Internationale Tagung des Hamburger Forschungsverbunds „Standards Guter Arbeit“: „The ‚Betrieb‘ (organziation, firm, firms establishment …) as corporate actor – a theoretical and empirical challenge“ am 29. und 30.04.2021 an der Helmut Schmidt Universität


20. August 2020

With our workshop (program), we aim to discuss the following topics and share ideas and concepts on how to treat these problems in our research. The notion of corporate actor appeals to (a) the sociological and political analysis of organizations, (b) the concept of the legal person’s rights to make decisions and take action, (c) the normative problem of whether establishments should be seen as ends from a welfare-economic perspective or merely as means of individual actors, and (d) the methodological need to differentiate between the unit of analysis and the survey unit.


Answers to all these questions also have to be considered under the current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The conference is scheduled for April 29-30, 2021 at Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg. Despite the Covid-19 situation, we are confident that the event can take place next year. Nevertheless,  we will provide a livestream and are prepared to host it online if necessary.

For further information, please visit our website: