Welcome to the homepage of the Chair for International Security and Conflict Studies!
The research interests of Professor Anna Geis and her team include critical security studies, security governance, international political theory, democracies’ foreign and security policy, the liberal world order and its challenges. For detailed information, please consult research or the individual pages of the team members.
On 7 October 2024, Christian Opitz started a six-week research visit with the Democratic Innovations Research Group, led by Prof. Paulina Pospieszna, at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. During his stay, he aims to deepen the understanding of democratic innovations in Poland, focusing on this case as part of the DFG-funded research project on dialogue and participation processes in foreign and security policy.
The Study Commission of the German Parliament on lessons from Afghanistan for Germany’s comprehensive international engagement in the future has published its final report on 27 January 2025. It has published its interim report (352 pages) on 19 February 2024. Both reports and other documents of the committee work can be found here. Professor Anna Geis was a permanent expert in this committee.
New publications:
Anna Geis/Nicole Deitelhoff/Carlo Masala (eds.) 2024: Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und die Internationalen Beziehungen, Special Issue of Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Beziehungen, 31: 2.
Christian Opitz/Hanna Pfeifer/ Anna Geis 2024: Kontrollierte Politisierung: Bürgerdialoge im Rahmen der Entwicklung der ersten Nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie in Deutschland, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11615-024-00548-9. Open Access.
Christian Opitz 2024: Democratic innovations beyond the deliberative paradigm: a re-conceptualization based on Luhmann’s systems theory, in: Democratization. Open access.
Christian Opitz 2024: Democratic Innovations Administered: The Organisational Embeddedness of Public Administrators’ Attitudes Towards Participatory Policy Making, in: Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 20: 1. Open access
News from research:
The DFG-funded research project “Recasting the role of citizens in foreign and security policy?” has a new website. For information, publications and further reading on the project, please visit citizens-in-foreign-policy.com.
Prof. Dr. Anna Geis:
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