Julia Markert M.Sc.

Gebäude H1
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Julia Markert
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Gestaltung von Wertketten
- Automatisierungs- und KI-Perspektiven für die Wertkettengestaltung
- Produktionsnetzwerke, Virtual Enterprises (VE) und Virtuelle Fabrik
- Arbeitsvorbereitung und überbetriebliche Kooperation in Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen
- Qualitätsmanagement in Produktionsnetzwerken
- Lokale Produktion
- Markert, J.C., Saubke, D., Krenz, P., Wulfsberg, J.P.: Quality management in a production network of local mses from the manufacturing sector – a literature review. In: 2024 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management (IEEM). pp. 1204–1208. IEEE (2024). https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEM62345.2024.10857253.
- Markert, J.C., Krenz, P.: Local production networks of smes: The future of producing locally? In: Moritz, M., Redlich, T., Buxbaum-Conradi, S., and Wulfsberg, J.P. (eds.) Global collaboration, local production. pp. 281–295. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH and Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (2024).
- Aghajanzadeh, E., Markert, J.C., Kerzel, M., von Riegen, S., Krenz, P., Hotz, L., Wulfsberg, J.P.: Planning and optimising value chains in production networks of mses: a lightweight planner for parallel processes. In: Thürer, M., Riedel, R., von Cieminski, G., and Romero, D. (eds.) Advances in production management systems. Production management systems for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments. pp. 379–393. Springer Nature Switzerland and Imprint Springer, Cham (2024).
- Saubke, D., Markert, J., Hermann, L., Klinkhammer, M., Krenz, P., Stoltenberg, L., Wulfsberg, J.P.: Customer-oriented sustainability criteria for value chains in local production networks of SMEs, (2024). https://doi.org/10.24405/16776.
- Krenz, P., Stoltenberg, L., Saubke, D., Markert, J.: Lokale Produktion als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Wertschöpfung. In: Moritz, M., Redlich, T., Buxbaum-Conradi, S., and Wulfsberg, J.P. (eds.) Global collaboration, local production. pp. 43–57. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH and Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden (2024).
- Markert, J.C., Kerzel, M., Variola, M., Saubke, D., von Riegen, S., Hotz, L., Krenz, P.: Enhancing operations planning and scheduling in dynamic production systems by using CLIP. In: Alfnes, E., Romsdal, A., Strandhagen, J.O., von Cieminski, G., and Romero, D. (eds.) Advances in production management systems. Production management systems for responsible manufacturing, service, and logistics futures. pp. 520–534. Springer Nature Switzerland and Imprint Springer, Cham (2023).
- Markert, J.C., Kerzel, M., Variola, M., Saubke, D., von Riegen, S., Aghajanzadeh, E., Hotz, L., Krenz, P.: Processing product, production and producer information for operations planning and scheduling using CLIP for multimodal image and text data. In: 2023 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management (IEEM). pp. 0173–0177. IEEE (2023). https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEM58616.2023.10406846.
- Kerzel, M., Markert, J., Aghajanzadeh, E., von Riegen, S., Hotz, L., Krenz, P.: Acquisition and formalization of tacit knowledge for value chain generation in local production networks. In: Gal, K., Nowé, A., Nalepa, G.J., Fairstein, R., and Rădulescu, R. (eds.) Ecai 2023. IOS Press (2023). https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA230642.
- Krenz, P., Stoltenberg, L., Saubke, D., Markert, J.: Identification of action areas for the promotion of local manufacturing in reference to system theory. In: Kohl, H., Seliger, G., and Dietrich, F. (eds.) Manufacturing driving circular economy. pp. 936–944. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PU, S.l..
- Markert, J., Saubke, D., Krenz, P., Hotz, L.: Cross-company routing planning: Determining value chains in a dynamic production network through a decentralized approach. In: Herberger, D. and Hübner, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the conference on production systems and logistics: CPSL 2022. pp. 277–286. Hannover : publish-Ing, Hannover (2022). https://doi.org/10.15488/12135.
- Krenz, P., Saubke, D., Stoltenberg, L., Markert, J., Redlich, T.: Towards smaller value creation cycles: Key factors and their interdependencies for local manufacturing. In: Herberger, D. and Hübner, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the conference on production systems and logistics: CPSL 2022. pp. 472–481. Hannover : publish-Ing, Hannover (2022). https://doi.org/10.15488/12128.
- Krenz, P., Stoltenberg, L., Saubke, D., Markert, J.: Production Next Door – A business model for local, sustainable production. In: Schulz, D., Fay, A., Matiaske, W., and Schulz, M. (eds.) dtec.bw-beiträge der helmut-schmidt-universität / universität der bundeswehr hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im zentrum für digitalisierungs- und technologieforschung der bundeswehr dtec.bw. pp. 64–69. dtec.bw – Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg (2022). https://doi.org/10.24405/14531.
- Krenz, P., Stoltenberg, L., Markert, J., Saubke, D., Redlich, T.: The phenomenon of local manufacturing: An attempt at a differentiation of distributed, re-distributed and urban manufacturing. In: Andersen, A.-L., Andersen, R., Brunoe, T.D., Larsen, M.S.S., Nielsen, K., Napoleone, A., and Kjeldgaard, S. (eds.) Towards sustainable customization: Bridging smart products and manufacturing systems. pp. 1014–1022. Springer International Publishing and Imprint Springer, Cham (2022).
- Stoltenberg, L., Krenz, P., Markert, J., Saubke, D.: Acceptance of local production among regional stakeholders. Results of qualitative and quantitative research of producers and consumers. In: Schulz, D., Fay, A., Matiaske, W., and Schulz, M. (eds.) dtec.bw-beiträge der helmut-schmidt-universität / universität der bundeswehr hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten im zentrum für digitalisierungs- und technologieforschung der bundeswehr dtec.bw. pp. 70–75. dtec.bw – Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg (2022). https://doi.org/10.24405/14532.
- Ostrowicki, N., Markert, J., Hanenkamp, N.: Characterization of metal working fluids using tribological testing methods. MM Science Journal. 2021, 4970–4977 (2021).
Letzte Änderung: 5. Februar 2025