Publikationen Alexandra M. Friede

Friede, A. M. (2024). „Security, first of all, begins at home“: How Finland, Latvia, and Germany prepare „ordinary people“ for crises. European Policy Analysis, 1–24.

Friede, A. M. (2024). Wie wir wehrhaft werden: Zu den Grenzen der Freiwilligkeit in Zeiten des Krieges. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 47-48/2024, 11-16.

Alexandra M. Friede (2022): In defence of the Baltic Sea region: (non-)allied policy responses to the exogenous shock of the Ukraine crisis, European Security, 31(4), 517-539, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2022.2031990

Friede, Alexandra M. (2021): Review of “How high? The future of European naval power and the high-end challenge” by Jeremy Stöhs, Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies, 14(2), 235-236. 

Friede, Alexandra M. & Schaal, Gary S. (2021): Germany’s emergence as a Baltic Sea security provider, in: Nikers, Olevs & Tabuns, Otto (eds.) „Baltic Sea security. Regional and sectoral perspectives“, Jamestown Foundation, Washington DC, 24-27.

Baciu, Cornelia-Adriana & Friede, Alexandra M. (2020): Towards an alternative vision of power: a scenario-based analysis on the EU’s CFSP/CSDP in 2030, New Perspectives, 28(3), 398–412.

Lazarou, E., Dobreva, Friede, A., Immenkamp, B., Perchoc, P., Pichon, E., Zamfir, I. (2018): Peace and Security in 2018. Overview of EU Action and Outlook for the Future, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). PDF

Lazarou, E. und Alexandra M. Friede (2018): Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). Beyond Establishment, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). PDF

Friede, Alexandra M. (2017): The Human Dimension of 21st century Diplomacy. Individual Perceptions of Change and Continuity within the German Federal Foreign Office, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP). PDF


Letzte Änderung: 14. Februar 2025