Refereed Journals
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer (March 2024)
1. Herzer, D. (2024) The impact of university energy research and development on CO2 emissions. Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
2. Herzer, D. (2024) Private R&D, environmental policy, and greenhouse gas emissions. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
3. Herzer, D. (2024) Environmental policy and environmental R&D in the private sector: New evidence on the “narrow” Porter hypothesis. Energy Research Letters, forthcoming.
4. Herzer, D. (2024) The impact of domestic R&D and North-South R&D spillovers on energy intensity in developing countries. Economic Change and Restructuring, Vol. 57 (33).
1. Herzer, D. (2023) The impact of domestic and foreign public green R&D on domestic green innovation. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, forthcoming.
2. Herzer, D. (2022) An empirical note on the long-run effects of public and private R&D on TFP. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 13(November), 3248-3264.
3. Herzer, D., und N. Schmelmer (2022) The effects of greenfield foreign direct investment and cross‐border mergers and acquisitions on energy intensity in upper-middle income countries and low- and lower-middle income countries. Applied Economics, Vol. 54 (41), 4732-4750.
4. Herzer, D. (2022) The impact on domestic CO2 emissions of domestic government-funded clean energy R&D and of spillovers from foreign government-funded clean energy R&D. Energy Policy, Vol. 168 (September), 11312.
5. Herzer, D. (2022) The macro-level effect of religiosity on health. Health Economics, Vol. 31 (6), 993-1011.
6. Herzer, D. (2022) Semi-endogenous versus Schumpeterian growth models: a critical review of the literature and new evidence. Review of Economics, Vol. 73 (1), 1-55.
7. Herzer, D. (2022) The impact of domestic and foreign R&D on TFP in developing countries. World Development, Vol. 151 (March), 105754.
8. Herzer, D., und H. Strulik (2020) Religiosity and long-run productivity growth. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion, Vol. 1 (1), 2050001
9. Herzer, D. (2020) How does mortality affect innovative activity in the long run? World Development, Vol. 125 (1), 1-15.
10. Herzer, D. (2020) The effects of population size and age structure on innovative output: an empirical note. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 27 (10), 854-858.
11. Herzer, D. (2019) A note on the effect of religiosity on fertility. Demography, Vol. 56 (3), 991-998.
12. Herzer, D., und K. Nagel (2019) The impact of adult and non-adult mortality on development: Two centuries evidence from a panel of industrial countries. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 41 (2), 352-371.
13. Herzer, D. (2019) The long-run effect of aid on health: evidence from panel cointegration analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 51 (12), 1319-1338.
14. Donaubauer, J., D. Herzer und P. Nunnenkamp (2019) The effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict conditions: A sector-specific Analysis. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 55 (4), 720-736.
15. Herzer, D., und J. Donaubauer (2018) The long-run effect of foreign direct investment on total factor productivity in developing countries: A panel cointegration analysis. Empirical Economics, Vol. 54 (2), 309-342.
16. Herzer, D. (2018) An empirical note on the long-run relationship between education and religiosity in Christian countries. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Contributions to Macroeconomics, Vol. 18 (1), 1-8.
17. Herzer, D., und P. Hühne (2017) Is inequality an inevitable by-product of skill-biased technical change? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (18), 1346-1350.
18. Herzer, D. (2017) Refugee immigration and total factor productivity. International Economic Journal, Vol. 31 (3), 390-414.
19. Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2017) Greenfield FDI, Cross-Border M&As and Government Size. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 26 (5), 566-584.
20. Herzer, D. (2017) Life expectancy and human capital: Long-run evidence from a panel of countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (17), 1247–1250.
21. Herzer, D., und H. Strulik (2017) Religiosity and income: a panel cointegration and causality analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 49, 2017 (30), 2922-2938.
22. Herzer, D. (2017) The long-run effect of FDI on TFP in the United States. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 37 (1), 568-578.
23. Herzer, D. (2017) The long-run relationship between trade and population health: evidence from five decades. The World Economy, Vol. 40 (2), 462-487.
24. Kannen, P., Donaubauer, J., und D. Herzer, (2017) How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries? Economics Bulletin. Vol. 37 (1), 429-439.
25. Herzer, D. (2017) Foreign direct investment and total factor productivity in Bolivia. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (6), 399-403.
26. Herzer, D. (2016) Unions and income inequality: A heterogeneous panel co-integration and causality analysis. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 30 (3), 318-346.
27. Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2016) The effects of greenfield FDI and cross-border M&As on total factor productivity. The World Economy, Vol. 39 (11), 1728-1755.
28. Herzer, D. (2016) Unions and income inequality: a panel cointegration and causality analysis for the United States. Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 30 (3), 267-274
29. Nagel K., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) How does FDI affect health? International Economic Journal, Vol. 29 (4), 655-679.
30. Herzer, D., und K. Nagel (2015) The long-run and short-run effects of health aid on life expectancy. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (17), 1430-1434.
31. Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) Income inequality and health: Evidence from developed and developing countries. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Vol. 9 (4), 1-57.
32. Herzer, D. (2015) The long-run effect of trade on life expectancy in the United States: an empirical note. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (5), 416-420.
33. Herzer, D., Nowak-Lehmann D., F., S. Klasen, A. Dreher und I. Martínez-Zarzoso (2015) Comment on Lof, Mekasha, and Tarp (2014). World Development, Vol. 70 (6), 389-396.
34. Herzer, D., P. Hühne und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) FDI and income inequality – evidence from Latin American economies. Review of Development Economics, Vol. 18 (4), 597-613.
35. Donaubauer, J. D., Herzer und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) Does aid for education attract foreign investors? An empirical analysis for Latin America. European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 26 (5), 597-613.
36. Ashraf, A. und Herzer, D. (2014) The effects of greenfield investment and M&As on domestic investment in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (14), 997-1000.
37. Herzer, D. (2014) Unions and income inequality: evidence from Ireland. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (1), 24-27.
38. Herzer, D. und O. Morrissey (2013) Foreign aid and domestic output in the long-run. Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (4), 723-748.
39. Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) FDI and health in developed economies: an empirical note. Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 12 (7), 785-790.
40. Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) Private donations, government grants, commercial activities, and fundraising: Cointegration and causality for NGOs in international development cooperation. World Development, Vol. 46 (6), 234-251.
41. Nowak-Lehmann D., F., I. Martínez-Zarzoso, D. Herzer, A. Cardozo, S. Klasen (2013) Does foreign aid promote recipient exports to donor countries? Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (3), 505-535.
42. Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2013) Inward and outward FDI and income inequality: evidence from Europe. Review of World Economics, Vol. 149 (2), 395-422.
43. Herzer, D. und S. Vollmer (2013) Rising top incomes do not raise the tide. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 35 (4), 504-519.
44. Herzer, D. (2013) Cross-country heterogeneity and the trade-income relationship. World Development, Vol. 44 (4), 194-211.
45. Dreger, C., und D. Herzer (2013) A further examination of the export-led growth hypothesis. Empirical Economics, 45 (1), 39-60.
46. Herzer, D., H. Strulik und S. Vollmer (2012) The long-run determinants of fertility: one century of demographic change 1900-1999. Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 17 (4), 357-385.
47. Herzer, D., und S. Vollmer (2012) Inequality and growth: evidence from panel cointegration. Journal of Economic Inequality, Vol. 10 (4), 489-503.
48. Chintrakarn, P., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2012) FDI and income inequality: evidence from a panel of US States. Economic Inquiry, Vol. 40 (3), 788-801.
49. Herzer D. (2012) How does FDI really affect developing countries‘ growth? Review of International Economics, Vol. 20 (2), 396-414.
50. Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2012) The effect of foreign aid on income inequality: evidence from panel cointegration. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 23 (3), 245-255.
51. Chintrakarn, P., und D. Herzer (2012) More inequality, more crime? A panel cointegration analysis for the United States. Economics Letters, Vol. 116 (3), 389-391.
52. Nowak-Lehmann D., F., A. Dreher, D. Herzer, S. Klasen und I. Martínez-Zarzoso (2012) Does foreign aid really raise per-capita income? A time series perspective. Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 45 (1), 288-313.
53. Herzer D. (2012) Outward FDI, total factor productivity, and domestic output: evidence from Germany. International Economic Journal, Vol. 26 (1), 155-174.
54. Herzer, D. und M. Grimm (2012) Does foreign aid increase private investment? Evidence from panel cointegration. Applied Economics, Vol. 44 (20), 2537-2550.
55. Herzer, D. (2011) The long-run effect of outward FDI on domestic output in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18 (14), 1355-1358.
56. Herzer, D. (2011) The Long-run relationship between outward FDI and total factor productivity: evidence for developing countries. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 47 (5), 767-785.
57. Kemper, N., D. Herzer und L. Zamparelli (2011) Balanced growth and structural breaks: Evidence for Germany. Empirical Economics, Vol. 40 (2), 409-424.
58. Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Vollmer (2011) Modelling the dynamics of market shares in a pooled data setting: econometric and empirical issues. Applied Economics, Vol. 43 (7), 823-835.
59. Herzer, D. und R. Klump (2010) Poverty and government transfers in the United States. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 17 (16), 1565-1569.
60. Herzer D. (2010) Outward FDI and economic growth. Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 37 (5), 476-494.
61. Herzer D. (2009) Outward FDI and domestic output: evidence for Japan. Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 8 (12), 1167-1176.
62. Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Klasen (2009) Aid and trade – a donor’s perspective. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 45 (7), 1-19.
63. Herzer, D. und R. Klump (2009) Poverty, government transfers, and the business cycle: evidence for the United States. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 9 (2), 342-364.
64. Herzer D. (2008) The causal relationship between domestic and outward foreign investment: Evidence for Italy FDI. Applied Financial Economics Letters, Vol. 4 (5), 307-310.
65. Herzer D., S. Klasen und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2008) In search of FDI-led growth in developing countries: the way forward. Economic Modelling, Vol. 25 (5), 793-810.
66. Herzer D. (2008) The long-run relationship between outward FDI and domestic output: evidence from panel data. Economics Letters, Vol. 100 (1), 147-149.
67. Herzer D. und M. Schrooten (2008) Outward FDI and domestic investment in two industrialized countries. Economics Letters, Vol. 99 (1), 139-143.
68. Herzer, D. (2007) How does trade composition affect productivity? Evidence for Chile. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 14 (12), 909-912.
69. Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso und S. Vollmer (2007) The impact of a customs union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey`s exports to the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45 (3), 719-743.
70. Nowak-Lehmann D, F., D. Herzer und S. Vollmer (2007) The free trade agreement between Chile and the EU: its potential impact on Chile’s export industry. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Vol. 7(1), 97-120.
71. Nowak-Lehmann D., F, D. Herzer und S. Vollmer (2007) Competitividad sectorial y costes de transporte en las exportaciones de Turquía a la Unión Europea. Información Comercial Españiola, Vol. 834, 95-112.
72. Siliverstovs, B. und D. Herzer (2007) Manufacturing exports, mining exports and growth: cointegration and causality analysis for Chile (1960-2001). Applied Economics, Vol. 39 (2), 153-167.
73. Herzer, D. und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2006) Is there a long-run relationship between exports and imports in Chile? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 13 (15), 981-986.
74. Herzer, D. und F. Nowak-Lehmann D. (2006) What does export diversification do for growth? An Econometric Analysis. Applied Economics, Vol. 38 (15), 1825-1838.
75. Herzer, D., F. Nowak-Lehmann D. und B. Siliverstovs (2006) Export-led growth in Chile: assessing the role of export composition in productivity growth. The Developing Economies, Vol. 44 (3), 306-328.
76. Siliverstovs, B. und D. Herzer (2006) Export-led growth hypothesis: evidence for Chile. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 13 (5), 319-324.
77. Herzer, D. (2005) Exportdiversifizierung und Wirtschaftswachstum in Chile, eine ökonometrische Analyse. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 225 (2),163-180.
Herzer, D. (2004) Zur Problematik der theoretischen Rechtfertigung einer Exportdiversifizierungstrategie. Aussenwirtschaft, Vol. 59 (1), 51-79.
Dr. Julian Donaubauer (selected publications)
- Donaubauer, J., Neumayer, E. and Nunnenkamp, P. (forthcoming): Financial Market Development in Host and Source Countries and Its Effects on Bilateral FDI. The World Economy.
- Donaubauer, J., Herzer, D. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2019) The Effectiveness of Aid under Post-conflict Conditions: A Sector-specific Analysis. Journal of Development Studies, 55(4), 720-736.
- Donaubauer, J., Glas, A., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) Disentangling the impact of infrastructure on trade using a new index of infrastructure. Review of World Economics, 154(4), 745–784.
- Donaubauer, J. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) EU Investors versus EU States: International arbitration of investment disputes. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6), 1376-1393.
- Donaubauer, J. and Dreger, C. (2018) The End of Cheap Labour: Are Foreign Investors Leaving China? Asian Economic Papers, 17(2), 94-107.
- Donaubauer, J., Neumayer, E. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2018) Winning or Losing in Investor-to-State Dispute Resolution: The Role of Arbitrator Bias and Experience. Review of International Economics, 26, 892–916.
- Donaubauer, J. and Herzer, D. (2018) The Long-run Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Total Factor Productivity in Developing Countries: A Panel Cointegration Analysis. Empirical Economics, 54(2), 309–342.
- Donaubauer, J., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2016) Aid, Infrastructure, and FDI: Assessing the Transmission Channel with a New Index of Infrastructure. World Development, 78 (2), 230-245.
- Donaubauer, J., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2016) A New Global Index of Infrastructure: Construction, Rankings and Applications. The World Economy, 39(2), 236-259
- Donaubauer, J., Herzer, D. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Does Aid for Education Attract Foreign Investors? An Empirical Analysis for Latin America. European Journal of Development Research, 26, 597-613.
Peter Kannen
- Kannen, P. (2020) Does foreign direct investment expand the capability set in the host economy? A sectoral analysis. The World Economy, Vol. 43(2), 428-457.
- Kannen, P., Donaubauer, J., und D. Herzer, (2017) How do South-South and North-South FDI affect total factor productivity growth in developing countries? Economics Bulletin, Vol. 37 (1), 429-439.
Ayesha Ashraf
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2017) Greenfield FDI, Cross-Border M&As and Government Size. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 26 (5), 566-584.
- Ashraf, A., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2016) The effects of greenfield FDI and cross-border M&As on total factor productivity. The World Economy, Vol. 39 (11), 1728-1755.
- Ashraf, A. and Herzer, D. (2014) The effects of greenfield investment and M&As on domestic investment in developing countries. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (14), 997-100.
Korbinian Nagel
- Herzer, D., and K. Nagel (2015) The long-run and short-run effects of health aid on life expectancy. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 22 (17), 1430-1434.
- Nagel K., Herzer, D., und P. Nunnenkamp (2015) How does FDI affect health? International Economic Journal, Vol. 29 (4), 655-679.
Phillip Hühne
- Herzer, D., und P. Hühne (2017) Is inequality an inevitable by-product of skill-biased technical change? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24 (18), 1346-1350.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B., Nunnenkamp, P., und M. Roy (2016) Democracies cooperate more: even where it threatens to bite? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 23 (10/12), 812-815.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Does Aid-for-Trade from the North Promote South-South Trade? Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (17), 1230-1233.
- Hühne, P., Meyer, B. and Nunnenkamp, P. (2014) Who Benefits from Aid for Trade? Comparing the Effects on Recipient versus Donor Exports. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 50 (9), 1275-1288.
- Herzer, D., P. Hühne und P. Nunnenkamp (2014) FDI and income inequality – evidence from Latin American economies. Review of Development Economics, Vol. 18 (4), 597-613.
Peer-reviewed books and book chapters
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer
- Herzer, D. (2009) Empirical Essays in International Economics. Habilitation Thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, and S. Vollmer (2008) The role of transport costs, tariffs, and the real exchange rate in Chile’s Export trade with the EU: an augmented gravity model approach. In: Edward Shinnick (Ed.): public finance, monetary policy and market issues. INFER Research Perspectives: LIT, Berlin.
- Nowak-Lehmann D., F., D. Herzer, I. Martínez-Zarzoso, and S. Vollmer (2008) Chile’s market share in the EU Market: the role of price competition in a panel analysing setting. In: Gabriele Tondl (Ed.): Trade, integration and economic development: The EU and Latin America. Springer, Wien.
- Herzer, D. (2008) Trade, its composition and total factor productivity: cointegration evidence for Chile. In: Gabriele Tondl (Ed.): Trade, integration and economic development: The EU and Latin America. Springer, Wien.
- Herzer, D. (2006) Exportdiversifizierung und Wirtschaftswachstum – das Fallbeispiel Chile (Export diversification and economic growth – the case of Chile). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
Dr. Julian Donaubauer
- Donaubauer, J, López, A., and Ramos, D.: Trade, investment and the environment in Argentina: Is China different? In: China in Latin America: Environmental and Developmental Dimensions. (forthcoming)
Gutachtertätigkeiten und Vorträge
- Applied Economics
- Applied Financial Economics
- B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
- Canadian Journal of Economics
- Demography
- Economic Inquiry
- Economic Modelling
- Economics Bulletin
- Economics Letters
- Economics of Innovation and New Technology
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
- Empirical Economics
- European Economic Review
- Health Economics
- International Economics and Economic Policy
- International Review of Economics and Finance
- Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
- Japan and the World EconomyReview of Development Economics
- Journal of Applied Econometrics
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Development Studies
- Journal of Economic Growth
- Journal of Economic Studies
- Journal of Human Development
- Journal of Economic Inequality
- Journal of International Trade & Economic Development
- Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
- Portuguese Economic Journal
- Revista de Economía y Estadística
- Review of Development Economics
- Review of Economics
- Review of Economics and Statistics
- Review of Income and Wealth
- Review of Middle East Economics and Finance
- Review of World Economics
- Transnational Corporations
- World Development
- World Economy
Activities und Presentations
Selected conference and workshop presentations
- Economic Seminar Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Oldenburg, Juni 2015
- “Lunch Seminar in Energy, Environmental and Resource Economics” ETH Zürich: Mai 2015.
- Konferenz der Universitäten Göttingen und Hannovermit dem Titel „International Conference on Globalization and Development“: Göttingen, Mai 2015
- „Lunch-time Seminar in International Economics“ des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft: Kiel, Oktober 2014.
- Lunch Seminar der Harvard Universität, Center for Population and Development Studies: Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 2011.
- Seminar der Universität Nottingham: März 2009; Mai 2007.
- Jahrestagung der European Economic Association: Glasgow, August 2010.
- Jahrestagung der Royal Economic Society: Guildford (Surrey), März 2010; Guildford (Surrey), April 2009; Warwick, April 2007.
- Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik: Ausschuss für Entwicklungsländer: München, Juni 2013; Berlin, Juni 2011; Hannover, Juni 2010; Frankfurt am Main, Juni 2009; Zürich, Mai 2008 (Vortrag in der geschlossenen Tagung); Göttingen, Juni 2007; Berlin, Juni 2006; Kiel, Juli 2005.
- Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik: Münster, September 2015; Hamburg, September 2014; Kiel, September 2010; Magdeburg, September 2009; Graz, September 2008; Bayreuth, September 2006.
- „Göttinger Workshop Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen“: März 2011; Februar 2010; März 2009; April 2008; März 2007; März 2006; April 2005.
- Konferenz der International Society for Comparative Economic Studies (Arnoldshein Seminar): São Paulo, April 2008; Wien, August 2006.
- DIW-Konferenz „End of Year Summit“: Berlin, Dezember 2008.
- „FIW-Research Conference International Economics”: Wien, Dezember 2008.
- ZEW Summer Workshop zum Thema “The Economics of Information and Communication Technologies: A European and International Perspective”: Mannheim, Juni 2007.
- Weltkongress der International Economic Association: Istanbul, Juni 2008.
- Konferenz der Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaftenin Deutschland: Frankfurt am Main, Juli 2006.
- Konferenz zum Thema “Geography, Institutions, Technology and Economic Convergence der School of Business, Economics, and Law” and der Universität Göteborg: Göteborg, Juni 2006.
- „EcoMod International Conference on Policy Modelling”: Istanbul, Juni 2005.
- Jahrestagung der Business Association of Latin America Studies (BALAS): Madrid, Mai 2005.
- Fünfter „Hallescher Makroökonometrischer Workshop“ des IWH: Halle, Dezember 2004.
- Akademische Konferenz zum Thema “Trade, Aid, FDI and International Migration” des European Development Networks (EUDN): Paris, November 2004.
„Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity'“
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity‘
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’2
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’3
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’4
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’5
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’6
Data for the study entitled ‚Refugee immigration and total factor productivity’7
Working Paper
Letzte Änderung: 11. April 2024