Evaluation of Teacher Training


5. March 2025

“Quality Development of Schools in the Immigration Society: Qualification for Intercultural Coordination 2012–2014”

📌 Project Lead: Mechtild Gomolla, Ellen Kollender, Janina Pohle, Gesa Schütt, Dorothee Schwendowius, Susanne Timm, Elisabeth Weller, and Nora Weuster
📌 In collaboration with: Vanessa Englert and Diana Lange

Project Description

The State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development in Hamburg, in cooperation with the project “Consultation, Qualification, Migration”, offered a one-year training program for teachers in the 2012/2013 school year. The goal was to make school staffing, work structures, and organizational culture more responsive to increasing heterogeneity.

The trained teachers were expected to act as “change agents”, applying their intercultural expertise to school development processes in twenty Hamburg schools. They were trained in fundamental fields of intercultural school development at three levels:
Curriculum and instruction
Organizational development
Human resource development

A key component of the training was the Anti-Bias approach, which raises awareness of prejudice and discrimination.

Evaluation Questions

The evaluation focused on two key areas:

1️⃣ Participants, Program, and Process

  • Teachers’ motivations and expectations
  • Satisfaction with the training program
  • Perceived benefits for their current role as teachers and intercultural coordinators

2️⃣ School-Based Change Processes

  • The extent to which the training enabled participants to initiate change within educational development
  • Supporting factors and barriers in achieving the intended goals