy foldable convex-concave

CD-P.30 13:00 Hall B0

Gregor Hehl
Dr. Gregor Hehl

Flexible and tunable nonlinear microscopy platform

In this study, we performed two, and three-photon imaging with varying pulse duration, repetition rate and average power and systematically investigated the
fluorescence signal strength depending on those parameters.

CL-7.5 15:00 Room Osterseen ICM

Tobias Hofer

Towards deep UV spectroscopy with a high-power single-cavity dual-comb thin-disk oscillator

Frequency-doubling our high-power dual-comb spectrometer based on a singlecavity thin-disk oscillator en-ables simultaneous spectroscopic measurements in two spectral domains in order to evaluate and discuss the further frequency conversion towards deep UV dual-comb spectroscopy

CF-7.4 11:15 Room 1 Hall B1 (B11)

Moinuddin Kadiwala

Factor 9 Compression Down to 31 fs in a High-Pressure Krypton-Filled Multi-Pass Cell

We demonstrate factor-9 compression down to 31 fs in a single Krypton-filled
multi-pass cell with an overall transmission of 95 % and with 90 % of the energy
in the central peak.

CF-10.2 8:45 Room 1 Hall B1 (B11)

Johann Meyer

0.8 mW of 10 – 39 THz mid-IR radiation generated in GaSe with an amplified Kerr-lens modelocked Cr:ZnS oscillator

With an amplifed Cr:ZnS oscillator we generate via IDFG 0.8 mW of radiation from 10 to 39 THz (7.7 – 30 µm). It represents a coherent light source for broadband spec-troscopy deep in the mid-IR region.

CC-3.6 17:15 Room 1 Hall B1 (B11)