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Fundamentals of Production Engineering (4th TS) Bachelor

Course number: MB 21.403
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof.  Dr.-Ing. Jens Wulfsberg
Study programme: Mechanical engineering, industrial engineering
Term: Autumn term
  • H.K. Tönshoff; Spanen Grundlagen, Springer Verlag
  • H.K.Tönshoff; Werkzeugmaschinen
  • König, Wilfried; Klocke, Fritz,  Bd.1 : Drehen, Fräsen, Bohren, Springer, Berlin (Mai 2002)
  • König, Wilfried; Fertigungsverfahren,  Bd.4: Massivumformung, Springer Verlag (15. Januar 1996)
  • König, Wilfried; Fertigungsverfahren,  Bd.2: Schleifen, Honen, Läppen Springer Verlag (4. Juli 1996)
  • Veranschaulichung der Fertigungsverfahren nach DIN 8580 in Videos: Link Externer Link: Link (http://www.ifum.uni-hannover.de/dasifum_wgp.html)
  1. Introduction
    1. Definitions
    2. Classification of manufacturing technology
    3. Introduction to manufacturing processes
    4. Overview of machine tools
    5. Assessment of machines and processes
  2. Primary Moulding
    1. Definitions
    2. Casting
      1. Sand casting
      2. Permanent mould and pressure die casting
      3. Investment casting
      4. Centrifugal and full mould casting
    3. Plastics technology
      1. Extrusion
      2. Calendering
      3. Injection moulding
      4. Blow moulding
      5. Injection moulding
      6. Foaming
    4. Sintering
    5. Generative processes
      1. Introduction and process chain
      2. Processes and applications
  3. Forming
    1. Introduction
    2. Metallurgical basics
    3. Flow curves and derived variables
    4. Forming machines
    5. Processes
  4. Cutting
    1. Definition
      1. Cutting and chip removal rates
      2. Wear and tool life
      3. Cutting materials
      4. Cooling lubrication
    2. Processes with geometrically defined cutting edge
      1. Turning
      2. Drilling
      3. Milling
      4. Broaching
    3. Processes with geometrically undefined cutting edge
      1. Grinding
      2. Honing and lapping
  5. Joining
    1. Definitions, introduction
    2. Joining by pressing on and pressing in
    3. Joining by forming
    4. Welding
      1. Basics of welding
      2. Weldability
      3. Selected processes
      4. Summary
    5. Soldering
    6. Bonding
  6. Coating
    1. Introduction
    2. Coating processes
  7. Further processes
    1. Classification of laser processing in DIN 8580
    2. Basics of laser processing
    3. Properties of laser radiation
    4. Generation of laser radiation
    5. Beam sources and system technology
    6. Processes and applications
  8. Process chains
    1. Wheel hub for motor vehicle
    2. Engine block
    3. Prototype new Silver Lady for Rolls Royce

Exercise 1 – Tour of the production

Exercise 2 – Cost accounting – machine hourly rate

Exercise 3 – Cost accounting – manufacturing costs

Exercise 4 – Cutting speed – cost optimal

Exercise 5 – Cutting speed – machining optimal

Exercise 6 – Forming

Exercise 7 – Casting

Exercise 8 – Machining Technology

Exercise 9 – Machining Technology II

Exercise 10 – Laser

Manufacturing Systems Robot (9.TS) Master

Course number: MB 09234
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Dennis Derfling
Study programme: Master MB: Produktentstehung und Logistik; Master  WI: Produktentstehung
Term: Spring trimester
Content/Description: 1 Introduction to Industrial Robotics

1.1 Delimitation

1.2 Industrial robot applications

1.3 Kinematics

1.4 Types

1.5 History

1.6 Statistical data on the worldwide use of robots

2 The Special Euclidean Group

2.1 Groups

2.2 Subgroups

2.3 Manifolds

2.4 Homogeneous Transformations

2.5 Frames

2.6 Parameterisations of SE(3)

2.7 Reference Coordinate System

2.8 Exercises

3 Forward and Backward Transformations

3.1 Oriented Space Lines

3.2 Forward transformation

3.3 Backward transformation

4. robot accuracy

5. velocity kinematics

5.1 Velocity in the neutral element

5.2 Velocities at any points of the SE(3)

5.3 Change of the reference coordinate system

5.4 Rotational velocity ω

5.5 Velocity vector ξ

5.6 Jacobian matrix

5.7 Singularities

5.8 Forward transformation of joint moments

5.9 Exercises

6. motion control

6.1 Drive control

6.2 Harmonic Drive Transmission

6.3 Path planning concept, motion types

6.4 Motion type Point-To-Point

6.5 Motion type Continuous-Path

7. robot programming

7.1 Control architecture of robots and robot cells

7.2 Programming methods

Additive Manufacturing Processes (9.TS) Master

Course number: MB 09201
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Mantwill
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens-P. Wulfsberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Bruns
Term: Spring trimester
  • Classification of AM processes in DIN8580 and comparable classifications.
  • Systematics of direct manufacturing, rapid prototyping and tooling.
  • Derivation of the AM processes from the point of view of the relevant input/process/result variables.
  • Description and evaluation of the system technology of AM machines from a technical and economic point of view
  • Systematic presentation of the processes, e.g. extrusion processes, polymerising processes, laser-based processes and indirect processes.
  • Derivation of the main technology, defect technology, economic efficiency, ergonomics and ecology
  • Derivation of the special, process-specific possibilities of element-function as well as element-property allocation for AM components from a static, dynamic and thermal point of view.
  • Development and realisation of concrete components (practical exercise)
  • Aspects of quality assurance for AM processes (special features of direct and indirect process control, approval requirements)
  • Legal aspects
  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation mechanisms (technology assessment) for comparing manufacturing processes
  • Substitution potentials of existing conventional manufacturing processes
  • Production preparation of additive manufacturing from the designer’s point of view, possibilities of early product and process influence.
  • Design for X: potentials in the development of components with integrated functions, reduced assembly effort and direct manufacturability
  • Interrelationships between bionic optimisation and AM
  • Looking beyond the horizon, outlook: Digitalisation and business model development, industrialisation and automation possibilities
The currently valid version of the module handbook can be found in the campus management system of the HSU (event number: 2192011)

Factory organisation (9th TS) Master

Course number: MB 09235
Lecturer: Univ. -Prof.  Dr. -Ing Jens P. Wulfsberg
Study programme: Master MB: Product Development and Logistics; Master WI: Product Development
Term: Spring trimester
Content/Description: -Forms of organisation in the company as a whole, structure and process organisations – Forms of organisation in production, classic forms, decentralised forms– Linking to product development and the methods used there

– Basics of the company information system for production order processing

– Work preparation and work planning, methods and procedures

– Production planning and control, methods and procedures

– EDP system for production planning and control

Outline-Factory Organisation

1 Introduction

1.1 Production in transition

1.2 Modern Production Concepts

1.3 New enterprise models

2. the company

2.1 Structure

2.2 Organisation

2.3 Function

3. organisation of production

3.1 Goals

3.2 Interest groups

3.3 Types of organisation

4 Preparation of production

4.1 Short-term

4.1.1 Work planning

4.1.2 Work plan preparation

4.1.3 Computer-aided routing

4.2 Long-term

4.2.1 Investments

4.2.2 Factory planning

4.2.3 Workplace design

5. PPS

5.1 Fundamentals

5.1.1 Integration of the PPS into the operational environment

5.1.2 Functions of the PPS

5.1.3 Target systems of the PPS

5.2 Production Planning

5.2.1 Production programme planning

5.2.2 Quantity planning

5.2.3 Term and capacity planning

5.3 Production control

5.3.1 Order Initiation and Order Monitoring

5.3.2 Production control strategies and procedures

6 Open Production

Microfabrication Technology (9/10. TS) Master

Course number: MB 09232
Lecturer: Univ. -Prof.  Dr. -Ing Jens P. Wulfsberg
Study programme: Master MB: Product Development and Logistics (9th TS); Master WI: Product Development and Production
Term: Spring term/Autumn term
  • Introduction, delimitations, definition Precision engineering, micro-manufacturing technology, microsystems technology, nanotechnology
  • Physical size effects in micro-manufacturing
  • Materials and processes in microsystems technology and silicon micromechanics
  • Processes in microtechnology based on DIN 8580 (forming, shaping, cutting, laser processes, microjoining)
  • Design and function of machine tools and systems engineering for micro-manufacturing
  • Accuracy behaviour and scaling of machine tools and system technology
  • Process chain formation and multifunctionally used workspaces
  • Concepts of desktop manufacturing
  • Process diagnosis, control and visualisation in micro manufacturing
  • Outline- Microfabrication Technology

    1. introduction

    a. Importance of micro-production

    b. Economic aspects of micro-production

    c. Definition, size range, process worlds

    d. Distinction from nanotechnology

    2. materials of microtechnology

    3. microsystems technology

    a. Wafer production

    b. Lithography

    c. LIGa

    d. Silicon micromechanics

    4. physical properties of microstructures

    a. Introduction

    b. Similarity mechanics

    c. Size effects

    i. Physical effects

    ii. Structural effects

    iii. Example: Size effects in micro-chipping

    5. microforming

    a. Micromassive forming

    i. Basics of forming

    ii. Process chain of laser-assisted micromassive forming

    1. tool manufacture

    2. test equipment

    3. processing results

    a. Simulation

    4. similarity scaling

    5. size effects

    b. Microdrawing

    i. Fundamentals of Deep Drawing

    ii. Process

    iii. Machining examples

    6. microforming

    a. Micro Rapid Prototyping Module 7

    i. Stereo lithography

    ii. Laser-sintering

    b. Micro-MIM, CIM, casting

    7. micro cutting

    a. Spark erosion

    i. Process description

    ii. Machine technology

    iii. Process variants

    iv. Examples

    b. Thermal deburring

    c. Chemical removal

    d. Electrochemical removal (ECM)

    e. Comparison of ECM and electrical discharge machining

    f. Electroplating

    8. machine tools for micro-manufacturing

    a. Conventional micro machine tools

    i. Elements of machine tools

    ii. Clamping devices

    iii. Process integration in the machine tool

    iv. Examples of adapted sensor technology for process monitoring

    b. Small micro machine tools

    i. Status of international research (Japan/ Finland /HSU)

    ii. Group work: elaboration of static, dynamic, thermal, ecological and economic effects

    iii. Square Foot Manufacturing

    1. concept

    2. emergence

    3. realisation – examples of current research

Manufacturing Systems Machine Tools (10th TS) Master

Course number: 21.1034; MB 10233
Lecturer: Univ. -Prof.  Dr. -Ing Jens P. Wulfsberg
Study programme: Master MB: Product Development and Logistics; Master WI: Product Development, Production
Term: Autumn term
  • Brecher, Christian: Maschinenarten und Anwendungsbereiche. 6., neu bearb.  Aufl. Weck, Manfred (Hg.). Berlin: Springer (VDI-Buch, / Manfred Weck ; 1) (2005)
  • Brecher, Christian: Mechatronische Systeme, Vorschubantriebe, Prozessdiagnose. 6., neu bearb.  Aufl. Weck, Manfred (Hg.). Berlin: Springer (VDI-Buch, / Manfred Weck; Christian Brecher ; 3)  (2006)
  • Brecher, Christian: Messtechnische Untersuchung und Beurteilung, dynamische Stabilität. 7., neu bearb.  Aufl. Weck, Manfred (Hg.). Berlin: Springer (VDI-Buch, / Manfred Weck; Christian Brecher ; 5) (2006)
  • Brecher, Christian: Werkzeugmaschinen – Konstruktion und Berechnung. 8., neu bearb.  Aufl. Weck, Manfred (Hg.). Berlin: Springer (VDI-Buch, / Manfred Weck; Christian Brecher ; 2) (2006)
  • Doege, Eckart; Behrens, Bernd-Arno (2010): Handbuch Umformtechnik. Grundlagen, Technologien, Maschinen. (VDI-Buch). Online verfügbar unter http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04249-2 Externer Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04249-2 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04249-2).
  • Gevatter, Hans-Jürgen; Grünhaupt, Ulrich: Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik im Automobil. 2.  Aufl. s.l.: Springer-Verlag (2006)
  • Lunze, Jan: Regelungstechnik 1. Systemtheoretische Grundlagen, Analyse und Entwurf einschleifiger Regelungen. 8., neu bearb.  Aufl. Berlin: Springer Berlin (Springer-Lehrbuch) (2010)
  • Milberg, Joachim: Werkzeugmaschinen – Grundlagen. Zerspantechnik, Dynamik, Baugruppen und Steuerungen. 2.  Aufl. Berlin: Springer (1995)
  • Perovic, Bozina: Spanende Werkzeugmaschinen. Ausführungsformen und Vergleichstabellen. (2009) Online verfügbar unter http://ba-thueringen.ciando.com/shop/book/short/index.cfm/fuseaction/short/bok_ID/29775 /http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89952-5.
  • Polifke, Wolfgang; Kopitz, Jan: Wärmeübertragung. Grundlagen, analytische und numerische Methoden. 2., aktualisierte  Aufl. München: Pearson Studium (ing – Maschinenbau) (2009)
  • Schröder, Dierk: Elektrische Antriebe. 4., erw.  Aufl. Berlin: Springer (Springer-Lehrbuch) (2009)
  • Schröder, Dierk: Elektrische Antriebe. Regelung von Antriebssystemen. 3.  Aufl. s.l.: Springer-Verlag  (2009)
  • Schuler  GmbH: Metal forming handbook (1998). Berlin: Springer.
  • Spur, Günter; Schmoeckel, Dieter; Stöferle, Theodor: Umformen und Zerteilen. München: Hanser (Handbuch der FertigungstechnikUmformen und Zerteilen, / hrsg. von Günter Spur und Theodor Stöferle ;  Bd. 2;/hrsg. von Günter Spur unter Mitw. von Dieter Schmoeckel ; 3) (1985)
  • Tönshoff, Hans Kurt: Werkzeugmaschinen. Grundlagen. Berlin: Springer (Springer-Lehrbuch) (1995)
  • Weck, Manfred; Brecher, Christian: Automatisierung von Maschinen und Anlagen, 6.  Aufl., Springer  (VDI-Buch, / Manfred Weck; Christian Brecher ; 4); Berlin (2006)
  • Wellenreuther, Günter; Zastrow, Dieter: Automatisieren mit SPS – Übersichten und Übungsaufgaben, 5.  Aufl., Vieweg + Teubner (Studium) (2012)
Content/Description: -Definitions, history of machine tools- Economic significance of machine tool building.– Evaluation of machine tools according to main technology, fault technology, economy, ergonomics/ecology

– Classification of machine tools according to 69651 (forming, forming, cutting, …)

– Elements and axes of machine tools

– Static, dynamic, thermal influences on accuracy

– Displacement measuring systems and position control loops in machine tools

– Guide types and joint behaviour

– Drives, controls and programming (WOP, CAM, …)

– System technology for clamping and changing tools and workpieces

– Sensors for process monitoring and process control in the working area of machine tools

– Machines for complete machining, machining centres, multi-technology machines, multi-machine concepts

– Universality, flexibility, modularity, reconfigurability


1 Introduction

1.1 Historical development

1.2 Economic significance

1.3 Definition and structure of a machine tool

1.4 Machine tools in production

2 Types of machine tools

2.1 Forming machine tools

2.2 Forming machine tools

2.2.1 Way-bound forming machine tools

2.2.2 Work-related forming machine tools

2.2.3 Force-bound forming machine tools

2.3 Cutting machine tools

2.3.1 Cutting machines

2.3.2 Cutting machine tools with geometrically defined cutting edge

2.3.3 Cutting machine tools with geometrically undefined cutting edge

2.3.4 Cutting machine tools

3 Beds and frames

3.1 Static behaviour

3.2 Thermal behaviour

3.3 Dynamic behaviour

4 Guides and bearings

4.1 Roller guides and bearings

4.2 Hydrodynamic guides and bearings

4.3 Hydrostatic guides and bearings

4.4 Aerostatic guides and bearings

5 Drives and controls

5.1 Drives

5.1.1 Motors

5.1.2 Mechanical transmission elements

5.1.3 Direct drives

5.2 Control systems

5.2.1 Programmable logic controller

5.2.2 CNC control

5.3 Drive control

5.3.1 Basics of control technology

5.3.2 Position controller

6 Assessment and measurement of and in machine tools

6.1 Classification of measuring methods

6.2 Displacement and angle measuring systems in machine tools

6.3 Measuring systems for workpiece and tool measurement in machine tools

6.4 Assessment of machine tools

6.4.1 Detection of geometrical and kinematic deviations

6.4.2 Metrological detection of misalignments due to static and dynamic influences

6.4.3 Test workpieces

7 Trends and new methods


Exercise 1 – Mechanical presses

Exercise 2 – Stationary heat conduction

Exercise 3 – Regenerative chatter and stick & slip

Exercise 4 – Hydrostatic guidance and linear output

Exercise 5 – Position control

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Engineering Methods of Quality Assurance and Safety/Reliability (10th TS) Master

Course number: MB 10236
Lecturer: Univ. -Prof.  Dr. -Ing Jens P. Wulfsberg
Study programme: Master MB: Product Development and Logistics; Master WI: Product Development
Term: Autumn term
Content/Description: Definitions, classification of quality assurance and safety/reliability in mechanical engineering, units in quality management

Standards for QM systems

QM management elements, QM process elements, QM structural elements

Quality management methods: QFD, FMEA, SPC, others

Damage and failure of technical structures

Statistical distribution functions

Probability of failure as a function of time

Fault tree analysis

Methods of reliability planning

Student work

The following topics are only an overview of possible questions. Many other topics are possible by arrangement. Please simply contact the scientific staff or Prof. Wulfsberg directly.

Shell Eco Marathon Competition

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Redlich & Mohammed Omer

Call for the Shell Eco Marathon competition
Are you interested in designing and building your own vehicle? Are you passionate about helping to shape the future of mobility? This is your chance!
HSU would like to participate in the Shell Eco Marathon. Every year Shell invites students from all over the world to participate in one of the world’s largest efficiency competitions around mobility. The global academic programme brings together science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students to design, build and operate some of the world’s most energy-efficient vehicles. It’s all in the name of collaboration and innovation, as students’ bright ideas help shape a lower-carbon future for all. There is currently no team from Hamburg, and we want to showcase HSU on the world stage!
SHELL Marathon
We are looking for motivated students who are ready to work towards the dream of developing their own electric vehicle. Building a car from scratch to road-ready is an engineering challenge where you will learn to work in a team, complete a project under time, cost and deadline constraints and find innovative solutions to engineering problems. This is a unique opportunity to put theory into practice and create something unique.
We are aiming to participate in the Electric Urban Concept category, where teams will be looking at urban driving. These vehicles are closer in appearance to passenger cars. They have to be built in a way that takes into account human needs such as driver comfort and space for luggage, and they have to have roadworthy specifications such as four wheels and a windscreen wiper. It is a challenge for the teams to achieve maximum energy efficiency with these additional mandatory elements.
The construction of an electric car can be divided into several subsystems. Some of these subsystems can be done by one or more students. The beauty of the project is that you could design, develop and build something new while working in a team, giving you invaluable teamwork skills. Some roles for the project that need to be filled are listed below. Any of these could be developed into Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis topics, in addition you could also suggest your own ideas.
1) Body Design / Aero
2) Powertrain Development
3) Wheels development
4) Brake system design
5) Steering system
6) Battery (pack) development
7) Battery Management System Design
8) Engine control system development
9) Software development
11) Manufacturing (in own open lab with e.g. milling machine, 3D printer, laser cutter etc.)
12) Procurement (as much as possible locally sourced)
13) Project management
14) Marketing, sponsoring & social media
15) Website design
16) Autonomous vehicle development
All design tasks can start with a literature review, design, material selection, simulations and analysis, prototyping, testing and manufacturing.
An example of bachelor/master thesis topics:
1) Design and development of an efficient electric motor (e.g. an electric motor integrated into the hub).
2) Development of an autonomous vehicle – use of lidar and cameras to build a fully autonomous vehicle.
3) Using computational fluid dynamics to design an aerodynamic and fuel efficient prototype vehicle.
Each of the tasks within the project are interlinked, which means that all students have to work together in a team. The concept is very similar to the Formula Student competition in which HSU already participates.  However, the goal here is to build a car that has the potential to be roadworthy. The car is also to be manufactured with sustainability in mind, with the possibility of producing it in-house at the HSU Open Lab.

Value creation and CrowdX using the example of online service structures for the refugee crisis

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Redlich

Analysis and evaluation of the openness of Wikipedia as a production system of intagible goods

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Tobias Redlich

Open source hardware (innovation processes, business models)

Contact: Dipl-Ing. Manuel Moritz, MBA

Strategy concept for open source hardware product development

Contact: Dipl-Ing. Manuel Moritz, MBA

Innovation Communities / Crowdsourcing (Nutzerdynamik, Rollen, Design)

Contact: Dipl-Ing. Manuel Moritz, MBA

Decentralized and open value creation in a FabCity (Wertschöpfungsmodell)

Contact: Dipl-Ing. Manuel Moritz, MBA

Filament production from pure and recycled material Process parameter study

Contact: KptLt Sascha Hartig, M.Sc.

The aim of the work is to produce filament on the filament extrusion line from the company 3devo. It is expected that this can be put into operation from the beginning of May. The focus is on the manufacturing parameters and their influence on the product produced (there are already a lot of specifications from the manufacturer). Test geometries are printed using the filament and subjected to various material tests.
This is followed by the production of filament from recycled material. For this purpose, material is shredded, dried and processed into filament. This is also about the manufacturing parameters. Another core part of the work is the creation of an automated material testing procedure to test a large number of material samples in a time-saving manner.

Verschleißuntersuchung an 3D Druckern im Schock- und Vibrationszentrum der WTD 71

Contact: KptLt Sascha Hartig, M.Sc.

Wear phenomena of 3D printers at sea are a field that has not been considered to a large extent so far. As part of the scientific work, you will be conducting continuous vibration tests, colloquially known as shaking tests, in cooperation with WTD 71 and the Naval Support Command. Through the use of condition monitoring, bearing wear is analysed and documented over the course of operation. In this way, the utilisation cycle of several years of use at sea can be simulated and analysed. The knowledge gained is to flow directly into future projects.

Material flows in the Fab City

Contact: Lennart Hildebrandt, M.Sc.

Urban (metropolitan) regions have a constant demand for various consumables and auxiliary materials (e.g. water, electricity). Many of these substances are not produced or sourced locally, but imported and exported as a waste product. But what are these substances? This work is about analysing the incoming and outgoing material flows from the Hamburg metropolitan region and pointing out alternative courses of action for the Fab City.

Added value analysis in the Fab City

Contact: Lennart Hildebrandt, M.Sc.

Through urban production and the maker movement, there are nowadays possibilities for the demand-oriented production of adapted consumer goods. This leads to different ecological, economic and social added values. This paper is about the analysis of social and entrepreneurial added values through production in urban space and in a Fab City.


Letzte Änderung: 21. July 2021