Stephanie Jänsch

In February 2021 I started my PhD-project within the graduate school “Democratsing Security in Turbulent Times”(see below). Previously I worked as a research associate in the OSAIC sub-project ‘Management of Interface Conflicts in African Security Governance’ at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg. I hold an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in “Culture and Society of Africa” from the University of Bayreuth and a master’s degree in “Political Science” from the University of Hamburg. Inspired by these studies my main research interests include contemporary peacebuilding dynamics in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Eastern Africa. Recently, I chose to focus on practices of contestation within international peacebuilding, which I approach through an ethnographic lense and other interpretative research methods.
PhD Project:
My current research centres on protest, activism and other practices of resistance against UN peacebuilding as crucial – yet academically overlooked – phenomena in the relational field of international peacebuilding. Focussing on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), my research will map out how trans-local actors, including the Congolese diaspora, have constructed knowledge about the “United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo” (MONUSCO) against the backdrop of lived experiences and other forms of knowing. I am intersted in how this knowledge, in turn, has found and continues to find manifestation in different forms of protest/resistance. In order to pay tribute to the diversity of lived experiences and perspective, I am conducting a multi-sited ethnography including digital spaces such as Twitter, physical localities such as Kinshasa and Goma as well as their relational interconnections. In a second step, I seek to understand the ways in which these practices have fed into processes of politicization – and perhaps democratisation – of international peacebuilding.
10/2016 – 04/2020 Master Political Science (University of Hamburg)
Specialisation: International Political Theory
03/2019: Research Trip to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
Master Thesis: „Exploring Motivations behind Tanzania‘s Diplomatic Interpretation of Non-Indifference in Somalia”
10/2012 – 03/2016 – Bachelor „Culture and Society of Africa”
Specialisation: Africa in the World – History and Religion
- African agency in peace and security, critical norm research and postcolonial critique in International Relations
- African peace and security, peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Africa, Global South agencies, norm research in international relations
Jänsch, Stephanie (2023). ‘Hope, struggles and the call for true leadership. In the upcoming elections, the Congolese are driven by the wish for a leader whose love for their country will spurt political action’. International Politics and Society.
Traduction francaise
Jänsch, Stephanie (2023). ‘MONUSCO im Ostkongo: Ein umstrittener Verfechter der Menschenrechte?’. Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V.,
Jänsch, Stephanie (2023). ‘Regional Solutions to Regional Problems? Protests in the DRC Highlight the Challenges of Regional Military Peace Operations’. Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)-Blog,
Traduction française
Jänsch, Stephanie (2023). ‘It is clear that Congolese people are against MONUSCO’. International Politics and Society,
Traduction française
Tafsiri ya Kiswahili
Jänsch, Stephanie (2021). Understanding African Agency in Peace and Security: Tanzania’s Implementation of “Non-Indifference” in Somalia. Africa Spectrum, 56(3), 274–292.
Jänsch, Stephanie. Review of Regionale Integration. Erklärungsansätze und Analysen zu den wichtigsten Integrationszusammenschlüssen in der Welt, by Andreas Grimmel and Cord Jakobeit, Politik 100×100,
Jänsch, Stephanie. Review of Der Islam, die Rolle Europas und die Flüchtlingsfrage. Islamische Gesellschaften und der Aufstieg Europas in Geschichte und Gegenwart, by Rainer Tetzlaff. Sicherheit und Frieden S+F 34, no. 3 (2016): 229-230.“
Letzte Änderung: 14. Januar 2025