Teaching and Study

Our areas of interest and research focus also form the foundation of our teaching offerings in the field of Educational Science and Pedagogy in the Bachelor’s program (especially in Module 05001: Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation in vergleichender und interkultureller Perspektive / Education, Learning, and Socialization in Comparative and Intercultural Perspective) and in the subsequent Master’s program (especially in Module 10001: Bildung, Staat und Gesellschaft in internationaler und interkultureller Perspektive / Education, State, and Society in an International and Intercultural Perspective), as well as in the interdisciplinary study components (ISA).


Fall Trimester 2023

MA Modul BuErz 10001 Erziehung, Staat und Gesellschaft im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, state and society in the context of globalisation and migration processes

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakács -Behling:

Schule jenseits des Nationalstaates: Makro- und Mesoperspektiven auf die formale Bildung / School beyond the Nation State: Macro and Meso Perspectives on Formal Education

Course Number: 12.1005 | Module: BuErZ 10001 | Mondays 09.45-11.15

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakacs-Behling:

Schule jenseits des Nationalstaates: Makro- und Mesoperspektiven auf die formale Bildung / School beyond the Nation State: Macro and Meso Perspectives on Formal Education

Course Number: 12.1006 | Modul: BuErZ 10001 | Mondays 11.30-13.00

Gizem Irmak Sel:

Pedagogy of Care: Diversity and Inequality in Transnational Care Context

Course Number: 121007 | Module: BuErZ 10001 | Tuesdays 15.45-17.15

Gizem Irmak Sel:

Pedagogy of Care: Diversity and Inequality in Transnational Care Context

Course Number: 121008 | Module: BuErZ 10001 | Tuesdays 17.30-19.00

Spring Trimester 2023

BA Module BuErz 03001 Wissenschaftstheoretische, geistes-und erfahrungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Erziehungswissenschaft / Epistemological, humanistic, and empirical foundations of educational science

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakács -Behling:

Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Ansätze der Erziehungswissenschaft: Comparative and Historical Educational Media Research-Methodological Approaches and their Application

Course number: 12.305| Module: BuErZ 03001 | Tuesdays 17.30-19.00

BA Module BuErz 05001 Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, Learning, and Socialization in the Context of Globalization and Migration Processes

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakacs-Behling:

Bildungssysteme & Sozialisationsinstanzen im innerstaatlichen und internationalen Vergleich: Vergleichende Bildungsforschung am Wendepunkt. Geschichte, methodologisches Instrumentarium und aktuelle theoretische Debatten / Educational Systems & Socialization Agents in Domestic and International Comparison: Comparative Educational Research at a Turning Point. History, Methodological Tools, and Current Theoretical Debates

Course number: 12.603| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Wednesdays 11.30-13.00

Bildungssysteme & Sozialisationsinstanzen im innerstaatlichen und internationalen Vergleich: Vergleichende Bildungsforschung am Wendepunkt. Geschichte, methodologisches Instrumentarium und aktuelle theoretische Debatten / Educational Systems & Socialization Agents in Domestic and International Comparison: Comparative Educational Research at a Turning Point. History, Methodological Tools, and Current Theoretical Debates

Course number: 12.604| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Tuesdays 14.00-15.30

Dr. Susann Hofbauer :

Bildungssysteme und Sozialisationsinstanzen im innerstaatlichen und internationalen Vergleich: Bildung nach PISA / Educational Systems and Socialization Agents in Domestic and International Comparison: Education According to PISA

Course number: 12.601| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Mondays 14.00-15.30

Bildungssysteme und Sozialisationsinstanzen im innerstaatlichen und internationalen Vergleich: Bildung nach PISA / Educational Systems and Socialization Agents in Domestic and International Comparison: Education According to PISA

Course number: 12.602| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Mondays 15.45-17.15

Winter Trimester 2023

BA Modul BuErz 05001 Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, Learning, and Socialization in the Context of Globalization and Migration Processes

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakacs-Behling:

Migration und Bildung in Forschung und Praxis: Schlüsselbegriffe, Debatten, Beispiele / Migration and Education in Research and Practice: Key Concepts, Debates, Examples

Course number: 12.507| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Thursdays 9.00-10.30

Migration und Bildung in Forschung und Praxis: Schlüsselbegriffe, Debatten, Beispiele / Migration and Education in Research and Practice: Key Concepts, Debates, Examples

Course number: 12.508| Module: BuErZ 05001 | Thursdays 10.45-12.15

Dr. Aysun Dogmus:  

Rassismuskritische Professionalisierung in Schulentwicklungsprozessen / Racism critical professionalisation in school development processes

Course number: 12.506 | Module: BuErZ 05001 | Mondays 15.45-17.15

Rassismuskritische Professionalisierung in Schulentwicklungsprozessen / Racism critical professionalisation in school development processes

Course number: 12.509 | Module: BuErZ 05001 | Mondays 17.30-19.00

MA Modul BuErz 10001 Erziehung, Staat und Gesellschaft im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen /Education, state and society in the context of globalisation and migration processes

Deputy Professor Dr. Simona Szakacs-Behling:

Bildungsbiographien, Sozialisation und Ungleichheit im Kontext von (Trans-)Migration / Educational biographies, socialisation and inequality in the context of (trans)migration

Course number: 12.1102 | Module: BuErZ 10001 | Wednesdays 11.30-13.00

Lisa M. Rosen:

Diversitätssensible Hochschulentwicklung im Kontext transnationaler Bildungsreformen: Historische Perspektiven, theoretische Grundlagen und aktuelle Diskurse / Diversity-sensitive higher education development in the context of transnational education reforms: Historical Perspectives, Theoretical Foundations and Current Discourses

Course number: 12.1103| Module: BuErZ 10001 | Wednesdays 11.30-13.00

Fall Trimester 2022

BA Modul BuErz 05001 Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, Learning, and Socialization in the Context of Globalization and Migration Processes

Aslı Polatdemir (M.A.) (Lectureship of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences):

Anti-Feminismus: Kritische Betrachtung der aktuellen (transnationalen) Debatten / Anti-Feminism: Critical examination of current (transnational) debates (online seminar)
Module: BuErz 05001 | Date and time: 11.04.2022 10:00-13:00; 29.04.2022 15:30-18:30;
30.04.2022 10:00-17:00; 06.05.2022 15:30-18:30; 07.05.2022 10:00-13:00

Dr.in Janina M. Vernal Schmidt (Lectureship of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences):

Difference and Discrimination – Critique and Reflexivity in Migration Relations? ( Presence seminar)
Module: BuErz 05001 | Date and Time: 11.4.22 10-11:30; 29.4.22 15:30-18:30; 02.05.22 10:00-12:00; 13.05.22 15:30-18:30; 16.05.22 10:00-12:00; 10.06.22 15:30-18:30; 13.06.22 10:00-12:00; 27.06.22 10:00-11:30 (all dates s.t.)

Winter Trimester 2022

BA Modul BuErz 05001 Erziehung, Bildung und Sozialisation im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, Learning, and Socialization in the Context of Globalization and Migration Processes

Professor Dr. Mechtild Gomolla:

Bildung in der (Post-)Migrationsgesellschaft: Historischer Hintergrund, aktuelle Entwicklungen, Problemfelder und Diskurse / Education in the (Post-)Migration Society: Historical Background, Current Developments, Problem Areas and Discourses
Course number: 12507 | Module: BuErz 05001 | Mondays: 12.00 – 13.30

Professor Dr. Mechtild Gomolla:

Bildung in der (Post-)Migrationsgesellschaft: Historischer Hintergrund, aktuelle Entwicklungen, Problemfelder und Diskurse / Education in the (Post-)Migration Society: Historical Background, Current Developments, Problem Areas and Discourses
Course number: 12506 | Module: BuErz 05001 | Mondays: 14.00 – 15.30

MA Modul BuErz 10001 Erziehung, Staat und Gesellschaft im Kontext von Globalisierungs- und Migrationsprozessen / Education, state and society in the context of globalisation and migration processes

Dr. Ellen Kollender:

Struktureller Rassismus – was ist das eigentlich und wie artikuliert er sich in staatlichen (Bildungs-)Institutionen? Theorien und Analysen / Structural racism – what is it actually and how is it articulated in state (educational) institutions? Theories and analyses
Course number: 121005 | Module: BuErz 10001 | Tuesdays: 18.00 – 19.30

Dr. Aysun Doğmuş:

Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung in Migrationsverhältnissen / Professionalisation and school development in migration situations
Course number: 121008 | Module: BuErz 10001 | Wednesdays: 10.00 – 11.30

Professor Dr. Mechtild Gomolla:

Bildungsgerechtigkeit in der (Post-)Migrationsgesellschaft: Philosophische Zugänge, aktuelle Diskurse, empirische Zugänge und Interventionsmöglichkeiten / Educational justice in the (post-)migration society: philosophical approaches, current discourses, empirical approaches and possibilities for intervention
Course number: 121.101 | Module: BuErz 10001 | Wednesdays: 12.00 – 13.30

Modul interdisziplinären Studienanteilen / Module Interdisciplinary Studies (ISA)

Dr. Ellen Kollender:

Rassismus und Rechtsextremismus als Herausforderungen für (außer-)schulische Bildungsprozesse / Racism and right-wing extremism as challenges for (extra-)school educational processes
Course number: 12101 | Module: ISA | Mondays: 16.00 – 17.30

Information for students

Hints and Recommendations for Academic Work (A Guide)

Guidelines for Submitting Term Papers

  • Submit your term paper punctually and in the specified format to Mrs. Voß in building H4, room 118, or use the mailbox located in the corridor. Ensure that you include a complete cover sheet and a declaration of academic integrity!
  • Additionally, provide a digital copy of your term paper to Ms. Voß ([email protected]) for plagiarism detection. Important: To uphold data protection, the author’s name should not be present in the document! Consequently, always forward the digital version of the term paper to Ms. Voß without a cover sheet and declaration

Volunteer Mentors for KinderHelden Wanted!

In the KinderHelden project, educational opportunities are enhanced through encouragement and attention in a 1:1 mentoring setup, starting from elementary school age. Further information about the project can be found here and in this video.

Bachelor’s and Master’s theses

Bachelor’s and master’s theses supervised at the professorship

Doctoral Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium usually takes place once per trimester (three times a year) as a one-day intensive session at Helmut Schmidt University. During these sessions, current dissertation projects related to the research and teaching areas of the professorship are presented and discussed. Doctoral candidates and those interested in pursuing a doctorate are warmly invited to attend. Contact: Lisa M. Rosen [email protected]


Letzte Änderung: 27. September 2023