Publikationen Clément


Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2018. Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn. London/New York: : Palgrave Macmillan.

– Rezension / Review: Yorke, C. 2018. Researching emotions in International Relations: Methodological perspectives on the emotional turn, International Affairs, 94 (3): 657–658. Available at:

Lindemann, T., Clément M. (eds.), 2015. Introduction : Les politiques de prévention des guerres dans les crises internationales. Dynamiques Internationales 10: 1-18. (special issue)


Clément, M., Lindemann T., Sangar, E., 2017. The „Hero-Protector Narrative“: Manufacturing Emotional Consent for the Use of Force. Political Psychology. Available online in early view at:

Lindemann, T., Clément M., 2015. Introduction : Les politiques de prévention des guerres dans les crises internationales. Dynamiques Internationales 10: 1-18.

Clément, M., 2014. Al-Muhajiroun in the United Kingdom: The Role of International Non-Recognition in Heightened Radicalization Dynamics. Global Discourse 4(4): 428-443.

— Rezension / Review: Jarvis, L., 2014. Terrorism, Discourse and Analysis Thereof: A Reply to Clément, Global Discourse 4(4): 444-445.

Beiträge in Sammelbänden

Sangar, E., Clément, M. and T. Lindemann, 2018. Of Heroes and Cowards: A Computer-Based Analysis of Narratives Justifying the Use of Force, in Clément, M., Sangar, E. (eds) Researching Emotions in International Relations. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2018. Introduction: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities for the Study of Emotions, in Clément, M., Sangar, E. (eds) Researching Emotions in International Relations. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Clément, M. 2016. Zwischen Banalisierung und Dramatisierung. Zum Medialen Diskurs über Salafismus in Frankreich, in J.Biene und J.Junk (eds.), Salafismus und Dschihadismus in Deutschland. Herausforderungen für Politik und Gesellschaft, Epubli: Frankfurt/Main, p. 91-98.

Konferenzbeiträge (Auswahl)

2017. Collective Emotions and Political violence: Sketching a new research agenda on radicalization, 5te IB-Sektionstagung der DVPW, Bremen (4-6 November)

2017. Leiterin der Sektion 63 „Towards a Typology of Asymmetrical Recognition in International Relations“, Conference of the French Political Science Association Montpellier (10-12 Juli)

2016. Radically emotional? On researching collective emotions in radicalization processes. Konferenz „Ist der neue Terrorismus von gestern?“, Max-Planck-Institut Halle (13-14 Oktober)

2016. Roundtable IR’s Emotions: Critically Exploring Emotional Methodologies, Annual conference of the British International Studies Association, Edinburgh (15-17 Juni)

2015. Bin Laden, Bush, Hollywood Storylines and the War in Iraq: Identifying a Common Narrative Script in the Legitimization of Violence (with T. Lindemann and E. Sangar), 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations “The Worlds of Violence”, Giardini-Naxos (23-26 September).

2015. Telling them how they should feel: Emotional framing in Islamist groups´ discourses, Young Researchers´ Workshop “IR’s feelings”, University of Catania (22 September).

2015. Emotions in the contemporary narratives of Western European Islamist groups. Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute on “Emotions in Late Modern Societies: Persons, Politics, and Social Practices”, University of Minnesota and Viadrina University, Frankfurt/Oder (19-31 July).

2015. Mobilizing or Evacuating Emotions? The Strategic Use of Affect by Western European Islamist Groups. 56th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans (18-21 February).

2014. Reordering the World: Borders and Normative Orders in Violent Islamic Groups’ Discourses. 5te Annual Graduate Conference of the Cluster of Excellence “Normative Orders”, Frankfurt am Main (28-29 November).

2013. Radicalisation violente islamique : le rôle des émotions dans le nexus non-respect – propension à la mobilisation violente, 12th Conference of the French Political Science Association. Online:


Letzte Änderung: 10. Dezember 2024