Aug 10 2023

Towards XUV frequency combs

Problem: no narrowband continuous wavelength lasers are available for precision spectroscopy in the wavelength range below 190 nm.  Solution: let’s just develop it in our laboratory. Not only a proof-of-principle demonstration, something usable, stable, and working on a daily basis.  Motivation: Is there any new physics out there? Of course,…
Feb 03 2023

Student job / Master thesis in ultrafast lasers

Your project: “Towards deep UV dual-comb spectroscopy”• We developed the most powerful dual-comb laser which can increase spectral resolution in UV spectroscopy of at least factor x100, helping climate and fundamental science• Published in Nature communications in 2022• You’ll learn about: ultrafast laser development, spectroscopic techniques, nonlinear frequency conversion and…
Apr 25 2022

Job advertisement (25.04.2022)

The Chair of Laser Technology & Spectroscopy at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Helmut Schmidt University (Bundeswehr University Hamburg) offers a position within the framework of a third-party funded research project asStudent Assistant (SHK / HiWi-Position) for a start-up project (9,82 €/h, up to 18 hours per week)temporary…
Apr 20 2022

Girls’Day am 28.04.2022

AB 15 JAHRE – SEI DABEI! Ihr erhaltet bei uns einen Einblick in den spannenden Alltag von Studierenden an der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. Könnt an Experimenten mit flüssigem Stickstoff, Workshops, 3D‐Druck u.a. teilnehmen und habt einen exklusiven Eindruck in verschiedene Labore an der HSU-HH. Erfahrt was eine optische Pinzette…
Mai 31 2021

CLEO Europe 2021

Our team from LTS is proud to announce 6 contributions to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2021. The CLEO®/Europe-EQEC conference series has a strong tradition as a comprehensive and prestigious gathering of optics and photonics researchers and engineers in Europe. Three of the contributions will be oral presentations:…
Feb 12 2020

Feb 12 2020

Feb 12 2020

Feb 12 2020