Former Projects

During condition assessment of a structure often non-destructive testing is conducted. Some of the non-destructive testing methods are based on elastic wave propagation. With the project normPOD we are investigating those non-destructive testing methods impact echo and ultrasonic inspection, which are based on elastic wave propagation, in regard to their reliability. A reliability assessment is important, because a defect might remain undetected under certain circumstances if its size lies below a certain threshold. Fort hat reason usually a probability of detection (POD) is introduced, which gives the likelihood of a defect of a certain size to be detected.  <More>

Bridge structures are the most vulnerable components of the road infrastructure. The evaluation of their condition via inspections and monitoring is therefore standardized practice in all D-A-CH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) countries. The current assessment of the structures is based on condition rating. The detected findings on the structure and the resulting assessment are recorded in database systems. The data sets thus enable an insight into the condition development. These data sets also have the potential to predict the remaining service life of a bridge or its elements. <More>

Concrete is the most used construction material in building and infrastructure construction. In 2018, the German ready-mix concrete industry generated sales of €3.84 billion with production equivalent to 52.7 million cubic meters of ready-mix concrete. Furthermore, the construction and building sector is responsible for (9.95 Gt CO2) of global CO2 emissions. For the sake of saving resources and reducing CO2 emissions, efforts must be made in the selection of construction materials, design, layout, construction logistics, construction methods, maintenance measures and life cycle management. <More>


Letzte Änderung: 17. January 2025