Assistive technologies are being used in more and more life situations. One approach here is exoskeletons, which, depending on their design, are intended, for example, to relieve the workforce during physically demanding activities or to support users in rehabilitation. Corresponding systems are to be designed with regard to the support situation – for example physiological prerequisites, movement sequences, intended use and general conditions. The development and evaluation process of corresponding systems is carried out using simulation, construction and evaluation methods and tools, as well as on the basis of individual competences and experience.
In EVO-MTI, a digital environment is being developed for the design, evaluation and optimisation of human-machine systems with humans in the power flow, human-technology interaction (MTI) and system components such as physical interfaces for power transmission. Exoskeletons are used as an example. Based on the development of relevant principles and methods for the description of human activities, physiological prerequisites and technical functionalities of assistive technologies, a) (robot-supported) application mock-ups for the evaluation of design concepts and system functionalities by simulating real application scenarios, b) simulation models for the description of assistive situations with a focus on the MTI as a design and evaluation tool, including a consideration of the mechanical-dynamic and biomechanical interactions between humans and technology, and c) a knowledge database and evaluation system for the design and evaluation of assistive technologies are developed. The newly developed expert system will be continuously expanded, validated and transferred to various teaching and training concepts during the course of the project.
The scientific and technical implementation is carried out by a transdisciplinary team in cooperation with partners from science, developers, industrial system manufacturers and end users.
Project management
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Weidner
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität |
University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Tel.: +49 40 6541-3342
E-Mail: [email protected]
Letzte Änderung: 21. July 2021