Refereed Journals
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer (March 2024)
- Herzer, D. (2024) The impact of university energy research and development on CO2 emissions. Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
- Herzer, D. (2024) Private R&D, environmental policy, and greenhouse gas emissions. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
- Herzer, D. (2024) Environmental policy and environmental R&D in the private sector: New evidence on the “narrow” Porter hypothesis. Energy Research Letters, forthcoming.
- Herzer, D. (2024) The impact of domestic R&D and North-South R&D spillovers on energy intensity in developing countries. Economic Change and Restructuring, Vol. 57 (33).
- Herzer, D. (2023) The impact of domestic and foreign public green R&D on domestic green innovation. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
- Herzer, D. (2022) An empirical note on the long-run effects of public and private R&D on TFP. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 13(November), 3248-3264.
- Herzer, D., und N. Schmelmer (2022) The effects of greenfield foreign direct investment and cross‐border mergers and acquisitions on energy intensity in upper-middle income countries and low- and lower-middle income countries. Applied Economics, Vol. 54 (41), 4732-4750.
- Herzer, D. (2022) The impact on domestic CO2 emissions of domestic government-funded clean energy R&D and of spillovers from foreign government-funded clean energy R&D. Energy Policy, Vol. 168 (September), 11312.
- Herzer, D. (2022) The macro-level effect of religiosity on health. Health Economics, Vol. 31 (6), 993-1011.
- Herzer, D. (2022) Semi-endogenous versus Schumpeterian growth models: a critical review of the literature and new evidence. Review of Economics, Vol. 73 (1), 1-55.
- Herzer, D. (2022) The impact of domestic and foreign R&D on TFP in developing countries. World Development, Vol. 151 (March), 105754.
- Herzer, D., und H. Strulik (2020) Religiosity and long-run productivity growth. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion,Vol. 1 (1), 2050001
- Herzer, D. (2020) How does mortality affect innovative activity in the long run? World Development, Vol. 125 (1), 1-15.
- Herzer, D. (2020) The effects of population size and age structure on innovative output: an empirical note. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 27 (10),854-858.
- Herzer, D. (2019) A note on the effect of religiosity on fertility. Demography, Vol. 56 (3), 991-998.
- Herzer, D., und K. Nagel (2019) The impact of adult and non-adult mortality on development: Two centuries evidence from a panel of industrial countries. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 41 (2), 352-371.
- Herzer, D. (2019) The long-run effect of aid on health: evidence from panel cointegration analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 51 (12), 1319-1338.
- Donaubauer, J., D. Herzer und P. Nunnenkamp (2019) The effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict conditions: A sector-specific Analysis. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 55 (4), 720-736.
- Herzer, D., und J. Donaubauer (2018) The long-run effect of foreign direct investment on total factor productivity in developing countries: A panel cointegration analysis. Empirical Economics, Vol. 54 (2), 309-342.
- Herzer, D. (2018) An empirical note on the long-run relationship between education and religiosity in Christian countries. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Contributions to Macroeconomics, Vol. 18 (1), 1-8.
- Herzer, D., und P. Hühne (2017) Is inequality an inevitable by-product of skill-biased technical change? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (18), 1346-1350.
- Herzer, D. (2017) Refugee immigration and total factor productivity. International Economic Journal, Vol. 31 (3), 390-414.
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2017) Greenfield FDI, Cross-Border M&As and Government Size. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 26 (5), 566-584.
- Herzer, D. (2017) Life expectancy and human capital: Long-run evidence from a panel of countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (17), 1247–1250.
- Herzer, D., und H. Strulik (2017) Religiosity and income: a panel cointegration and causality analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 49, 2017 (30), 2922-2938.
- Herzer, D. (2017) The long-run effect of FDI on TFP in the United States. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 37 (1), 568-578.
- Herzer, D. (2017) The long-run relationship between trade and population health: evidence from five decades. The World Economy, Vol. 40 (2), 462-487.
- Kannen, P., Donaubauer, J., und D. Herzer, (2017) How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries? Economics Bulletin. Vol. 37 (1), 429-439.
- Herzer, D. (2017) Foreign direct investment and total factor productivity in Bolivia. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (6), 399-403.
- Herzer, D. (2016) Unions and income inequality: A heterogeneous panel co-integration and causality analysis. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 30 (3), 318-346.
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2016) The effects of greenfield FDI and cross-border M&As on total factor productivity. The World Economy, Vol. 39 (11), 1728-1755.
- Herzer, D. (2016) Unions and income inequality: a panel cointegration and causality analysis for the United States. Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 30 (3), 267-274
- Nagel K., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) How does FDI affect health? International Economic Journal, Vol. 29 (4), 655-679.
- Herzer, D., und K. Nagel (2015) The long-run and short-run effects of health aid on life expectancy. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (17), 1430-1434.
- Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) Income inequality and health: Evidence from developed and developing countries. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Vol. 9 (4), 1-57.
- Herzer, D. (2015) The long-run effect of trade on life expectancy in the United States: an empirical note. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (5), 416-420.
- Herzer, D., Nowak-Lehmann D., F., S. Klasen, A. Dreher und I. Martínez-Zarzoso (2015) Comment on Lof, Mekasha, and Tarp (2014). World Development, Vol. 70 (6), 389-396.
- Herzer, D., P. Hühne und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) FDI and income inequality – evidence from Latin American economies. Review of Development Economics, Vol. 18 (4), 597-613.
- Donaubauer, J. D., Herzer und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) Does aid for education attract foreign investors? An empirical analysis for Latin America. European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 26 (5), 597-613.
- Ashraf, A. und Herzer, D. (2014) The effects of greenfield investment and M&As on domestic investment in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (14), 997-1000.
- Herzer, D. (2014) Unions and income inequality: evidence from Ireland. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (1), 24-27.
- Herzer, D. und O. Morrissey (2013) Foreign aid and domestic output in the long-run. Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (4), 723-748.
- Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) FDI and health in developed economies: an empirical note. Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 12 (7), 785-790.
- Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) Private donations, government grants, commercial activities, and fundraising: Cointegration and causality for NGOs in international development cooperation. World Development, Vol. 46 (6), 234-251.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., I. Martínez-Zarzoso, D. Herzer, A. Cardozo, S. Klasen (2013) Does foreign aid promote recipient exports to donor countries? Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (3), 505-535.
- Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) Inward and outward FDI and income inequality: evidence from Europe. Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (2), 395-422.
- Herzer, D. und S. Vollmer (2013) Rising top incomes do not raise the tide. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 35 (4), 504-519.
- Herzer, D. (2013) Cross-country heterogeneity and the trade-income relationship. World Development, Vol. 44 (4), 194-211.
- Dreger, C., und D. Herzer (2013) A further examination of the export-led growth hypothesis. Empirical Economics, 45 (1), 39-60.
- Herzer, D., H. Strulik und S. Vollmer (2012) The long-run determinants of fertility: one century of demographic change 1900-1999. Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 17 (4), 357-385.
- Herzer, D., und S. Vollmer (2012) Inequality and growth: evidence from panel cointegration. Journal of Economic Inequality, Vol. 10 (4), 489-503.
- Chintrakarn, P., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2012) FDI and income inequality: evidence from a panel of US States. Economic Inquiry, Vol. 40 (3), 788-801.
- Herzer D. (2012) How does FDI really affect developing countries’ growth? Review of International Economics, Vol. 20 (2), 396-414.
- Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2012) The effect of foreign aid on income inequality: evidence from panel cointegration. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 23 (3), 245-255.
- Chintrakarn, P., und D. Herzer (2012) More inequality, more crime? A panel cointegration analysis for the United States. Economics Letters, Vol. 116 (3), 389-391.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., A. Dreher, D. Herzer, S. Klasen und I. Martínez-Zarzoso (2012) Does foreign aid really raise per-capita income? A time series perspective. Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 45 (1), 288-313.
- Herzer D. (2012) Outward FDI, total factor productivity, and domestic output: evidence from Germany.International Economic Journal, Vol. 26 (1), 155-174.
- Herzer, D. und M. Grimm (2012) Does foreign aid increase private investment? Evidence from panel cointegration. Applied Economics, Vol. 44 (20), 2537-2550.
- Herzer, D. (2011) The long-run effect of outward FDI on domestic output in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18 (14), 1355-1358.
- Herzer, D. (2011) The Long-run relationship between outward FDI and total factor productivity: evidence for developing countries. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 47 (5), 767-785.
- Kemper, N., D. Herzer und L. Zamparelli (2011) Balanced growth and structural breaks: Evidence for Germany.Empirical Economics, Vol. 40 (2), 409-424.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Vollmer (2011) Modelling the dynamics of market shares in a pooled data setting: econometric and empirical issues. Applied Economics, Vol. 43 (7), 823-835.
- Herzer, D. und R. Klump (2010) Poverty and government transfers in the United States. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 17 (16), 1565-1569.
- Herzer D. (2010) Outward FDI and economic growth. Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 37 (5), 476-494.
- Herzer D. (2009) Outward FDI and domestic output: evidence for Japan. Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 8 (12), 1167-1176.
- Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Klasen (2009) Aid and trade – a donor’s perspective. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 45 (7), 1-19.
- Herzer, D. und R. Klump (2009) Poverty, government transfers, and the business cycle: evidence for the United States. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 9 (2), 342-364.
- Herzer D.(2008) The causal relationship between domestic and outward foreign investment: Evidence for Italy FDI. Applied Financial Economics Letters, Vol. 4 (5), 307-310.
- Herzer D., S. Klasen und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2008)In search of FDI-led growth in developing countries: the way forward. Economic Modelling, Vol. 25 (5), 793-810.
- Herzer D.(2008) The long-run relationship between outward FDI and domestic output: evidence from panel data. Economics Letters, Vol. 100 (1), 147-149.
- Herzer D. und M. Schrooten(2008) Outward FDI and domestic investment in two industrialized countries. Economics Letters, Vol. 99 (1), 139-143.
- Herzer, D. (2007) How does trade composition affect productivity? Evidence for Chile. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 14 (12), 909-912.
- Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Vollmer (2007) The impact of a customs union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey`s exports to the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45 (3), 719-743.
- Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer und S. Vollmer (2007) The free trade agreement between Chile and the EU: its potential impact on Chile’s export industry. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 7(1), 97-120.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F, D. Herzer und S. Vollmer (2007) Competitividad sectorial y costes de transporte en las exportaciones de Turquía a la Unión Europea. Información Comercial Españiola,Vol. 834, 95-112.
- Siliverstovs, B. und D. Herzer (2007) Manufacturing exports, mining exports and growth: cointegration and causality analysis for Chile (1960-2001). Applied Economics, Vol. 39 (2), 153-167.
- Herzer, D. und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2006) Is there a long-run relationship between exports and imports in Chile? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 13 (15), 981-986.
- Herzer, D. und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2006) What does export diversification do for growth? An Econometric Analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 38 (15), 1825-1838.
- Herzer, D., F. Nowak-Lehmann D. und B. Siliverstovs (2006) Export-led growth in Chile: assessing the role of export composition in productivity growth. The Developing Economies, Vol. 44 (3), 306-328.
- Siliverstovs, B. und D. Herzer (2006) Export-led growth hypothesis: evidence for Chile. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 13 (5), 319-324.
- Herzer, D. (2005) Exportdiversifizierung und Wirtschaftswachstum in Chile, eine ökonometrische Analyse. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 225 (2),163-180.
- Herzer, D. (2004) Zur Problematik der theoretischen Rechtfertigung einer Exportdiversifizierungstrategie. Aussenwirtschaft, Vol. 59 (1), 51-79.
Dr. Julian Donaubauer (selected publications)
- Donaubauer, J., Neumayer, E. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2020): Financial Market Development in Host and Source Countries and Its Effects on Bilateral FDI. The World Economy, Vol. 43(3), 534-556.
- Donaubauer, J., Herzer, D. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2019) The Effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict Conditions: A Sector-specific Analysis. Journal of Development Studies, 55(4), 720-736.
- Donaubauer, J., Glas, A., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) Disentangling the impact of infrastructure on trade using a new index of infrastructure. Review of World Economics, 154(4), 745–784.
- Donaubauer, J. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) EU Investors versus EU States: International arbitration of investment disputes. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6), 1376-1393.
- Donaubauer, J. and Dreger, C. (2018) The End of Cheap Labour: Are Foreign Investors Leaving China? Asian Economic Papers, 17(2), 94-107.
- Donaubauer, J., Neumayer, E. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) Winning or Losing in Investor-to-State Dispute Resolution: The Role of Arbitrator Bias and Experience. Review of International Economics, 26, 892–916.
- Donaubauer, J. and Herzer, D. (2018) The Long-run Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Total Factor Productivity in Developing Countries: A Panel Cointegration Analysis. Empirical Economics, 54(2), 309–342.
- Donaubauer, J., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2016) Aid, Infrastructure, and FDI: Assessing the Transmission Channel with a New Index of Infrastructure. World Development, 78 (2), 230-245.
- Donaubauer, J., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2016) A New Global Index of Infrastructure: Construction, Rankings and Applications. The World Economy, 39(2), 236-259
- Donaubauer, J., Herzer, D. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Does Aid for Education Attract Foreign Investors? An Empirical Analysis for Latin America. European Journal of Development Research, 26, 597-613.
Peter Kannen
- Donaubauer, J., P. Kannen and F. Steglich (2022) Foreign direct investment & petty corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An empirical analysis at the local level. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 58(1), 76-95.
- Kannen, P. (2020) Does foreign direct investment expand the capability set in the host economy? A sectoral analysis. The World Economy, Vol. 43(2), 428-457.
- Kannen, P., J. Donaubauer, und D. Herzer (2017) How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries? Economics Bulletin, Vol. 37 (1), 429-439.
Ayesha Ashraf
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2017) Greenfield FDI, Cross-Border M&As and Government Size. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 26 (5), 566-584.
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2016) The effects of greenfield FDI and cross-border M&As on total factor productivity. The World Economy, Vol. 39 (11), 1728-1755.
- Ashraf, A. and Herzer, D. (2014) The effects of greenfield investment and M&As on domestic investment in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (14), 997-100.
Korbinian Nagel
- Herzer, D., and K. Nagel (2015) The long-run and short-run effects of health aid on life expectancy. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (17), 1430-1434.
- Nagel K., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) How does FDI affect health? International Economic Journal, Vol. 29 (4), 655-679.
Phillip Hühne
- Herzer, D., und P. Hühne (2017) Is inequality an inevitable by-product of skill-biased technical change? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (18), 1346-1350.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B., Nunnenkamp, P., und M. Roy (2016) Democracies cooperate more: even where it threatens to bite? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 23 (10/12), 812-815.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Does Aid-for-Trade from the North Promote South-South Trade? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (17), 1230-1233.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Who Benefits from Aid for Trade? Comparing the Effects on Recipient versus Donor Exports. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 50 (9), 1275-1288.
- Herzer, D., P. Hühne und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) FDI and income inequality – evidence from Latin American economies. Review of Development Economics, Vol. 18 (4), 597-613.
Peer-reviewed books and book chapters
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer
- Herzer, D. (2009) Empirical Essays in International Economics. Habilitation Thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, and S. Vollmer (2008) The role of transport costs, tariffs, and the real exchange rate in Chile’s Export trade with the EU: an augmented gravity model approach. In: Edward Shinnick (Ed.): public finance, monetary policy and market issues. INFER Research Perspectives: LIT, Berlin.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso, and S. Vollmer (2008) Chile’s market share in the EU Market: the role of price competition in a panel analysing setting. In: Gabriele Tondl (Ed.): Trade, integration and economic development: The EU and Latin America. Springer, Wien.
- Herzer, D. (2008) Trade, its composition and total factor productivity: cointegration evidence for Chile. In: Gabriele Tondl (Ed.): Trade, integration and economic development: The EU and Latin America. Springer, Wien.
- Herzer, D. (2006) Exportdiversifizierung und Wirtschaftswachstum – das Fallbeispiel Chile (Export diversification and economic growth – the case of Chile). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
Dr. Julian Donaubauer
- Donaubauer, J, López, A., and Ramos, D.: Trade, investment and the environment in Argentina: Is China different? In: China in Latin America: Environmental and Developmental Dimensions. (forthcoming)
Letzte Änderung: 6. Dezember 2024